First, Let's Piss Off The Police

And Police used to play it to the hilt to defend a shooting
I felt threatened….case closed

Those days are done
Every police interaction ends up on video

There is little to be interpreted as to what the actual threat is, and whether serious body harm is possible

Those handcuffed suspects are not much of a threat of serious body harm or death
What they do before they are handcuffed is what matters.
this aint woke,, this is someone died because someone fucked up big time,,
Mistakes happen and people die. Are you going to start charging people for murder every time a mistake is made and someone dies? How about a traffic accident where you were negligent and someone died but you weren't drunk etc. Someone just died because you pulled out in front of them when you shouldn't have. The wokeness has got to stop.
Mistakes happen and people die. Are you going to start charging people for murder every time a mistake is made and someone dies? How about a traffic accident where you were negligent and someone died but you weren't drunk etc. Someone just died because you pulled out in front of them when you shouldn't have. The wokeness has got to stop.
depends on the mistake,, in this case it seems a jury that heard all the details decided the charge was just,,

this has nothing to do with wokeness just like criticism of obama didnt have anything to do with race
Not much to read in the link outside of what you posted. In any case police departments are having a miserable time finding new officers. Last summer in my city I had a discussion with our police chief about police and crime in our area. He told me we have money for five more officers, but can't find anybody to take the job. When he applied to be an officer here back in 1990, he was against 700 other applicants for one job. Today he said we have five openings, and are lucky to get 20 applications. Most of the applicants won't work out. Either they won't pass the written exam, won't pass the physical exam or won't pass the police academy.

When one finally does make it and they take him or her out on the streets, they can't catch on to police procedure and they have to let them go. When we finally get a new officer that works out, somebody else quits for a better job in another suburb.

Satan's disciples are winning this battle. BLM and other leftist groups that protest and riot make it impossible for us to get people to do the job anymore. It's not just in my suburb, the problem is nationwide. The son of a friend of mine got a police job in a smaller city 40 miles outside of Cleveland about ten years ago. He too was up against 200 other applicants. He worked his way up to training new officers. The last ad they put out for a police officer drew in 4 applications.
You are one of the more normal, sensible right wing people on here. I had to look up Satan's Disciples to see who they were, as they are not entrenched here. If it is set in stone, that you are not going to be able to affect and see change locally, I have a hard time understanding why you don't get the hell out. It really isn't like that everywhere.
The general point is that medical professionals are pissed off at what the leftists want to do to their profession, which will cause many to leave and many others not to want to sign up.
Bullsh#t. You think my RN son doesn't know there is liability in how he does his job at the ER? People like him are damn sure the ones you want working on you, when you fk up or somebody fks you up. Let the ones that would rather be store clerks, warehouse workers, purchasing agents, or classroom instructors seek the career change that suits their mentality. It is a job that calls for a high level of responsibility, not people that whine because patients, their peers, hospital administrators and (if the screw-up is serious enough) the courts hold them responsible for the job they do. Those not up to the responsibility, need to hit the road. The training peer pressure is tough enough, most of them make it just fine. God Bless them that do.:hyper:
You are one of the more normal, sensible right wing people on here. I had to look up Satan's Disciples to see who they were, as they are not entrenched here. If it is set in stone, that you are not going to be able to affect and see change locally, I have a hard time understanding why you don't get the hell out. It really isn't like that everywhere.

Bullsh#t. You think my RN son doesn't know there is liability in how he does his job at the ER? People like him are damn sure the ones you want working on you, when you fk up or somebody fks you up. Let the ones that would rather be store clerks, warehouse workers, purchasing agents, or classroom instructors seek the career change that suits their mentality. It is a job that calls for a high level of responsibility, not people that whine because patients, their peers, hospital administrators and (if the screw-up is serious enough) the courts hold them responsible for the job they do. Those not up to the responsibility, need to hit the road. The training peer pressure is tough enough, most of them make it just fine. God Bless them that do.:hyper:
As I said, let's piss off the police and the medical professionals enough where crime rises, and care is hard to come by.
You are one of the more normal, sensible right wing people on here. I had to look up Satan's Disciples to see who they were, as they are not entrenched here. If it is set in stone, that you are not going to be able to affect and see change locally, I have a hard time understanding why you don't get the hell out. It really isn't like that everywhere.

But it's like that in a lot of places, especially where the crime is. Do you really think this great country was built by running away?

Satan's disciples are those that promote evil. Move against the people that are supposed to help fight evil then yes, you are doing his work. It's the people that want a disarmed society so more crime can take place. It's the people that want open borders where dangerous drugs are entering our country now killing over 100,000 Americans a year. It's the people that want to indoctrinate pre-pubic children in school with their filthy sexual preferences and teach them to feel guilty because of the color of their skin. All Satan's work.
to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - increasing crime rates.

Then, after that, we'll piss off the medical professionals to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - causing severe medical professional shortages just at the same time boomers are needing more and more healthcare.

Wokees are destroying this country.

Actually, the more police you have, the higher the crime rate you will have.
The rest of the world has about half as many police per capita, and the result is they have less than half the crime rate.

That is because instead of protecting people, police are out to raise revenue, through fines, tickets, bail, etc.
The more police you have, the angrier the people get and the more harm they deliberately cause in retaliation.

However I might agree with you on health care.
Depends on the situations.
Some mistakes are bound to happen, and mistakes may not be appropriate to consider criminal punishments for?
this aint woke,, this is someone died because someone fucked up big time,,

True, but in your working life, have you ever made a mistake on the job?

We put people away in prison to punish and make an example out of them. It's supposed to be for people who intentionally broke our laws or hurt others. If we start locking people for making a mistake on the job, who would want to do that job?
True, but in your working life, have you ever made a mistake on the job?

We put people away in prison to punish and make an example out of them. It's supposed to be for people who intentionally broke our laws or hurt others. If we start locking people for making a mistake on the job, who would want to do that job?
never once that cost someone their life,, and if I did I no doubt I would be prosecuted for it,,

in this case it was negligent homicide not murder,, she was negligent,,
She killed someone negligently.

Why do you think she should not be prosecuted? That is asinine. Those that have jobs that can directly lead to your death have culpability when they make a mistake. I certainly do not want a doctor working on me that can negligently kill me and not have to face consequences for that action.
True, but in your working life, have you ever made a mistake on the job?

We put people away in prison to punish and make an example out of them. It's supposed to be for people who intentionally broke our laws or hurt others. If we start locking people for making a mistake on the job, who would want to do that job?
We have been putting people in jail for negligence for a very long time. This is not new.

Jail is also a deterrent for taking a key role of responsibility and not taking that responsibility with the seriousness it warrants.
And Police used to play it to the hilt to defend a shooting
I felt threatened….case closed

Those days are done
Every police interaction ends up on video

There is little to be interpreted as to what the actual threat is, and whether serious body harm is possible

Those handcuffed suspects are not much of a threat of serious body harm or death

Which is why those officers are held accountable if they use deadly force against a person not a threat to them. The problem is not the police, the problem are the people they need to interact with. Freeze means don't move. Freeze does not mean quickly pull your hand out of your jacket pocket, pull out your cell phone in the dark, quickly turn around towards an officer. Freeze means stop and don't move a muscle.

Yes, those days are done, and that's why violent crime is increasing in this country. Congrats. You got what you want. But just remember that when something happens to you.
Which is why those officers are held accountable if they use deadly force against a person not a threat to them. The problem is not the police, the problem are the people they need to interact with. Freeze means don't move. Freeze does not mean quickly pull your hand out of your jacket pocket, pull out your cell phone in the dark, quickly turn around towards an officer. Freeze means stop and don't move a muscle.

Yes, those days are done, and that's why violent crime is increasing in this country. Congrats. You got what you want. But just remember that when something happens to you.
the problem is both,,,
I've seen many cops become abusive and violent when the person didnt do any more than stand for their rights,,
We have been putting people in jail for negligence for a very long time. This is not new.

Jail is also a deterrent for taking a key role of responsibility and not taking that responsibility with the seriousness it warrants.

Like who? People didn't end up in prison for simply making a mistake. Like I asked, what job did you ever have where you worked flawlessly?

Yes, the hospital should be held responsible for the mistake of their employee and financially compensated for it. But without knowing the case (the OP link was very short) we are going to put people away for making mistakes on a job, then nobody is going to want to do that job. What then? It's not like our country is flooded with healthcare workers.

Being a Policeman is a profession
You are expected to act professionally.
Why should we settle for anything less?
Being a student in the United States is a right and a Privilege.
Students are expected to show respect and decorum.
Why should we settle for anything less.
Like who? People didn't end up in prison for simply making a mistake. Like I asked, what job did you ever have where you worked flawlessly?

Yes, the hospital should be held responsible for the mistake of their employee and financially compensated for it. But without knowing the case (the OP link was very short) we are going to put people away for making mistakes on a job, then nobody is going to want to do that job. What then? It's not like our country is flooded with healthcare workers.
if there was a verdict that means a jury heard all the evidence so this isnt just an off the cuff action,,
Like who? People didn't end up in prison for simply making a mistake. Like I asked, what job did you ever have where you worked flawlessly?

Yes, the hospital should be held responsible for the mistake of their employee and financially compensated for it. But without knowing the case (the OP link was very short) we are going to put people away for making mistakes on a job, then nobody is going to want to do that job. What then? It's not like our country is flooded with healthcare workers.
Yes they do.

That is simply a fact Ray. Happened to people in my last job as well as an aircraft mechanic. If you fail to put that bolt on correctly and people die because of that action you are going to jail.

What do you think should happen? Nothing?
And there you go, ignorance of the law.

There are no laws in any state that requires an attacker to be armed in order for a police officer to use deadly force. That doesn't even hold true for citizens. In my state, the law is I as a CCW holder am legally allowed to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's the law for me, and that's the law for our police officers. In other words the attacker need not be armed for me to use deadly force, only a threat of serious bodily harm or death.

When the media gets a hold of these stories, they don't explain to the public the officers point of view, just that he or she shot and killed an unarmed black. The media loves protests and riots. The more protests and riots, the more viewers of their channels, the more people participate in their blogs, and the higher they can charge for advertising. It's done deliberately.

The one thing all these incidents do have in common though is the suspects didn't obey the orders of the police officer(s). If they did that, every single one would be alive today.

Sorry, but that is wrong.
The law is that you are required to avoid confrontations, retreat if possible, not to escalate to a higher level of force than what you are threatened by, and to use all possible warnings before using any potentially deadly force.
So yes, the attacker need be armed before you are justified in using deadly force.
Even if the attacker is twice your size, has a club or knife, if you fire a shot into the ground, they will retreat.
So if you instead surprise them with a deadly shot, that is 2nd degree murder.

And the police are LESS justified in using deadly force for many reasons. One is that they are large, strong, and well trained in hand to hand defense. Another is that they have multiple less than lethal choices, like tazer, club, pepper spray, etc. And finally, there is the fact no one attacks police. The only time anyone harms police, it is by accident, as they are just trying to get away.

While it probably true that if people obeyed all police orders, they would not be murdered by police, but most police orders are at least suspect, if not totally illegal. Such as pulling drivers over for having an airfreshner hanging from their mirror, or shooting a driver who simply went to the other side of the car to comfort a frightened infant.
Police are totally out of control and have no idea what the law really is.
For example, it is totally illegal for them to point guns at anyone who does not obviously have a weapon.
They can draw, (even though that is rude and reckless), but legally then can NOT point.
And you are NOT under police custody with a stop, so police really have no authority to order anything other then to see your papers.
If the courts were not corrupt, all the police would be in jail.

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