Five Reasons Independents Should Choose McCain Over Obama

Five reasons why everyone should vote for Bob Barr over the Republicrats:
- Opposed the bailout bill from the start
- Will end the war on terror, and bring troops home from Iraq
- Will restore our civil liberties and respect the Constitution
- Will cut federal spending by $200 billion yearly
- Will abolish the Federal Reserve
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how many threads do you need saying the same thing?

Yeah, the Sarah Palin threads come to mind. Haven't come up with one negative on her, yet it doesn't stop the methane-breathing libtards from posting thread-after-thread about her with the latest dribble they get from Moveon/Kos/HuffPo with enough MSNBC/Air America sprinkled in to ensure anyone that reads it knows you are a mindless sheep.
Yeah, the Sarah Palin threads come to mind. Haven't come up with one negative on her, yet it doesn't stop the methane-breathing libtards from posting thread-after-thread about her with the latest dribble they get from Moveon/Kos/HuffPo with enough MSNBC/Air America sprinkled in to ensure anyone that reads it knows you are a mindless sheep.

You are an idiot.
this is a man who has been "palling around with terrorists" like Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn. He spent 20 years going to a radical, anti-white, anti-American church. He had the most liberal voting record in the entire Senate in 2007. In other words, this is a man who is comfortable on the farthest fringes of the American Left. Combine his radical views, his stunning lack of experience, and the rapidly shifting promises he has made during the campaign and it's extremely hard to predict exactly what he'd do and how far he would go if he gets into office. Given what we know about Obama, it would be far less risky to hand a teenage boy a bottle of whiskey and your car keys than it would be to hand Barack Obama the keys to the White House.

John Hawkins : Five Reasons Independents Should Choose McCain Over Obama -

You haven't listed one attribute or policy position of McCains. What has this got to do with voting for him?
You haven't listed one attribute or policy position of McCains. What has this got to do with voting for him?


It's easy to pick up outrageous Rep. sound bites and videos about Obama.

Now, tell us (if you can) all the positive reasons why McCain is the best choice for president.

It's easy to pick up outrageous Rep. sound bites and videos about Obama.

Now, tell us (if you can) all the positive reasons why McCain is the best choice for president.

- McCain is the best candidate to win the war on terror.
- McCain's tax policy keeps prices where they are. Obama cuts your taxes by 1%, and then taxes the rich another 11%. Who do you think the rich are going to pass that burden onto?
- McCain has an energy policy that includes drilling NOW to relieve the current burden of energy costs while researching cleaner, cheaper, renewable sources.
- McCain's health plan doesn't have me paying for your healthcare. It has you paying for your healthcare.
- McCain's economic policy sucks. So does Obama's. They both supported the worst economic bill in history.
- McCain is the best candidate to win the war on terror.
- McCain's tax policy keeps prices where they are. Obama cuts your taxes by 1%, and then taxes the rich another 11%. Who do you think the rich are going to pass that burden onto?
- McCain has an energy policy that includes drilling NOW to relieve the current burden of energy costs while researching cleaner, cheaper, renewable sources.
- McCain's health plan doesn't have me paying for your healthcare. It has you paying for your healthcare.
- McCain's economic policy sucks. So does Obama's. They both supported the worst economic bill in history.

The war on terror?

Bin Laden said his goal was to bankrupt America.

Bush is helping him accomplish his goal.

The war on terror?

Bin Laden said his goal was to bankrupt America.

Bush is helping him accomplish his goal.


And the Democratic Congress with Obama in tow has done nothing to stop it.
And the Democratic Congress with Obama in tow has done nothing to stop it.

Sorry, that line doesn't work.

Republican Congress and Republican president got us into this mess.

Now Obama will get us out.
- McCain is the best candidate to win the war on terror.

McCain is devoted to fighting a war against anyone but bin-Laden and will not violate Pakistan’s sovereignty even though they harbor those who clearly violated ours. It is very hard to win a war on terrorism when you won’t fight them.

- McCain's tax policy keeps prices where they are. Obama cuts your taxes by 1%, and then taxes the rich another 11%. Who do you think the rich are going to pass that burden onto?

Not me. The majority of income for the wealthy comes from the profits from productivity not productivity itself whereas taxes on individual labor are incurred before any productively is realized. To illustrate the point say my earnings from my business is 1M and my taxes are 400K. How do I pass on that cost when I have already sold those goods and services? I can’t back charge my customers and if I try to add it to current pricing then I loose business. Now assume I am general labor and need $15 per hour net to maintain my current quality of life. What do I have to charge for my labor…net plus taxes. This goes directly into CoGS and adds to the price whereas a 1% cut, or any cut on labor, would consequently lower the price for labor.

Obama’s is the better of the two tax packages as it decreases labor inflation.

- McCain has an energy policy that includes drilling NOW to relieve the current burden of energy costs while researching cleaner, cheaper, renewable sources.

How will drilling now relieve the current burden of energy costs? You are arguing that supply will intentionally tolerate a push position when we have both historical and economic precedence to suggest it won’t.

- McCain's health plan doesn't have me paying for your healthcare. It has you paying for your healthcare.

McCain’s health plan calls for a tax credit with those most likely to need to use it taxpayers who pay less than the 5K proposed. So if I am a low-middle income family who already play no or little income tax where is McCain getting the 5K if not from you?

- McCain's economic policy sucks. So does Obama's. They both supported the worst economic bill in history.

Ok, I give you a push.
Sorry, that line doesn't work.

Republican Congress and Republican president got us into this mess.

Now Obama will get us out.

Your blind faith is amusing, yet disturbing. You give much credit to a man who has not once in his career passed a single significant piece of legislation.
Your blind faith is amusing, yet disturbing. You give much credit to a man who has not once in his career passed a single significant piece of legislation.

What significant piece of physics did Einstein accomplish before the Special Theory of Relativity? Good ideas do not need a precursor before being presented.
What significant piece of physics did Einstein accomplish before the Special Theory of Relativity? Good ideas do not need a precursor before being presented.

He came up with that theory at the age of 26. Obama's 44. He's overdue, doncha think?
WHAT is up with the caps, just a lame attempt at being rude? Careful your aptitude is showing through, educate yourself fool!

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It's easy to pick up outrageous Rep. sound bites and videos about Obama.

Now, tell us (if you can) all the positive reasons why McCain is the best choice for president.

Ummm.. He's not a socialist.

He's not advocating intentionally sky-rocketing energy costs.

He won't form a trifecta with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

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