First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

And employees make a profit off of EVERY employer. Win/win.

The lefts point of view is that when an employer makes profit, he or she should share that profit with their workers. Forget about the risks they took to start the business, the hours they work keeping it open, how they manage to keep it open during slow economic times while trying not to layoff employees. That doesn't matter. Employees take risks too. They have to drive to work every morning and punch the clock.

Sure, for all those risks and creating those jobs, an employer should make more money than their employees, just not too much more. They shouldn't be allowed to get rich while their low-skilled employees are just getting by in life. It's not their fault they never learned a skill or trade to make their services more valuable. It's the obligation of the employer to make up for their laziness and bad decisions. After all, they had children they could never afford and now they have to support them.
Not at all

In Socialism, The State controls production and pays a wage regardless of profit or loss
No need to worry about making a profit, or even covering one expenses then. Sort of what we see in government today. Spend, spend, spend….tax, tax, tax.

No incentive for meritocracy. Just breathe, and you’ll get paid.
COVID Vaccine distribution, Infrastructure, gun control, semiconductor investment, Climate investment, inflation reduction
Hardly a “clown show”

What are Republicans going to accomplish?
Lol. Absolutely nothing! Other than funding the deep state with mhuge tax breaks for billionaire s
Or to those of us intelligent enough to see how damaging and/or wasteful these policies are.

Democrats have no love for America. Most are European sympathizers.
“Dems = bad” isn’t intelligence. It’s just tribalism.

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