First order of Republican House business tomorrow is…..

Wouldn't you rather have Congress doing frivolous things than getting further entangled in our lives, making things worse, spending us further into debt we'll never get out of, hastening the collapse of the economy, that sort of thing?

Republicans are the only ones who collapse the economy. 1929, 1987, 2008 and 2020 - all Republican Presidents, cutting taxes for billionaires on the national credit card, and each and every time, the economy crashed.

Democrats are the party which clean up after Republicans take away Americans rights and freedoms, and crash the economy. You have to be either a multi-millionaire, or stupid to think Republicans are good for the economy or the country.
Not what you think

By public, they mean the state
Capitalism has private ownership, in other words, individuals

The public are the citizens and the state is the government. Two separate entities. Although the government oversees this shared ownership and calls the shots, it's still publicly owned.

As I pasted, capitalism is the concept of one or more individuals as owners, that make the investments and profits a business produces. They hire the public to help produce the goods and services they offer, and they are paid based on their abilities and skill levels, not based on how much profit a company makes. Profit sharing I'm sure is still used here and there, but it's a benefit most got rid of. However, if you want to get paid by how much work you do, there are still piece work and sales jobs where you earn your money by how much you produce.
You're really a stupid troll, aren't you?
Learn to use commas, you illiterate imbecile.
You might want to check check some of your own recent posts before deflecting onto issues like punctuation, grammar or proper sentence structure.

Can you explain how being paid for something service/goods/labor automatically equals profit? Or are you under the assumption that labor should be provided for free?
Republicans are the only ones who collapse the economy. 1929, 1987, 2008 and 2020 - all Republican Presidents, cutting taxes for billionaires on the national credit card, and each and every time, the economy crashed.

Democrats are the party which clean up after Republicans take away Americans rights and freedoms, and crash the economy. You have to be either a multi-millionaire, or stupid to think Republicans are good for the economy or the country.
Vote Republican. The country you save just might be your own.
You might want to check check some of your own recent posts before deflecting onto issues like punctuation, grammar or proper sentence structure.

Can you explain how being paid for something service/goods/labor automatically equals profit? Or are you under the assumption that labor should be provided for free?
And that is the problem

Very few employees make a “profit” after deducting “operating expenses” like housing, food, healthcare, childcare expenses, transportation
You might want to check check some of your own recent posts before deflecting onto issues like punctuation, grammar or proper sentence structure.
No thanks. If you could've easily found one, you'd have quoted it instead of posting like a passive/aggressive bitch.
Can you explain how being paid for something service/goods/labor automatically equals profit?
People wouldn't go to work if they didn't make a profit on the time they invested there, simpleton.
Or are you under the assumption that labor should be provided for free?
That's called "slavery" and is illegal. Think better. You bore me with your tic-tac-toe level intellect.
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And that is the problem

Very few employees make a “profit” after deducting “operating expenses” like housing, food, healthcare, childcare expenses, transportation

Profit is what you get from making investments, not what you have left over after bills. And what you have left over from bills is determined by what kind of money you decided to make.
Profit is what you get from making investments, not what you have left over after bills. And what you have left over from bills is determined by what kind of money you decided to make.

To a working man it is

If you give 40 hours of your life and after all expenses, you have more debt or break even……you are not making a profit

A business gets to deduct all its expenses, a working man doesn’t
To a working man it is

If you give 40 hours of your life and after all expenses, you have more debt or break even……you are not making a profit

A business gets to deduct all its expenses, a working man doesn’t

That's because it's those expenses that created the profit, therefore can be written off. If you have $1,000 dollars at the end of the month minus expenses, that's still not a profit. Profit is when you invest your own money, get that money back plus more. That extra money you got back after making your own money back is a profit.
That's because it's those expenses that created the profit, therefore can be written off. If you have $1,000 dollars at the end of the month minus expenses, that's still not a profit. Profit is when you invest your own money, get that money back plus more. That extra money you got back after making your own money back is a profit.
The working man’s labor creates a profit

Those expenses that allow him to create that profit are just as valid as the expenses a business has to make a profit.
"....posting like a passive/aggressive bitch."
Well, poster Orangecat, you seem to be taking your anonymous postings on an internet chatroom a little too personal.
Is this the right venue for you? Your commentary be a tad shrill, defensive, and angry.
What's up with that?
Really, is this the appropriate venue for you to be calling other posters "bitch"? "Simpleton"?

In short, think of this exercise as 'Adult Swim'.
Act like you should belong. If you want to belong.
So why do you feel Democrats are the only judges as to what constitutes fair share? Why is it Republicans can't define what they believe is the fair share for wealthy people?

Your party had two years of power to change the tax rate anyway they wanted. Why didn't they increase those taxes? Because they know what would happen if they did.
I'm not going with what dems say, I'm going by what I say.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama assailed President Donald Trump on Monday for ripping migrant children from their parents and throwing them into cages, picking up on a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats.

She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before. But what she did not say is that the very same “cages” were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids temporarily.

Obama did not torture children, Trump did!

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