First, Let's Piss Off The Police

What you're talking about is anarchism. We already have that in our inner cities and look at the results.

A guy gets killed and the blacks don't tell police anything. It's what I call the code of stupidity. They believe they can handle their own society without law. So then a person from the family or gang of the person killed goes out and kills the murderer. It goes back and forth and back and forth until the law finally arrests somebody or some people for their crimes to make it stop. In the meantime, if people just cooperated with the police right from the beginning, several people would have remained alive.

I don't believe in anarchism because it's an uncivilized society. If somebody thinks you raped his sister and guns you down based on a hunch, there will be a lot of dead innocent people in our country. It's the reason we have an organized civilized law enforcement where evidence is gathered before anybody can face trial.
thats not anarchy,, thats corrupt governments not doing their job and if the people of those communities choose to allow it who are you or me to tell them otherwise,,
Even better, let's attack the police and give them every reason to physically restrain you.

That's not a problem though if you don't break the law. Don't cause trouble and you won't get in trouble.
if the cops go away crime would go down because more people would just kill criminals on sight and the message would get around and the same would happen with healthcare,, and the quality would be better because more dedicated people would do the jobs,,
Oh Jesus. You are far beyond help. Yes, let's get rid of the police and there will be no crime. Yes, let's get rid of medical professionals and healthcare will be great.
Oh Jesus. You are far beyond help. Yes, let's get rid of the police and there will be no crime. Yes, let's get rid of medical professionals and healthcare will be great.
so your telling me that if there were no cops you would allow criminals to run rampant in your community??

I never said to get rid of medical professionals,,
so your telling me that if there were no cops you would allow criminals to run rampant in your community??

I never said to get rid of medical professionals,,
First, yes, if we got rid of police departments there would be crime all over. Second, we don't need everyone going back to the wild west days.
First, yes, if we got rid of police departments there would be crime all over. Second, we don't need everyone going back to the wild west days.
maybe in your community but not in mine,,

the wild west wasnt the wild west like you see in movies,, they just hung criminals and left them for future one so they knew what would happen crime as we know it was a minimal thing,,
so your telling me that if there were no cops you would allow criminals to run rampant in your community??

I never said to get rid of medical professionals,,

What would you do about criminals running around rampant in your community?

I found out today the gas station around the corner from me once again got robbed. The last two robberies ended up with dead clerks, the last one killed for fifty bucks that he willingly gave the robber with no resistance. He shot and killed the guy anyway. This time however the owner installed a panic button going to the police station, and the three robbers (two of them minors) were arrested without incident.

Without police, how would you have handled this situation? First of all unless you were there, you would never have known it was happening. Secondly, even if you were there, you'd want the robbers tried and executed based on your judgement?

While you didn't say you'd want to get rid of medical professionals, if we lock everybody up for making an error on the job, that's exactly what you're going to end up with--a shortage of medical professionals.
First, yes, if we got rid of police departments there would be crime all over. Second, we don't need everyone going back to the wild west days.
think about what you said about inner cities where crime is high,, they have the largest presence of police and the highest crime rates,, now consider small communities with a small or non existents of police, their crime rates are the lowest to non existent,,

is the factor police or the people that refuse to allow crime to exist??
Car accidents happen all the time where people negligently pull out in front of someone else and people get killed. It's ridiculous to claim that every accident was not caused by inattentive drivers but instead by slippery roads.
And it is equally ridiculous to claim that accident is the same thing as criminal negligence.

That is the nuance that you and Ray seem to be pretending does not exist. There are plain accidents where no one goes to jail. Then there is negligence where you are criminally culpable.

Pretending that the existence of the former negates the reality of the latter is ridiculous.
This isn't about one case. It's about the big picture and the big picture is more crime and worse healthcare. No one wants to go into these professions anymore.
No one wants to go into healthcare because the hours suck and the pay is shit. Not to mention the duties of nurses suck as well. I have no interest in collecting stool samples and cleaning bedpans.

The problem there has noting to do with criminal culpability which exists in all fields and has for a hundred plus years.
Yes, the lefty way of thinking, lets charge every policeman and every medical professional who's negligence winds up killing someone and throw them in prison and then wonder why no one wants to be in law enforcement or be a medical professional, which will raise crime rates and decrease the quality of healthcare.

If you see that as the "lefty" way of thinking, then the problem is your way of thinking.
And it is equally ridiculous to claim that accident is the same thing as criminal negligence.

That is the nuance that you and Ray seem to be pretending does not exist. There are plain accidents where no one goes to jail. Then there is negligence where you are criminally culpable.

Pretending that the existence of the former negates the reality of the latter is ridiculous.

Mistakes in medical is nothing new. It's been going on for many years. You can't have our healthcare facilities treat tens of millions of people every single year without somebody screwing up somewhere. When it does happen it's generally compensated monetarily and not criminally. However if this is the path we are going to change to, then expect a depletion of healthcare workers in the future. Nobody wants to go to prison for years for simply making a mistake.
maybe in your community but not in mine,,

the wild west wasnt the wild west like you see in movies,, they just hung criminals and left them for future one so they knew what would happen crime as we know it was a minimal thing,,
Under your system a lot of innocent people would be murdered. Evidence would not be needed. You think someone is a criminal, you shoot them. Sounds like the wild west to me. We started police departments for a reason. What there was before that wasn't working.
think about what you said about inner cities where crime is high,, they have the largest presence of police and the highest crime rates,, now consider small communities with a small or non existents of police, their crime rates are the lowest to non existent,,

is the factor police or the people that refuse to allow crime to exist??
Police hands are tied by the wokees and judges let criminals out of jail or don't even put them there in the first place. Now the wokees want to decriminalize marijuana. A lot of bad apples weren't out there committing crimes before because they were locked up on marijuana charges. Now we'll just let them roam free because, even though a little pot isn't a bad crime, it is many of these same people who commit real crimes and will now be free to do so.
And it is equally ridiculous to claim that accident is the same thing as criminal negligence.

That is the nuance that you and Ray seem to be pretending does not exist. There are plain accidents where no one goes to jail. Then there is negligence where you are criminally culpable.

Pretending that the existence of the former negates the reality of the latter is ridiculous.
However you want to spin it, the bottom line fact remains. The police are leaving in droves, not signing up in droves and the same thing is happening to the medical profession. That's just a fact. You're driving people away from needed professions, making the situation worse than it was before.
No one wants to go into healthcare because the hours suck and the pay is shit. Not to mention the duties of nurses suck as well. I have no interest in collecting stool samples and cleaning bedpans.

The problem there has noting to do with criminal culpability which exists in all fields and has for a hundred plus years.
For the most part, professionals don't collect stool samples or clean bedpans. You're driving professionals away from badly needed jobs, making the situation worse and you are blind to that fact. We can't go around throwing everyone in jail when accidents or negligence kill people. That's why we have civil courts where the employers are held civilally liable.

Being a Policeman is a profession
You are expected to act professionally.
Why should we settle for anything less?
That's not what happens. Leftist mob rule forces politicians to act in less than professional ways and destroy the lives of those doing their jobs
If you see that as the "lefty" way of thinking, then the problem is your way of thinking.
Ummmmmmmmmm, the lefty way of thinking has brought us to the point where 80% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. Apparently it is YOU who has a problem with their way of thinking.

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