FISA Court: FBI Illegally Spied On US Senators, On Americans on J6

Et tu, Wray?

Former CIA Director Brennan was caught Illegally spying on Congress, exposed by D-Feinstein. For his crimes he was allowed to bexspared Indictment if he agreed to appear before Congress and promise not to do it again.

Now the very FISA Court the FBI has violated thousnds of times, by their own admission, has exposed FBI Director Wray's and his FBI's joining Brennan & his CIA in criminally spying on Congress.

Despite the rogue, criminally weaponized FBI's crimes you can expect Wray to be spared Indictment as Brennan was.

“FBI employees wrongly searched foreign surveillance data for the last names of a U.S. senator and a state senator, according to a court opinion released Friday,” reports the Associated Press.

“Another FBI employee improperly queried the Social Security number of a state judge who alleged civil rights violations by a municipal chief of police, according to the opinion by the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court."

WRAY: FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement that the FBI is reforming its practices."

What BULLSHIT. The laws the FBI are required to obey are clear - they either Obey them, or they do not. Currently Wray and tbe FBI do NOT obey the law.

US IG Horowitz reported that the FBI has defrauded the FISA Court and illegally spied on Americans approx 1 MILLION TIMES under Wray SO FAR. This was pointed out to Wray, who when asked had no idea how many times he and his agency had broken the law, during Congressional hearings. Wray responded with the same old bullshit - 'the FBI is WORKING ON IMPROVING COMPLIANCE.

Again, you either comply with the law or you don't.

In the immortal words of Master Yoda: 'Do or do NOT - there is no 'try'.'

Having perpetrated over a million illegal spying operations on Anericans ... and Senators ... Wray and his FBI aren't 'trying' to comply with the law at all.

Time for Wray to go, the criminal leadership be gutted from the FBI, and compliance to the law be reintroduced to the FBI and enforced.

Lol, hey retard who appointed Wray. Lol what party was he from? Lol how was the FISA court created? Lol, guess what party did that! Lol, guess what propaganda created the FISA court! Lol, remember how that republican party made ya afraid of the Muslim and the immigrant? Remer them telling ya ya needed the FISA court? Lol, bet you were flying that flag high when they introduced the patriot act huh. Lol now the retard is upset he got exactly what he asked for. Hilarious 😂. Well at any rate are you ready to do away with the FISA court and the patriot act? If so I am with ya. If not shut the fuck up and love what ya asked for.
So, you're alleging entrapment? That but for the urging of undercover FBI Agents, they never would have committed the offenses they did.
It is a fact, that US intelligence agencies knew there were elements of the protesters that were planning to do, what they were planning to do. Why did they not stop them from doing it? :eusa_think:

I'm not sure the entire establishment was on board. . but elements?

IMO? That? IS a legitimate question to ask. . .

It is also a fact, that certain elements of the bureaucracy, purposely did not increase security, which they knew, would be required that day. We also know, for a fact, that there was dozens, and possibly, up to a hundred or more, local, federal, and private interests, that were "un-indicted co-conspirators," and "confidential human sources," of intelligence on ground, in that crowd, at the whole January 6th incident.

When we allow the media, the government and corporations, to create narratives and unequal systems of justice paradigms, we betray the foundational principles of this nation, and certainly weaken ourselves to foreign danger IMO.

There need to be show trials for every FBI agent (all of them are bad, not just the leadership) followed by public hangings. Then we can start from scratch.
Trump talked the talk and walked the walk. Biden has failed on every level.
I must have missed Hillary getting locked up, the swamp getting drained, trade deals with China getting renegotiated so that we're no longer getting slaughtered, the wall getting built, and the US getting out of NATO.
That is what I'm saying. They incited the crowd to enter the capitol building.
Have you ever attended a protest or protest march? I did so for the first time in 2014, it was a "I will not comply" rally held on the law of the Washington State capitol in protest of a new "feel good" gun law the legislators had passed requiring a background check every time a firearm is "transfer" from one individual to another. A lot of research was done on the side of the gunowners, and it was determined that "transfer" meant that if two individuals were at the shooting range and they wanted to swap weapons to get some practice in then they would be in violation of this law, just as one example. Long story short, there were more than 1,000 people, the rally that day at least 50% I would say were openly carrying long guns strapped across their chests and there were two Washington State Patrol vehicles at opposite sides of the perimeter but of course that doesn't mean that there were not undercover officers mixed in with the crowd. The people who organized the event spoke to the crowd, one of our gun rights state legislators was on stage as well as former Governor of New Mexico Richardson. They made a demonstration of passing weapons back and forth on stage in direct violation of the new law, in the presence of the law enforcement officers in attendance who had stated they were not going to enforce the law because it was too ambiguous. It was a very festive environment, there were booths set up around the perimeter and I got to see and meet with a variety of people, including some of the oath keepers.

A few months after that I attended my first march. Black Lives Matter was holding a march in downtown Seattle and I wanted to attend and march for Sandra Bland. The difference in the rally I attended in Olympia and the march in downtown Seattle was glaring. There were police officers in riot gear with these long batons standing on the other side of the street from Westlake Park, which was our point of origin, however once the march began, I found it comforting because we had a police escort while we marched. The officers were on bikes and basically surrounded us as we moved through the downtown area as well as blocking intersections so we could pass. Another thing of interest I noted is that there were photographers running alongside of us with long lens taking our photos so I'm pretty sure that I'm in one or more additional government databases due to that event and possibly the previous rally although I didn't detect anyone openly taking pictures of the attendants.

The reason I'm relaying this information to you is because before I made the decision to attend the first event which I did alone is because I assessed what negative repercussions there could be if anything went wrong. We always start with worse case scenarios, and I tell my trainees that there are three things that we always want to do everything possible to avoid when we're going out on a job - that is getting arrested, getting sued and getting shot and/or killed. The other people at these events are all strangers to me, I don't know why they are there, I don't know their backgrounds or whether their intentions are good, bad or if or how they align with my own intentions.

Each of us has to decide for ourselves what we're willing to do and how far we're willing to go, if we're willing to get arrested, beat up, or shot for "the cause" and if any of those things occur are we willing to lose our livelihoods, money, freedom, or lives even though that's not what we are intending.

Many of the people who showed up at the Capitol at Trump's bequest, don't appear to have given much thought to the possible consequences of their actions or being in a crowd of people engaging in behavior that they perhaps shouldn't have been. If the person directing you is in uniform and is clearly law enforcement that's one thing, but if some stranger is encouraging you to engage in certain behaviors or continue on pass roped off areas or to breach locked doors, I personally think it's better to have thought out what your course of action will be BEFORE you find yourself in such a situation where stress and the excitement of the moment may cloud your thinking.

In other words, while I understand why you feel that some of them were misled, I watched the footage from that day I honestly at this moment do not remember seeing what if any attempts were made to get the crowd to disperse other than the point at which Ashley Babbett was shot for attempting to breach the locked door that led to the area where member of Congress were sheltering behind barricaded doors.

I honestly think many of them were there having fun (obviously from the photos they took of themselves and posted on social media) and simply just didn't think of the severity of the situation that they were perpetuating. Or the criminality.

They're adults, they should have thought this through beginning with worst case scenario. At least most of them got away with their lives, unlike several others including one of the police officers, Brian Sicknick who died the next day and who incredulously the authorities have claimed that there was no nexus between him taking a beating and his sudden death from a stroke.
SO...........Was Epps part of ANYTHING?
So........Some random stranger comes up and and states something stupid and people don't question him?
What person in the proud boys or the oath keepers, even claimed, they knew him?

SO......If Ray wanted people to jump off the Golden Gate bridge?
Teabaggers, really have to have more than "Some guy'.
"Some guy" told me to rob a bank?
What a desperate post... LOL 😂
It really started with the Patriot Act.
Actually, it started even before the Patriot Act. Members of Congress had tried to get a similar version of the law passed but had been rebuffed each time due to the violations of civil liberties and civil rights that it presented. Once the 9/11 attacks occurred then they got it passed reportedly without anyone in Congress even bothering to read it.
In Feinstein's case they should have investigated here. She ran cover for a Red Chinese spy ring for over 2 decades, and where did that case go? They don't call her 'Warbucks' for nothing, either; her husband became a billionaire off of real estate deals with the Federal govt.

OF course if the FBI investigated Feinstein it would only be because she forgot to share the loot with other Democrats. Apparently that oversight had been corrected, because her case has dropped completely off the map.
Actually, it started even before the Patriot Act. Members of Congress had tried to get a similar version of the law passed but had been rebuffed each time due to the violations of civil liberties and civil rights that it presented. Once the 9/11 attacks occurred then they got it passed reportedly without anyone in Congress even bothering to read it.
Passed within 6 weeks of September 11.........October 26.

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