First, Let's Piss Off The Police

to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - increasing crime rates.

Then, after that, we'll piss off the medical professionals to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - causing severe medical professional shortages just at the same time boomers are needing more and more healthcare.

Wokees are destroying this country.
You forgot teachers.
That's not what happens. Leftist mob rule forces politicians to act in less than professional ways and destroy the lives of those doing their jobs

It is not politicians but Police abuse showing up on video
Under your system a lot of innocent people would be murdered. Evidence would not be needed. You think someone is a criminal, you shoot them. Sounds like the wild west to me. We started police departments for a reason. What there was before that wasn't working.
you watch to much tv,,
Police hands are tied by the wokees and judges let criminals out of jail or don't even put them there in the first place. Now the wokees want to decriminalize marijuana. A lot of bad apples weren't out there committing crimes before because they were locked up on marijuana charges. Now we'll just let them roam free because, even though a little pot isn't a bad crime, it is many of these same people who commit real crimes and will now be free to do so.
people committ crimes to get food and many other things, so do we make all those things illegal too???
Nobody is committing crimes to eat in this country. If they steal food it's to get sympathy from the courts if they get busted. Nobody steals to eat, they steal because of opportunity.
now thats some funny shit right I tell ya,,,

now youre gonna tell me they dont steal for other things too,,
Usually brandishing stops whatever the problem is. No, the attacker cannot be easily defended against depending on who you are. For instance when I was younger, no problem. Now at 62 with a lot of illness I'm pretty much disabled from defending myself physically. My only choice would be deadly force if brandishing wasn't convincing enough and it would be perfectly legal for me to use deadly force even if the attacker wasn't armed.

Correct, but if you did not brandish, threaten, try to leave, etc. and instead just killed the person threatening a physical attack, that would be deliberate murder, since it would have been unnecessary. (or at least there would have been no means by which you could claim it was necessary,)
to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - increasing crime rates.

Then, after that, we'll piss off the medical professionals to the point where they will be afraid to do their jobs, leave the profession, and not want to enter the profession - ....
You forgot teachers.
Every day? I don't think so. Violating a citizens constitutional rights could be a big money issue so most officers won't even think of it.

The police academy teaches officers all the laws they need to know about. They certainly have more knowledge than I do about it.

Years ago one cop stopped me at a weigh station for an inspection. He was the rudest SOB I ever ran into. At one point his partner was screaming at me like a father that found pot in his sons room. Okay, just do what they say.

When I got home I wrote to my state rep and explained what happened. I sent a copy to the Governors office. My rep replied he was going to look into it and I never heard back. Wouldn't you know it, I had to go through that very same weigh station again about a month later. I figured this guy is really going to be pissed at me. He nor his partner were there. They were replaced by two other DOT officers and I never ran into them again.

Yes, every day.
When I was younger, the cops tried to search the vehicle every time I was stopped.
And often there was no basis for the stop at all even.
I would have to refuse to open the trunk, and listen to them try to intimidate me for 15 minutes or so.

It is only the fact truck drivers are organized, that gives them more power over corrupt bureaucrats.
It is not politicians but Police abuse showing up on video

Police abuse exists due to corrupt politicians protecting and giving police authority they can not legally have.
The no-knock-warrants and nite raids for the illegal War on Drugs, for example.
Nobody is committing crimes to eat in this country. If they steal food it's to get sympathy from the courts if they get busted. Nobody steals to eat, they steal because of opportunity.

That is wrong.
I had to shoplift food to be able to eat.
Most young people had to at some point.
There were 17 blood donation centers near the college campus I went to.
Young people without trades are desperate.
This country does not provide any method or alternative for most people.
In the not too distant past, there was a “Blue Wall of Silence” where Police would cover for each other.

I thought I saw a weapon
He resisted arrest
I feared for my life

Were all excuses for shooting unarmed people

Now, everything is on video, the public pulls out their phones
Bad cops have nowhere to hide. Neither do those who cover for them
We ask LEOs to work in unimaginable situations, and be perfect every time, for substandard pay. They do it many times to contribute to the community’s they serve.

Then to have pea brained know nothings critique their every action based on Dick Wolf’s portrayals is unbelievably stupid.
That is wrong.
I had to shoplift food to be able to eat.
Most young people had to at some point.
There were 17 blood donation centers near the college campus I went to.
Young people without trades are desperate.
This country does not provide any method or alternative for most people.
That is wrong.
I had to shoplift food to be able to eat.
Most young people had to at some point.
There were 17 blood donation centers near the college campus I went to.
Young people without trades are desperate.
This country does not provide any method or alternative for most people.

And how long ago was that? I'm talking about today.
Yes, every day.
When I was younger, the cops tried to search the vehicle every time I was stopped.
And often there was no basis for the stop at all even.
I would have to refuse to open the trunk, and listen to them try to intimidate me for 15 minutes or so.

It is only the fact truck drivers are organized, that gives them more power over corrupt bureaucrats.

It doesn't matter how much power you have. Whatever a federal court rules is the law when it comes to the Constitution.
We ask LEOs to work in unimaginable situations, and be perfect every time, for substandard pay. They do it many times to contribute to the community’s they serve.

Then to have pea brained know nothings critique their every action based on Dick Wolf’s portrayals is unbelievably stupid.

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