First, Let's Piss Off The Police

Correct, but if you did not brandish, threaten, try to leave, etc. and instead just killed the person threatening a physical attack, that would be deliberate murder, since it would have been unnecessary. (or at least there would have been no means by which you could claim it was necessary,)

There is no law that says you must expose your weapon before you use it. If you are attacked with the "belief" you are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, you have the legal authority to use deadly force. By the time I reached black belt, I knew how to kill another person five ways in four moves or less. There was no law I had to inform my attacker I had advanced self-defense training.

If a prosecutor decided to bring charges, first he or she would have to prove what you believed at the time. Secondly, there is no legal definition of what serious bodily harm is. That would have to be determined by a jury or judge.
I can and did post videos of it still happening today,,

and did you forget about civil asset forfeiture??

You can come to my city right now and get free food. They don't even ask for proof of residency. Most food banks don't. Then there are religious charities you can depend on. This is besides all the generous social programs our government provides.
You can come to my city right now and get free food. They don't even ask for proof of residency. Most food banks don't. Then there are religious charities you can depend on. This is besides all the generous social programs our government provides.
true,, but doesnt mean all will take advantage of it,, and what about stealing things other than food??

if someone steals to by a TV, car, jewelry or nice cloths do you make them illegal??
true,, but doesnt mean all will take advantage of it,, and what about stealing things other than food??

if someone steals to by a TV, car, jewelry or nice cloths do you make them illegal??

I don't understand that question. If they steal anything it's because of opportunity and not necessity.
please tell me you arent that ignorant,??

change the word necessity to desire and you cover the majority of theft in the world,,

Of course it's desire. Why would you steal something you don't desire? But people don't steal simply for desire, they steal when they believe the opportunity presents itself.

For instance you believe I have something in my possession you would love to have. You're not going to break into my home while I'm here and risk getting gunned down. You will case the house to make sure I leave it unoccupied before you break in to steal what you want. Opportunity.
We ask LEOs to work in unimaginable situations, and be perfect every time, for substandard pay. They do it many times to contribute to the community’s they serve.

Then to have pea brained know nothings critique their every action based on Dick Wolf’s portrayals is unbelievably stupid.

They know the profession they have chosen.

Yes, mistakes in judgement will be made. That can be excused.

But abuse of power, bullying, losing your temper can’t be excused.
It gives all Policemen a bad name
Of course it's desire. Why would you steal something you don't desire? But people don't steal simply for desire, they steal when they believe the opportunity presents itself.

For instance you believe I have something in my possession you would love to have. You're not going to break into my home while I'm here and risk getting gunned down. You will case the house to make sure I leave it unoccupied before you break in to steal what you want. Opportunity.
I can tell you never stole anything,, which of course is a good thing but leaves you in a position of ignorance,,

if you case the house its not about opportunity but selecting the most opportune time for the crime,,
We ask LEOs to work in unimaginable situations, and be perfect every time, for substandard pay. They do it many times to contribute to the community’s they serve.

Then to have pea brained know nothings critique their every action based on Dick Wolf’s portrayals is unbelievably stupid.

Sometimes police have a difficult job.
Like domestic disputes.
But most of the time, it is not such a bad job.
And police are very well paid for it.
Nor are police inherently the good guys, as all dictators exist due to inherent police corruption.
And how long ago was that? I'm talking about today.

That was long ago, but there will always be young people that situation of not having a skill, career, or reliable come.
There are still blood donation places near campuses, paying $75, and people with fake ID do they can donate more than once a month.
It doesn't matter how much power you have. Whatever a federal court rules is the law when it comes to the Constitution.

Most people can't afford the millions it takes to get all the way to a federal appeals court.
Most cases, the police get away with whatever they want.
The drug related, no-knock-warrants resulting in shooting deaths like Breonna Taylor for example.
The police there are totally criminal, but only prosecuted for shots into the neighbor's apartment.
That was long ago, but there will always be young people that situation of not having a skill, career, or reliable come.
There are still blood donation places near campuses, paying $75, and people with fake ID do they can donate more than once a month.

But that's an option. Nobody has to go to college. I never went and neither did any of my friends. We chose to work and make a living.

Here and across the country Help Wanted signs are in every fast food place, and they're paying well above minimum wage. If you decide to go to college, then that was your choice. It wasn't mandatory. If it were up to me, we'd have a law you couldn't attend college until the age of 21 giving you time to get your shit together and mature a little more.
Most people can't afford the millions it takes to get all the way to a federal appeals court.
Most cases, the police get away with whatever they want.
The drug related, no-knock-warrants resulting in shooting deaths like Breonna Taylor for example.
The police there are totally criminal, but only prosecuted for shots into the neighbor's apartment.

Well you could try to go to court and give your opinion to win a case. Good luck with that one. But until you can get law changed, then what the court rules is the law.
Mistakes in medical is nothing new. It's been going on for many years. You can't have our healthcare facilities treat tens of millions of people every single year without somebody screwing up somewhere. When it does happen it's generally compensated monetarily and not criminally. However if this is the path we are going to change to, then expect a depletion of healthcare workers in the future. Nobody wants to go to prison for years for simply making a mistake.
You are ignoring the fact that we are not changing into this system. As i have already pointed out, criminal negligence has existed forever and has been applied to medical professions in the past. We are not changing into anything.

I repeat:
Pretending that the existence of the accidents negates the reality of the criminal negligence is ridiculous.

You did not deal with that point.
I can tell you never stole anything,, which of course is a good thing but leaves you in a position of ignorance,,

if you case the house its not about opportunity but selecting the most opportune time for the crime,,

Which is what I said. I stole things when I was a kid, but not as an adult, and it was stupid small stuff at that. If somebody breaks into a house or store, it's not because they can't survive without a big screen or jewelry.

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