FISA Court: FBI Illegally Spied On US Senators, On Americans on J6

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No Nothing.

No Proof.

All Americans know our government illegally spies all the time. It's common knowledge.

America... never give NWO shillbots/NPCs links. They simply report them to be deplatformed.
Et tu, Wray?

Former CIA Director Brennan was caught Illegally spying on Congress, exposed by D-Feinstein. For his crimes he was allowed to bexspared Indictment if he agreed to appear before Congress and promise not to do it again.

Now the very FISA Court the FBI has violated thousnds of times, by their own admission, has exposed FBI Director Wray's and his FBI's joining Brennan & his CIA in criminally spying on Congress.

Despite the rogue, criminally weaponized FBI's crimes you can expect Wray to be spared Indictment as Brennan was.

“FBI employees wrongly searched foreign surveillance data for the last names of a U.S. senator and a state senator, according to a court opinion released Friday,” reports the Associated Press.

“Another FBI employee improperly queried the Social Security number of a state judge who alleged civil rights violations by a municipal chief of police, according to the opinion by the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court."

WRAY: FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement that the FBI is reforming its practices."

What BULLSHIT. The laws the FBI are required to obey are clear - they either Obey them, or they do not. Currently Wray and tbe FBI do NOT obey the law.

US IG Horowitz reported that the FBI has defrauded the FISA Court and illegally spied on Americans approx 1 MILLION TIMES under Wray SO FAR. This was pointed out to Wray, who when asked had no idea how many times he and his agency had broken the law, during Congressional hearings. Wray responded with the same old bullshit - 'the FBI is WORKING ON IMPROVING COMPLIANCE.

Again, you either comply with the law or you don't.

In the immortal words of Master Yoda: 'Do or do NOT - there is no 'try'.'

Having perpetrated over a million illegal spying operations on Anericans ... and Senators ... Wray and his FBI aren't 'trying' to comply with the law at all.

Time for Wray to go, the criminal leadership be gutted from the FBI, and compliance to the law be reintroduced to the FBI and enforced.

You know, this stuff wouldn't be bad if it was being done for all the right reasons, but it was being done for all the wrong reasons, and that's what not only enhances the illegality of it, but it also shows a serious misjudgement in our most cherished institutions charged with keeping us safe.

It all needs to be cleaned up big time bad.
Did you watch the video? Ray Epps was obviously part of a pre planned operation.
SO...........Was Epps part of ANYTHING?
So........Some random stranger comes up and and states something stupid and people don't question him?
What person in the proud boys or the oath keepers, even claimed, they knew him?
Why on January 5th was he telling people to go into the capital?
SO......If Ray wanted people to jump off the Golden Gate bridge?
Teabaggers, really have to have more than "Some guy'.
"Some guy" told me to rob a bank?

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