First Openly Gay Football Player

Oh. A Yurt LOOKITME ME! Thread.

What is this. The fourth or fifth thread on Sam?

Bet you girlybois are going to quit watching football now, huh?
I think he came out so he could get picked higher in the draft. If he doesn't go in the first round, the NFL will be labeled anti-gay. Obama called him a leader in sportsmanship. So slobbing the knob must be a sport, because it's got nothing to do with football. Maybe they'll have it in the summer Olympics.

If he expects to be drafted higher, I think he made a big mistake. Nobody will want a media circus surrounding what should be a mid round draft choice. These picks are not typical locks to make a team. What GM or coach will want to be second guessed if the kid doesn't pan out? Is the kid a bust or is the coach a homophobic bastard? I doubt the kid gets drafted, or if he does, in the 6th or 7th round.

That's what I thought about the dude with the fake girlfriend, San Diego got him.

Well, he was pegged to go in the first round but dropped into the second, and that was just over a fake GF. This guy is not as great a prospect. He's more the type of player that comes along every year. I think the distractions and media circus he would bring would outweigh the benefit of having him as a player. Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
I saw him play this year and he is a great player. I admire the kid for doing what he did as he wants to get it all out before the combine because media ALREADY knew and they would have been asking him.
The kid did it because he wanted to, it makes him feel better to have done so.
Take a look at his stats this year versus last year and it got the monkey off his back.
I wish him luck but I fully understand the mentality of many players that feel "Who cares so keep it to yourself".
Interesting ESPN is running a story on Jerry Smith right now. Saw him play in his prime.
Vince Lombardi's brother was gay and Vince drafted a few known gay players out of college including Ray McDonald who led the nation in rushing in '66. Lombardi told his coaches if they razzed him about "his manhood" he would fire them.
Hope this goes away. Sam is gay, so what.
For a long time the criteria has, is and will be: "do not care if you have ear rings, long hair or bones in your nose; CAN YOU PLAY?"
And he can play but he is a tweener and will have a hard time adjusting to the speed of the game if he is moved from a hand on the ground defensive end to LB.
Missouri All-American Michael Sam says he is gay, and the defensive end could become the first openly homosexual player in the NFL.

In interviews with ESPN, The New York Times and Outsports that were published Sunday, Sam said he came out to all his teammates and coaches at Missouri in August.

"I am an openly, proud gay man," he said.

Reports: Missouri All-American says he is gay - SFGate

football contracts will never the same, football will never the same. football has traditionally been heterosexual, now, it will ruined because of this player. now when any heterosexual watches football, they will turn gay.

I believe it is more important that the fans come out and admit if they are gay or not. You are not going to have to shower with anyone on the field. BUT you may be sitting right next to a gay in the stands...or your kids may be sitting right next to a gay in the stands holding his foot long hot dog.

How did coming out as gay help Jason Collins?

True, but I don't think JC didn't get signed because he's gay. I believe he didn't get signed because he's old and sucks. I don't know how good this other guys is, but I suspect if he's good enough, he'll get a shot in the NFL.
This thread is a contributing factor to why I can't stand fags that make a big deal about this shit. This asshole is a football player but all anyone is talking about is his perversion. Will he get drafted high or low or at all BECAUSE of his statement for example.

After my next estimate should I inform the customer I like women? Will that insure me a better chance to secure the job?

This shit is so fucking dumb.
This attention whore should be left undrafted to make a point. Sadly our society has gone so far downhill that he likely will be.
This attention whore should be left undrafted to make a point. Sadly our society has gone so far downhill that he likely will be.

Sorry Grandpa, you have no clue obviously about college football so stick to shuffleboard.
This kid came out to his team before the first game this year when each starter was asked to say something about himself and told his team mates he was gay.
And they had his back all year and this week after he came out the good luck wishes came in from players on every team he played and from many NFL players.
This kid is a WAR DADDY on the field and does not need any attention, in fact his honesty about who he is probably will cost him a few rounds in the draft.
What is sad is you believe he is less than a human for being who he is.
Sam was the best defensive player in college last year in the very best conference.
Many Georgia players talked about how good he is and I saw him play this year and he is unreal.
People that are persecuted do not seek attention. I remember the day when a player that stated he was gay would be thrown off the team.
Only a dumb ass would pass on this kid in the later rounds.
Sam is a tweener as he is a down lineman and may not be big enough to play with his hand on the ground and he has never played LB so he will be a project from the start in a 3-4 and could fit in a 4-3 scheme.
I see him as 4-5th round as he is not a step in and play down defensive lineman.
Most everyone that I know that has actually crossed the lines and played wishes him luck.
We do not give a shit if he is gay or not. Bring it on rook. Show us what you have is the rule in the Not For Long League.
Everyone knows that there are a dozen or so gay players playing now and they ain't kickers. Ridiculous that someone has to announce they are gay but that is the culture there and the word was out anyway amongst the agents and NFL scouts so with the combine coming up get it out in the open and then focus on the combine.
Watch it in the long run be the same thing as the kooks that claimed allowing open service in the military would "break down unit cohesion". That turned out to be a lie.
And the military is a helluva lot more important as pro football.
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This attention whore should be left undrafted to make a point. Sadly our society has gone so far downhill that he likely will be.

Sorry Grandpa, you have no clue obviously about college football so stick to shuffleboard.
This kid came out to his team before the first game this year when each starter was asked to say something about himself and told his team mates he was gay.
And they had his back all year and this week after he came out the good luck wishes came in from players on every team he played and from many NFL players.
This kid is a WAR DADDY on the field and does not need any attention, in fact his honesty about who he is probably will cost him a few rounds in the draft.
What is sad is you believe he is less than a human for being who he is.
Sam was the best defensive player in college last year in the very best conference.
Many Georgia players talked about how good he is and I saw him play this year and he is unreal.
People that are persecuted do not seek attention. I remember the day when a player that stated he was gay would be thrown off the team.
Only a dumb ass would pass on this kid in the later rounds.
Sam is a tweener as he is a down lineman and may not be big enough to play with his hand on the ground and he has never played LB so he will be a project from the start in a 3-4 and could fit in a 4-3 scheme.
I see him as 4-5th round as he is not a step in and play down defensive lineman.
Most everyone that I know that has actually crossed the lines and played wishes him luck.
We do not give a shit if he is gay or not. Bring it on rook. Show us what you have is the rule in the Not For Long League.
Everyone knows that there are a dozen or so gay players playing now and they ain't kickers. Ridiculous that someone has to announce they are gay but that is the culture there and the word was out anyway amongst the agents and NFL scouts so with the combine coming up get it out in the open and then focus on the combine.
Watch it in the long run be the same thing as the kooks that claimed allowing open service in the military would "break down unit cohesion". That turned out to be a lie.
And the military is a helluva lot more important as pro football.

Clueless, post is clueless.

All anyone is talking about is his sexuality. That has NOTHING to do with his career choices.
How did coming out as gay help Jason Collins?

Jason played here in Atlanta and he came out at the very end of his career.
He had lost most of his skills years ago. The last year he played before he came out he was the last guy off the bench.
This attention whore should be left undrafted to make a point. Sadly our society has gone so far downhill that he likely will be.

Sorry Grandpa, you have no clue obviously about college football so stick to shuffleboard.
This kid came out to his team before the first game this year when each starter was asked to say something about himself and told his team mates he was gay.
And they had his back all year and this week after he came out the good luck wishes came in from players on every team he played and from many NFL players.
This kid is a WAR DADDY on the field and does not need any attention, in fact his honesty about who he is probably will cost him a few rounds in the draft.
What is sad is you believe he is less than a human for being who he is.
Sam was the best defensive player in college last year in the very best conference.
Many Georgia players talked about how good he is and I saw him play this year and he is unreal.
People that are persecuted do not seek attention. I remember the day when a player that stated he was gay would be thrown off the team.
Only a dumb ass would pass on this kid in the later rounds.
Sam is a tweener as he is a down lineman and may not be big enough to play with his hand on the ground and he has never played LB so he will be a project from the start in a 3-4 and could fit in a 4-3 scheme.
I see him as 4-5th round as he is not a step in and play down defensive lineman.
Most everyone that I know that has actually crossed the lines and played wishes him luck.
We do not give a shit if he is gay or not. Bring it on rook. Show us what you have is the rule in the Not For Long League.
Everyone knows that there are a dozen or so gay players playing now and they ain't kickers. Ridiculous that someone has to announce they are gay but that is the culture there and the word was out anyway amongst the agents and NFL scouts so with the combine coming up get it out in the open and then focus on the combine.
Watch it in the long run be the same thing as the kooks that claimed allowing open service in the military would "break down unit cohesion". That turned out to be a lie.
And the military is a helluva lot more important as pro football.

Clueless, post is clueless.

All anyone is talking about is his sexuality. That has NOTHING to do with his career choices.

You have no clue as the scouts and agents are talking about SKILL.
Not sexuality.
If you believe the press was not going to ALREADY be on him at the combine asking him if he is gay then you are clueless. Sports blogs all year had rumors of him being gay.
Empire Athletes represents him. They are very good.
They advised him to go out with it as all the media already knew and love outing sports stars.
"should be left undrafted to make a point" is about his sexuality?
Hint: the point of playing football is to win, NOT make points.
This kid had an unreal year AFTER he came out to his team.
That point is well taken with the scouts.
"should be left undrafted to make a point" is about his sexuality?
Hint: the point of playing football is to win, NOT make points.
This kid had an unreal year AFTER he came out to his team.
That point is well taken with the scouts.

Yes he should be left undrafted. Sexuality does not belong in the public discourse. At some point a line must be drawn. I am a hell of a contractor but I don't list my sexual desires as part of my estimates. Just as 99% of the population keep their private lives private so should the attention whores.
Or do you think me proclaiming my sexuality to possible customers is a good thing? This is no damn different.

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