First, Let's Piss Off The Police

Well, kind of figured a family thing, so totally understand that. It is a big reason, dad moved us to TN, to be closer to his parents in their old age. Sorry to hear about the CA. Good luck with it. Understand about relationships with long term tenants. The only part of that I see personally is the increases in the short term leases we do on vacation.
I would like to leave you with this, though. You are relatively conservative in nature, but I would not want you thinking the whole country is going to hell on donkey back. It varies from place to place and many places in the heartland have not lost control locally and are doing fine, for the most part, even with inflation (and I don't claim to know how long that will last) but it will not last forever, no matter who is in office.

Thank you for your wishes. Who we elect does steer our direction. Biden and the Democrats are borrowing money left and right for their political agenda, and the last bill they signed paid people more to stay home than work. Employers had to up their offerings to compete against government and of course, pass those costs to us, the consumer.

His war on energy is also very costly to businesses and transportation costs extremely high since all fuel generally increases proportionally. As a truck driver I can't tell you how much it used to cost to fill up my day cab. City and highway, I only got 6.5 miles per gallon and again, that cost has to be paid for by industry.

I say we are in for a long ride until we get rid of Biden and weaken the Democrat party. With them it's party first--country second. His next budget proposal is over 5 trillion dollars. The more phony money we print, the lower the value of the dollar and the higher inflation we will get. I won't even go into interest rate increases.
Thank you for your wishes. Who we elect does steer our direction. Biden and the Democrats are borrowing money left and right for their political agenda, and the last bill they signed paid people more to stay home than work. Employers had to up their offerings to compete against government and of course, pass those costs to us, the consumer.

His war on energy is also very costly to businesses and transportation costs extremely high since all fuel generally increases proportionally. As a truck driver I can't tell you how much it used to cost to fill up my day cab. City and highway, I only got 6.5 miles per gallon and again, that cost has to be paid for by industry.

I say we are in for a long ride until we get rid of Biden and weaken the Democrat party. With them it's party first--country second. His next budget proposal is over 5 trillion dollars. The more phony money we print, the lower the value of the dollar and the higher inflation we will get. I won't even go into interest rate increases.
the republican party isnt much different,, theyve spent decades funding and protecting the democrat agenda when they werent sitting on their hands,,
And you sound like a clear liar.

You can play tough guy on the internet but your statements have no connections with reality.

Not being an idiot in the face of overwhelming force has nothing to do with being a 'pussy' or a 'tough guy.'
liar about what?? I provided video evidence and you havent refuted anything I said,,
Is getting yourself shot and killed the solution?

Because when someone points a gun at you, you should be more concerned with surviving the encounter than the legality of it. I will deal with the legality after.

I studied martial arts all the way up to black belt. Nobody is bigger than a gun. The person with the gun is in command.
liar about what?? I provided video evidence and you havent refuted anything I said,,
Your 'tough guy' bullshit and calling anyone a 'pussy' who does not buy into the fact you should be fighting the cops any time you encounter them. We know what people that actually act like you claim to end up as.

That is what Floyd was.
They were more abusive to the bad guys. At one time criminals feared police. Not anymore these days.
They were more abusive universally. Cops assume from the get go that everyone is a bad guy.

Cameras should have been made mandatory for all police actions decades ago. They are still not nearly prevalent enough and cops are not held to account as they should be.
Your 'tough guy' bullshit and calling anyone a 'pussy' who does not buy into the fact you should be fighting the cops any time you encounter them. We know what people that actually act like you claim to end up as.

That is what Floyd was.
fighting them doesnt always mean a physical fight,,

only a pussy sits down and allows himself to be abused by authority,,
Thank you for your wishes. Who we elect does steer our direction. Biden and the Democrats are borrowing money left and right for their political agenda, and the last bill they signed paid people more to stay home than work. Employers had to up their offerings to compete against government and of course, pass those costs to us, the consumer.

His war on energy is also very costly to businesses and transportation costs extremely high since all fuel generally increases proportionally. As a truck driver I can't tell you how much it used to cost to fill up my day cab. City and highway, I only got 6.5 miles per gallon and again, that cost has to be paid for by industry.

I say we are in for a long ride until we get rid of Biden and weaken the Democrat party. With them it's party first--country second. His next budget proposal is over 5 trillion dollars. The more phony money we print, the lower the value of the dollar and the higher inflation we will get. I won't even go into interest rate increases.
That upping their offering is the major cause of the inflation. There are ways to force people to pay their help more, but no way to prevent them from raising prices to more than compensate, as cost is cost and required GPM to perform to business plan will be maintained, making for a hopefully short cycle of everybody trying to catch up to where they were, but at higher numbers, and the band plays on, so to speak. We have seen this before.
Not much of a war on energy. Output has been increasing since he came to office, and with the price of crude (with demand up above 2020 pandemic levels across the world) people on the sideline are and will drill to get in on the current price more quickly than the $35.00/brl price when there was a glut on the market. The pipeline thing would have helped Canadian Oil more than US oil. The thing on the hold ups on drilling on public lands is BS, as we have never gotten more than 10-11% from drilling on public lands, about what we are getting now.
What you are saying about Biden and the Democrats is what most people thought of Trump, and they will not let a trumper into the White House next presidential year, lest we have permanent rule by a party that would overthrow an election by force if not stopped from doing so.
to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - increasing crime rates.

Then, after that, we'll piss off the medical professionals to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - causing severe medical professional shortages just at the same time boomers are needing more and more healthcare.

Wokees are destroying this country.

I don't get your beef here. She negligently did something that killed somebody. So, negligent homicide. Adds up.
That upping their offering is the major cause of the inflation. There are ways to force people to pay their help more, but no way to prevent them from raising prices to more than compensate, as cost is cost and required GPM to perform to business plan will be maintained, making for a hopefully short cycle of everybody trying to catch up to where they were, but at higher numbers, and the band plays on, so to speak. We have seen this before.
Not much of a war on energy. Output has been increasing since he came to office, and with the price of crude (with demand up above 2020 pandemic levels across the world) people on the sideline are and will drill to get in on the current price more quickly than the $35.00/brl price when there was a glut on the market. The pipeline thing would have helped Canadian Oil more than US oil. The thing on the hold ups on drilling on public lands is BS, as we have never gotten more than 10-11% from drilling on public lands, about what we are getting now.
What you are saying about Biden and the Democrats is what most people thought of Trump, and they will not let a trumper into the White House next presidential year, lest we have permanent rule by a party that would overthrow an election by force if not stopped from doing so.

Upping their offers is only part of it. When companies have to pay these transportation costs, they also pass that down to the consumer. When they keep printing money out of thin air, that adds to inflation. Have you looked at your heating bill lately? Imagine what the heating bills are for industry that produce the products we need. All costs get passed down to us consumers.

On the international market when the dollar is devalued, you need more American dollars to buy the same products. If we used to buy a bushel of applies for $22.00 from another country, it now costs us $30.00 for the same bushel of apples.

So greatly increased labor costs are just one puzzle piece. There are several pieces that led us to the highest inflation we've seen in 40 years, and it's only predicted to get much worse.
big difference between treating them like shit and letting them be abusive or irresponsible and killing people
All types of jobs have accidents happen that kill people. You may negligently pull out in front of someone in a car, causing a fatality, or negligently run over a small child right behind your car. Should you get arrested, found guilty, and thrown in jail for an accidental death? The number one cause of airplane crashes is pilot error. Are we going to throw every living pilot in jail if they make a mistake? Are we going to attack every single profession where someone makes a mistake and someone dies? Who in the hell would want to go into law enforcement or the medical profession at all if you are going to have to go to prison just for making a mistake?
Actually, the more police you have, the higher the crime rate you will have.
The rest of the world has about half as many police per capita, and the result is they have less than half the crime rate.

That is because instead of protecting people, police are out to raise revenue, through fines, tickets, bail, etc.
The more police you have, the angrier the people get and the more harm they deliberately cause in retaliation.

However I might agree with you on health care.
Depends on the situations.
Some mistakes are bound to happen, and mistakes may not be appropriate to consider criminal punishments for?
Holy shit. Wow. The reason we have more crime in areas with more police is because there was already more crime there and then when you tie the hands of the police instead of tying the hands of the criminals, of course that is going to happen. Most of the areas where police were defunded have citizens begging for the police to come back.
But a car accident is from things like snow reducing traction, etc.
When someone pulls a trigger and kills someone, that is not an accident.
Car accidents happen all the time where people negligently pull out in front of someone else and people get killed. It's ridiculous to claim that every accident was not caused by inattentive drivers but instead by slippery roads.
I don't get your beef here. She negligently did something that killed somebody. So, negligent homicide. Adds up.
Yes, the lefty way of thinking, lets charge every policeman and every medical professional who's negligence winds up killing someone and throw them in prison and then wonder why no one wants to be in law enforcement or be a medical professional, which will raise crime rates and decrease the quality of healthcare.
All types of jobs have accidents happen that kill people. You may negligently pull out in front of someone in a car, causing a fatality, or negligently run over a small child right behind your car. Should you get arrested, found guilty, and thrown in jail for an accidental death? The number one cause of airplane crashes is pilot error. Are we going to throw every living pilot in jail if they make a mistake? Are we going to attack every single profession where someone makes a mistake and someone dies? Who in the hell would want to go into law enforcement or the medical profession at all if you are going to have to go to prison just for making a mistake?
as I said,, a jury heard all the details and chose guilty so who am I to say anything when I dont know shit of the details,,

was she drunk or stoned ?? or did she have a history of mistakes??
as I said,, a jury heard all the details and chose guilty so who am I to say anything when I dont know shit of the details,,

was she drunk or stoned ?? or did she have a history of mistakes??
This isn't about one case. It's about the big picture and the big picture is more crime and worse healthcare. No one wants to go into these professions anymore.
This isn't about one case. It's about the big picture and the big picture is more crime and worse healthcare. No one wants to go into these professions anymore.
if the cops go away crime would go down because more people would just kill criminals on sight and the message would get around and the same would happen with healthcare,, and the quality would be better because more dedicated people would do the jobs,,
if the cops go away crime would go down because more people would just kill criminals on sight and the message would get around and the same would happen with healthcare,, and the quality would be better because more dedicated people would do the jobs,,

What you're talking about is anarchism. We already have that in our inner cities and look at the results.

A guy gets killed and the blacks don't tell police anything. It's what I call the code of stupidity. They believe they can handle their own society without law. So then a person from the family or gang of the person killed goes out and kills the murderer. It goes back and forth and back and forth until the law finally arrests somebody or some people for their crimes to make it stop. In the meantime, if people just cooperated with the police right from the beginning, several people would have remained alive.

I don't believe in anarchism because it's an uncivilized society. If somebody thinks you raped his sister and guns you down based on a hunch, there will be a lot of dead innocent people in our country. It's the reason we have an organized civilized law enforcement where evidence is gathered before anybody can face trial.

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