Fiscal Conservatism is dead


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
This is a pretty spot on short video. It's not near as detailed as it needs to be. But it does paint the obvious picture to what's happened since at least Reagan. And especially with Trump and his worshippers.

easyt65 I posted this 5 minutes ago. You laughed at it 4 minutes ago. The video is almost 9 minutes long.

Just sayin
easyt65 I posted this 5 minutes ago. You laughed at it 4 minutes ago. The video is almost 9 minutes long.

Just sayin
Just saying that it is easy to laugh at it before watching the whole thing ttissue?

i didn't know my opinion was so important to you. Sorry you are so offended at me laughing at your post....need a tissue?
This is a pretty spot on short video. It's not near as detailed as it needs to be. But it does paint the obvious picture to what's happened since at least Reagan. And especially with Trump and his worshippers.

Liked it. He leans libertarian by the sound of his thoughts on slipping a 21 year age requirement into passing a general budget extension, after declaring kids legally adult at 18 for practically all other purposes.
Liked it. He leans libertarian by the sound of his thoughts on slipping a 21 year age requirement into passing a general budget extension, after declaring kids legally adult at 18 for practically all other purposes.

Fact is, those of us who seem "libertarian," most of us are just conservative. We've been labeled libertarian because that's where the only fiscal conservatives are. At least that's the way it was in the LP a few years ago when I was a member. I think since then, the Progressives have infiltrated it. That occurred when the DNC was caught rigging the election in favor of Hillary. It pissed off the the Sanders supporters, and they went to the LP and got it all screwed up with their support of legalizing drugs and supporting trannies.

Conservatives are now politically homeless.
Just saying that it is easy to laugh at it before watching the whole thing ttissue?

Yes, cop outs are easy. They're the easy way out. No thought required.
i didn't know my opinion was so important to you. Sorry you are so offended at me laughing at your post....need a tissue?

You didn't give you opinion on what was said in the OP. You gave a cop out. My interest was simply calling you out on that. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Yes, cop outs are easy. They're the easy way out. No thought required.

You didn't give you opinion on what was said in the OP. You gave a cop out. My interest was simply calling you out on that. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Awwww, someone is so emotional over my reaction. How cute....
Fact is, those of us who seem "libertarian," most of us are just conservative. We've been labeled libertarian because that's where the only fiscal conservatives are. At least that's the way it was in the LP a few years ago when I was a member. I think since then, the Progressives have infiltrated it. That occurred when the DNC was caught rigging the election in favor of Hillary. It pissed off the the Sanders supporters, and they went to the LP and got it all screwed up with their support of legalizing drugs and supporting trannies.

Conservatives are now politically homeless.
Nothing wrong with being called libertarian. Conservative label has been hijacked along with the soul of normal Republicans, right along with the republican brand. The figuring is, he that controls the party, not only directs, but defines even to redefining descriptive words (like conservative) long held high by party leaders of the past, to fool the followers and retain the vote of the old republican party people on name and slogan recognition. Like you said, all gone now and the conservatives are indeed homeless.
Welcome to being Independent. None of the parties are worth consistent support. Take your best shot, based on the measure of the man or woman during election years, while paying attention to what they say and do when not running for office.
"People write to me all the time about spending. Democrats do it, Republicans do it. It's their fault, or is it?

I'm going to run for congress. My platform will be I will bring no federal money back to our state! Would you vote for me?"
Walter E Williams
"People write to me all the time about spending. Democrats do it, Republicans do it. It's their fault, or is it?

I'm going to run for congress. My platform will be I will bring no federal money back to our state! Would you vote for me?"
Walter E Williams

That would depend. Is it borrowed from the fed? If so, then no.

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