First, Let's Piss Off The Police

brandishing is illegal,,

Brandishing is illegal when done to intimidate someone who is not threatening.
But perfectly legal and necessary before shooting, when someone IS threatening.


brandishing (present participle)
  1. wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
    "a man leaped out brandishing a knife"
Brandishing is illegal when done to intimidate someone who is not threatening.
But perfectly legal and necessary before shooting, when someone IS threatening.


brandishing (present participle)
  1. wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
    "a man leaped out brandishing a knife"
thats one that depends on the cop and how honest he is about the scenario,,
But it's like that in a lot of places, especially where the crime is. Do you really think this great country was built by running away?

Satan's disciples are those that promote evil. Move against the people that are supposed to help fight evil then yes, you are doing his work. It's the people that want a disarmed society so more crime can take place. It's the people that want open borders where dangerous drugs are entering our country now killing over 100,000 Americans a year. It's the people that want to indoctrinate pre-pubic children in school with their filthy sexual preferences and teach them to feel guilty because of the color of their skin. All Satan's work.
No. Definitely not built by running away, but you aren't that much younger than me. Comes a point when you are perfectly entitled to put yourself first. I suspect when you started with Cleveland it was a good place to live, probably with conscientious leadership. Somewhere, something changed. You and I are not young enough to be part of the general solution, except in a pinch on an individual, situational basis, but then you are probably fine for whatever comes up. Maybe not as good as we once were, but as good once as we ever were. You are still and maybe more so, entitled seek out better place to spend your life. Lots of places with lower cost of living, less crime and no income tax, as right now, your state income tax and local property tax is funding your problem whether you like it or not, whether you voted in the leadership or not.
No. Definitely not built by running away, but you aren't that much younger than me. Comes a point when you are perfectly entitled to put yourself first. I suspect when you started with Cleveland it was a good place to live, probably with conscientious leadership. Somewhere, something changed. You and I are not young enough to be part of the general solution, except in a pinch on an individual, situational basis, but then you are probably fine for whatever comes up. Maybe not as good as we once were, but as good once as we ever were. You are still and maybe more so, entitled seek out better place to spend your life. Lots of places with lower cost of living, less crime and no income tax, as right now, your state income tax and local property tax is funding your problem whether you like it or not, whether you voted in the leadership or not.

Well I'm just not one of those people who can pickup and move. First of all I have a part-time business here as a landlord. Secondly my parents are still alive and very close by and I want to keep it that way in case anything happens to them. Third is I don't know how much longer I have to live. The doctor says the chemo is working very well on me but that might only buy me a year or so at best, maybe up to four, but who knows besides God. Fourth is my tenants are more like friends and family to me, and I charge them very reasonable rent. If I sold this place, whoever buys it will likely raise their rents by a couple hundred bucks a unit which some of them can't afford, or it would make it very financially difficult for them. There is a rental war going on in our country, and some states have passed laws to prohibit landlords from raising rents out of this world.
Except that the attacker can easily be defended against without murdering them.
Brandishing is all that is necessary in almost every case.
The only time you actually have to shoot someone is if they also are armed, because then you can't wait to see if they back down.

Usually brandishing stops whatever the problem is. No, the attacker cannot be easily defended against depending on who you are. For instance when I was younger, no problem. Now at 62 with a lot of illness I'm pretty much disabled from defending myself physically. My only choice would be deadly force if brandishing wasn't convincing enough and it would be perfectly legal for me to use deadly force even if the attacker wasn't armed.
theyre not supposed to but some do everyday,,

and thats only one example,, most times the cops dont even know the laws they are trying to enforce,,

you should watch some of the 1st amendment auditors on youtube

Every day? I don't think so. Violating a citizens constitutional rights could be a big money issue so most officers won't even think of it.

The police academy teaches officers all the laws they need to know about. They certainly have more knowledge than I do about it.

Years ago one cop stopped me at a weigh station for an inspection. He was the rudest SOB I ever ran into. At one point his partner was screaming at me like a father that found pot in his sons room. Okay, just do what they say.

When I got home I wrote to my state rep and explained what happened. I sent a copy to the Governors office. My rep replied he was going to look into it and I never heard back. Wouldn't you know it, I had to go through that very same weigh station again about a month later. I figured this guy is really going to be pissed at me. He nor his partner were there. They were replaced by two other DOT officers and I never ran into them again.
Every day? I don't think so. Violating a citizens constitutional rights could be a big money issue so most officers won't even think of it.

The police academy teaches officers all the laws they need to know about. They certainly have more knowledge than I do about it.

Years ago one cop stopped me at a weigh station for an inspection. He was the rudest SOB I ever ran into. At one point his partner was screaming at me like a father that found pot in his sons room. Okay, just do what they say.

When I got home I wrote to my state rep and explained what happened. I sent a copy to the Governors office. My rep replied he was going to look into it and I never heard back. Wouldn't you know it, I had to go through that very same weigh station again about a month later. I figured this guy is really going to be pissed at me. He nor his partner were there. They were replaced by two other DOT officers and I never ran into them again.
Every day? I don't think so. Violating a citizens constitutional rights could be a big money issue so most officers won't even think of it.

The police academy teaches officers all the laws they need to know about. They certainly have more knowledge than I do about it.

Years ago one cop stopped me at a weigh station for an inspection. He was the rudest SOB I ever ran into. At one point his partner was screaming at me like a father that found pot in his sons room. Okay, just do what they say.

When I got home I wrote to my state rep and explained what happened. I sent a copy to the Governors office. My rep replied he was going to look into it and I never heard back. Wouldn't you know it, I had to go through that very same weigh station again about a month later. I figured this guy is really going to be pissed at me. He nor his partner were there. They were replaced by two other DOT officers and I never ran into them again.
theres a whole section of youtube dedicated to document cops doing just that,,
Every day? I don't think so. Violating a citizens constitutional rights could be a big money issue so most officers won't even think of it.

The police academy teaches officers all the laws they need to know about. They certainly have more knowledge than I do about it.

Years ago one cop stopped me at a weigh station for an inspection. He was the rudest SOB I ever ran into. At one point his partner was screaming at me like a father that found pot in his sons room. Okay, just do what they say.

When I got home I wrote to my state rep and explained what happened. I sent a copy to the Governors office. My rep replied he was going to look into it and I never heard back. Wouldn't you know it, I had to go through that very same weigh station again about a month later. I figured this guy is really going to be pissed at me. He nor his partner were there. They were replaced by two other DOT officers and I never ran into them again.
Every day? I don't think so. Violating a citizens constitutional rights could be a big money issue so most officers won't even think of it.

The police academy teaches officers all the laws they need to know about. They certainly have more knowledge than I do about it.

Years ago one cop stopped me at a weigh station for an inspection. He was the rudest SOB I ever ran into. At one point his partner was screaming at me like a father that found pot in his sons room. Okay, just do what they say.

When I got home I wrote to my state rep and explained what happened. I sent a copy to the Governors office. My rep replied he was going to look into it and I never heard back. Wouldn't you know it, I had to go through that very same weigh station again about a month later. I figured this guy is really going to be pissed at me. He nor his partner were there. They were replaced by two other DOT officers and I never ran into them again.
I'm posting this one twice and really hope you watch it,, remember there are thousands of other videos available with the same types of actions,,

theres a whole section of youtube dedicated to document cops doing just that,,

Maybe, but not every day and not for long before somebody files a complaint. There are over 700,000 police officers in the United States. With any group that large, you will always find a few bad apples. Now that many places can't find new officers, they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get anybody to do the job whereas in the past, they were able to choose the best from the best.
Well I'm just not one of those people who can pickup and move. First of all I have a part-time business here as a landlord. Secondly my parents are still alive and very close by and I want to keep it that way in case anything happens to them. Third is I don't know how much longer I have to live. The doctor says the chemo is working very well on me but that might only buy me a year or so at best, maybe up to four, but who knows besides God. Fourth is my tenants are more like friends and family to me, and I charge them very reasonable rent. If I sold this place, whoever buys it will likely raise their rents by a couple hundred bucks a unit which some of them can't afford, or it would make it very financially difficult for them. There is a rental war going on in our country, and some states have passed laws to prohibit landlords from raising rents out of this world.
Well, kind of figured a family thing, so totally understand that. It is a big reason, dad moved us to TN, to be closer to his parents in their old age. Sorry to hear about the CA. Good luck with it. Understand about relationships with long term tenants. The only part of that I see personally is the increases in the short term leases we do on vacation.
I would like to leave you with this, though. You are relatively conservative in nature, but I would not want you thinking the whole country is going to hell on donkey back. It varies from place to place and many places in the heartland have not lost control locally and are doing fine, for the most part, even with inflation (and I don't claim to know how long that will last) but it will not last forever, no matter who is in office.
Maybe, but not every day and not for long before somebody files a complaint. There are over 700,000 police officers in the United States. With any group that large, you will always find a few bad apples. Now that many places can't find new officers, they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get anybody to do the job whereas in the past, they were able to choose the best from the best.
soem of these go back decades and you know as well as I do they were far more abusive before cameras came along
Is getting yourself shot and killed the solution?

Because when someone points a gun at you, you should be more concerned with surviving the encounter than the legality of it. I will deal with the legality after.
you sound like a pussy that kneels at the feet of authority,,

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