First thing McCarthy wants to do: slash IRS! YES!

Why do we even need an IRS with an almost $80 billion budget?

To make sure people pay their taxes.

I have a much better idea.

Why don't we get rid of all that big government bullshit and reduce the budget of the bloated wasteful Federal government by $2 trillion a year?

We tried that in the first constitution. It didn't work well.

We then wouldn't need a filthy ass Income tax or cor[prate tax and the IRS could be greatly reduced in size.

Yeah. Simplifying the tax code was one of the policies Trump espoused that I supported. To bad he folded like a wet paper sack when lobbyists came a calling. Admittedly it is hard to resist the elites.

We would still be collecting a couple of trillion a year in other revenues sources and that would fund the necessary functions of the Federal government like Defense, State Department, Congress etc.

Just think how much more spendable income the American people would have by not having to pay the corporate tax whenever they buy anything made by a corporation (which are most things) and no income tax. The American people would be spending that $2 trillion in the productive economy rather than giving it away to stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians.
I have to be honest with you. I am merely an electrical worker. The scope of your proposal is incredibly complex and beyond my comfort level of having an opinion on how it would work.

That said, I tend to be pragmatic. As a constitutional republic, voters are certainly free to vote for those who support your ideals just as others can vote to support theirs.

If your ideals are not being implemented it likely means you are in the minority or the people you vote for did not do what you wanted.

Either way, that is how our government works. Seems like a piss poor reason to hate the people who voted in the majority.

Better luck next time.
Progressivism IS fascism. Anyone who advocates for censorship, lying to the public, vaccine mandates, disarming the public, locking down the population, IS A FASCIST.
What you've posted above defines the current iteration of the 21st Century, third decade of the Republican Party. Those who advocate the MSM is fake news is censorship, an example of lying to the public was the foundation of Limbaugh.

No one is calling for disarming the public. The issue is gun control, and not taking firearms from the sober, sane and law-abiding citizens.

Locking down the population is fascism; one upon a time we advocated the values and principles when penal codes were used not to punish but to rehabilitate. Today, someone who once had been convicted with two felonies decades ago, and today was convicted for a petty theft would be sentence for 25 to life.
People who make 600 dollar sales should have to pay taxes.

Don't you think so?
Let’s figure the cost of the product is $400, and overhead is another $100. That leaves $100 profit, or about $20 in taxes.

Nope. This isn’t about collecting revenues. It’s about weaponizing the IRS to go after their political opponents, like they did when Obama was president.

And the Dems CLAIM that they will only be targeting those making over $400,000, but the CBO reported that fully half of all new audits with come from those making under $75,000.
Let’s figure the cost of the product is $400, and overhead is another $100. That leaves $100 profit, or about $20 in taxes.

That 20 dollars belongs to the American people not tax cheats.

Nope. This isn’t about collecting revenues. It’s about weaponizing the IRS to go after their political opponents, like they did when Obama was president.

Did Obama do something illegal?

And the Dems CLAIM that they will only be targeting those making over $400,000, but the CBO reported that fully half of all new audits with come from those making under $75,000.
So. Target them both.

Why do you support people not paying taxes?
Progressivism IS fascism. Anyone who advocates for censorship, lying to the public, vaccine mandates, disarming the public, locking down the population, IS A FASCIST.
Republicans don't care about disarming the republic. They only care about Trump.
That 20 dollars belongs to the American people not tax cheats.

Did Obama do something illegal?

So. Target them both.

Why do you support people not paying taxes?
It’s all a transparent ploy to beef up the IRS to go after their political opponents. They did it before.

Why do you support weaponizing the IRS to go after people who refuse to vote for Democrats?
None of my posts violate the Democratic Party, the only time I didn't vote for a Presidential candidate was in 1980 when I voted for Anderson.

Reagan was very personal as an actor, until he attacked the students at CAL. Maybe you are too young to understand the First Amendment, when the vast majority of people protested nonviolently, and yet punished all of the protestors when only a few were violent.

The same goes for BLM!

You are a supporter of every progressive policy out there.

Most of which are fascist in nature.
Cringe-Worthy Post of the Week

Sorry. It's true. I realized this the day Trump said this...

“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence.

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

After trump said this I was shocked, especially as a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment.

What did you hear from Republicans? Crickets. Barely discussed in some of the more moderate right wing sites, not at all on the far right sites and no uproar from our fine Trump supporters on boards like these.

As a matter of fact, a false claim that those words were uttered by Biden was just about all I heard about it....

It's a cult.
Why do we even need an IRS with an almost $80 billion budget?

I have a much better idea.

Why don't we get rid of all that big government bullshit and reduce the budget of the bloated wasteful Federal government by $2 trillion a year?

We then wouldn't need a filthy ass Income tax or cor[prate tax and the IRS could be greatly reduced in size.

We would still be collecting a couple of trillion a year in other revenues sources and that would fund the necessary functions of the Federal government like Defense, State Department, Congress etc.

Just think how much more spendable income the American people would have by not having to pay the corporate tax whenever they buy anything made by a corporation (which are most things) and no income tax. The American people would be spending that $2 trillion in the productive economy rather than giving it away to stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians.
What would you cut?
You are a supporter of every progressive policy out there.

Most of which are fascist in nature.

Tell the readers: What are fascists in nature?

Mussolini's Italy was labeled Fascism, Hitler's and the half a dozen + or more authoritarian nation-states and are labeled fascist - as noted in this link. All of them are authoritarian, and to be clear, herein are the 14 original points:

These are generic examples of authoritarian used in the nation-states using different approaches which are implemented with slight differences. Trumpism is one of these.
Last edited:
Sorry. It's true. I realized this the day Trump said this...

“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence.

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

After trump said this I was shocked, especially as a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment.

What did you hear from Republicans? Crickets. Barely discussed in some of the more moderate right wing sites, not at all on the far right sites and no uproar from our fine Trump supporters on boards like these.

As a matter of fact, a false claim that those words were uttered by Biden was just about all I heard about it....

It's a cult.
you're insane. If you knew of someone with a weapon who planned on using it... I guess you would go to a lawyer and file a court case rather than actually doing something to stop the crime..

Oh, that's right.. you liberals like crime and criminals... never mind
Tell the readers: What are fascists in nature?

Mussolini's Italy was labeled Fascism, Hitler's and the half a dozen + or more authoritarian nation-states and are labeled fascist - as noted in this link. All of them are authoritarian, and to be clear, herein are the 14 original points:

These are generic examples of authoritarian used in the nation-states using different approaches which are implemented with slight differences. Trumpism is one of these.

Fascists demand censorship, an unarmed general populace, and obediance to authority.

you're insane. If you knew of someone with a weapon who planned on using it... I guess you would go to a lawyer and file a court case rather than actually doing something to stop the crime..

Oh, that's right.. you liberals like crime and criminals... never mind
And here you are defending it. Supporting bypassing due process and taking people's guns because the government can deem them "crazy".

What would you cut?
Back when the Worthless Negro was elected by you stupid racist Moon Bats Ron Paul in 2011 came up with a very reasonable plan to easily cut a trillion dollars out of the filthy Federal government. That is without cutting Social Security or even the goddamn welfare programs.

We could easily double that now.

The following are some of the plan’s highlights:
  • Paul would immediately eliminate five cabinet‐level departments: Commerce, Education, Energy, HUD, and Interior.
  • Paul says his plan would cut spending by $1 trillion in the first year alone, and balance the budget in three years without increasing taxes.
  • Funding for the wars would end. That’s not isolationism – it’s a common sense position that also reflects popular opinion. In addition, foreign aid spending would be zeroed out.
  • Intelligent government reforms are proposed, including privatizing the Federal Aviation Administration and repealing costly Davis‐Bacon rules.
  • On entitlements, younger people would be given the freedom to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Spending would be frozen for Medicaid and other welfare programs and they would be converted to block‐grant programs.
Back when the Worthless Negro was elected by you stupid racist Moon Bats Ron Paul in 2011 came up with a very reasonable plan to easily cut a trillion dollars out of the filthy Federal government. That is without cutting Social Security or even the goddamn welfare programs.

We could easily double that now.

The following are some of the plan’s highlights:
  • Paul would immediately eliminate five cabinet‐level departments: Commerce, Education, Energy, HUD, and Interior.
  • Paul says his plan would cut spending by $1 trillion in the first year alone, and balance the budget in three years without increasing taxes.
  • Funding for the wars would end. That’s not isolationism – it’s a common sense position that also reflects popular opinion. In addition, foreign aid spending would be zeroed out.
  • Intelligent government reforms are proposed, including privatizing the Federal Aviation Administration and repealing costly Davis‐Bacon rules.
  • On entitlements, younger people would be given the freedom to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Spending would be frozen for Medicaid and other welfare programs and they would be converted to block‐grant programs.
Your opining and topic sentence ["Back when the Worthless Negro was elected by you stupid racist Moon Bats"] shows me your prejudices and biases.

Ron Paul's desires are for Libertarian's, and Libertarians use simple plans which never consider the consequences of events.
And here you are defending it. Supporting bypassing due process and taking people's guns because the government can deem them "crazy".

as if dimrats give a damn about due process

Well, i guess they do care about it.. until someone like Trump comes along.. Then it's OK to bypass due process. Boy, if we even begin to think those Rs might be credibly accused (we can make it look like that if not) of such!!!!!!!! They will hang!!!!!!1
Takes 5 min to do the taxes on a little guy, can be months on the big money. SO less IRS more money out of the little guys pocket less audits the big fish. THINK ABOUT IT.

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