First, Let's Piss Off The Police

Sorry, but that is wrong.
The law is that you are required to avoid confrontations, retreat if possible, not to escalate to a higher level of force than what you are threatened by, and to use all possible warnings before using any potentially deadly force.
So yes, the attacker need be armed before you are justified in using deadly force.
Even if the attacker is twice your size, has a club or knife, if you fire a shot into the ground, they will retreat.
So if you instead surprise them with a deadly shot, that is 2nd degree murder.

And the police are LESS justified in using deadly force for many reasons. One is that they are large, strong, and well trained in hand to hand defense. Another is that they have multiple less than lethal choices, like tazer, club, pepper spray, etc. And finally, there is the fact no one attacks police. The only time anyone harms police, it is by accident, as they are just trying to get away.

While it probably true that if people obeyed all police orders, they would not be murdered by police, but most police orders are at least suspect, if not totally illegal. Such as pulling drivers over for having an airfreshner hanging from their mirror, or shooting a driver who simply went to the other side of the car to comfort a frightened infant.
Police are totally out of control and have no idea what the law really is.
For example, it is totally illegal for them to point guns at anyone who does not obviously have a weapon.
They can draw, (even though that is rude and reckless), but legally then can NOT point.
And you are NOT under police custody with a stop, so police really have no authority to order anything other then to see your papers.
If the courts were not corrupt, all the police would be in jail.
in my state you blow the mother fucker away at the slightest idea of a threat,,
But it's like that in a lot of places, especially where the crime is. Do you really think this great country was built by running away?

Satan's disciples are those that promote evil. Move against the people that are supposed to help fight evil then yes, you are doing his work. It's the people that want a disarmed society so more crime can take place. It's the people that want open borders where dangerous drugs are entering our country now killing over 100,000 Americans a year. It's the people that want to indoctrinate pre-pubic children in school with their filthy sexual preferences and teach them to feel guilty because of the color of their skin. All Satan's work.

The high drug use, related deaths, shootings, etc., are all entirely due to the police.
Just like with Prohibition of alcohol, the War on Drugs is responsible for the majority of the crime in this society.
It entices the poor with high profits, forces them to use cash instead of credit, checks, or banks, and causes turf wars.
If not for the War on Drugs, then drugs could be tested for risk and deaths would drop to 0.
in my state you blow the mother fucker away at the slightest idea of a threat,,

That is not true in any state.
I have gone through the CCW permit testing process in MANY states, and you can never escalate.
The only exception is when it is your home you are defending.
If someone is trying to punch you, that is not a deadly threat, and can easily be ended by just brandishing.
Actually murdering someone can never be justified if they do not have a firearm as well.
Even if they have a club or knife, you can't murder them with your firearm, because obviously is it not necessary.
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That is not true in any state.
I have gone through the CCW permit testing process, and you can never escalate.
The only exception is when it is your home you are defending.
If someone is trying to punch you, that is not a deadly threat, and can easily be ended by just brandishing.
Actually murdering someone can never be justified if they do not have a firearm as well.
Even if they have a club or knife, you can't murder them with your firearm, because obviously is it not necessary.
castle doctrine law overrides CCW training,,
the problem is both,,,
I've seen many cops become abusive and violent when the person didnt do any more than stand for their rights,,

You don't challenge a police officer on the street. If you have a problem with an officer, you just do what he tells you to do. If you think he acted out of line, you can take the issue to his supervisor, you can take the issue up with the state if it's a highway trooper, you can take the issue up with the Mayor if it's a city cop, or the county if it's a Sheriff deputy, you can consult your lawyer, but you don't challenge the officer on the street.

I had to interact with state troopers all the time as a truck driver. They would pull you over just to inspect your truck. When it first happened to me, I felt it was a violation of my fourth Amendment rights. He went into my trailer to look around, under the trailer to inspect, made me show him all my paperwork, and when I asked him why he stopped me, he replied because he felt like it.

Now, this would never happen to anybody in their car, so I looked it up. A federal court ruled that it's not a violation for an officer to inspect me up and down for no reason because we operate under federal guidelines. In other words, truck drivers have no constitutional rights. Since I have no law degree, I didn't argue with the officer. I just did as he said and researched the matter before I went to the next step. I found out I was wrong.
You don't challenge a police officer on the street. If you have a problem with an officer, you just do what he tells you to do. If you think he acted out of line, you can take the issue to his supervisor, you can take the issue up with the state if it's a highway trooper, you can take the issue up with the Mayor if it's a city cop, or the county if it's a Sheriff deputy, you can consult your lawyer, but you don't challenge the officer on the street.

I had to interact with state troopers all the time as a truck driver. They would pull you over just to inspect your truck. When it first happened to me, I felt it was a violation of my fourth Amendment rights. He went into my trailer to look around, under the trailer to inspect, made me show him all my paperwork, and when I asked him why he stopped me, he replied because he felt like it.

Now, this would never happen to anybody in their car, so I looked it up. A federal court ruled that it's not a violation for an officer to inspect me up and down for no reason because we operate under federal guidelines. In other words, truck drivers have no constitutional rights. Since I have no law degree, I didn't argue with the officer. I just did as he said and researched the matter before I went to the next step. I found out I was wrong.
so if a cop is violating your rights when youve done nothing wrong you should just bow down and let them do it??

fuck that thats for pussies and useful idiots,,
Mistakes happen and people die. Are you going to start charging people for murder every time a mistake is made and someone dies? How about a traffic accident where you were negligent and someone died but you weren't drunk etc. Someone just died because you pulled out in front of them when you shouldn't have. The wokeness has got to stop.

But a car accident is from things like snow reducing traction, etc.
When someone pulls a trigger and kills someone, that is not an accident.
That is not true in any state.
I have gone through the CCW permit testing process in MANY states, and you can never escalate.
The only exception is when it is your home you are defending.
If someone is trying to punch you, that is not a deadly threat, and can easily be ended by just brandishing.
Actually murdering someone can never be justified if they do not have a firearm as well.
Even if they have a club or knife, you can't murder them with your firearm, because obviously is it not necessary.

You must have been sleeping during class. I'm a CCW holder and our laws reflect most laws in other states. You can use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. A 20 year old punching another 20 year old will most likely not result in serious bodily harm or death, but a 20 year old hitting a 80 year old could, and that would justify the 80 year old to use deadly force.
Which is why those officers are held accountable if they use deadly force against a person not a threat to them. The problem is not the police, the problem are the people they need to interact with. Freeze means don't move. Freeze does not mean quickly pull your hand out of your jacket pocket, pull out your cell phone in the dark, quickly turn around towards an officer. Freeze means stop and don't move a muscle.

Yes, those days are done, and that's why violent crime is increasing in this country. Congrats. You got what you want. But just remember that when something happens to you.

But 'freeze" is not a valid or legal order.
Again, crime is decreasing, not increasing, and it is the police who cause most crime.
The crime spikes coincide with Prohibition and the War on Drugs.
so if a cop is violating your rights when youve done nothing wrong you should just bow down and let them do it??

fuck that thats for pussies and useful idiots,,

No, you can fight with the cop, get arrested, and found guilty in a court of law. The federal courts decide what is constitutional and not constitutional, not you or I.
No, you can fight with the cop, get arrested, and found guilty in a court of law. The federal courts decide what is constitutional and not constitutional, not you or I.
so if a cop kicks your door in and starts beating you while another search your house without a warrant you should lay down like a pussy and let them do it??
But 'freeze" is not a valid or legal order.
Again, crime is decreasing, not increasing, and it is the police who cause most crime.
The crime spikes coincide with Prohibition and the War on Drugs.

Oh don't start that war on drugs bullshit again with me. Police only enforce laws, not make them. If you have a problem with the laws, you don't address the officer, you address your representatives that make the laws.
so if a cop kicks your door in and starts beating you while another search your house without a warrant you should lay down like a pussy and let them do it??

No because that's a felonious assault and you have the right to defend yourself. A police officer cannot break into your home without a warrant or reasonable suspicion.
As I said, let's piss off the police and the medical professionals enough where crime rises, and care is hard to come by.
Crime is definitely rising in the country. We have no shortage of police here. I was at a ceremony 3 weeks ago, where they added 10 more, my son's significant other, among them. I expect she will do fine. My son is one of the medical professionals at the largest ER between Memphis and Nashville. He is fine already. He is not pissed off. I suppose it may be different in the big urban metropolitan ant hills, I chose against raising my family in. Good luck to all those that chose poorly.
No because that's a felonious assault and you have the right to defend yourself. A police officer cannot break into your home without a warrant or reasonable suspicion.
theyre not supposed to but some do everyday,,

and thats only one example,, most times the cops dont even know the laws they are trying to enforce,,

you should watch some of the 1st amendment auditors on youtube
You must have been sleeping during class. I'm a CCW holder and our laws reflect most laws in other states. You can use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. A 20 year old punching another 20 year old will most likely not result in serious bodily harm or death, but a 20 year old hitting a 80 year old could, and that would justify the 80 year old to use deadly force.

Except that the attacker can easily be defended against without murdering them.
Brandishing is all that is necessary in almost every case.
The only time you actually have to shoot someone is if they also are armed, because then you can't wait to see if they back down.
Except that the attacker can easily be defended against without murdering them.
Brandishing is all that is necessary in almost every case.
The only time you actually have to shoot someone is if they also are armed, because then you can't wait to see if they back down.
brandishing is illegal,,

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