Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

Price Controls for one.

Mandated benefits and "approved" procedures for two others.

Clearly, the doctor's judgment is that ObamaCare damages his profession. He's in the best position to make that evaluation.

As to shortage of supply - if you don't understand how demand driven by things being FREE outstrips supply, then there is no explaining economics to you.

Name a mandated benefit in the healthcare bill that will cost this urologist money out of pocket.
NO ONE walks door to door trying to pick out their Urologist for goodness sakes! sheesh

I think you may be mistaken in assuming people do not shop for their Doctors. It took me nearly 6 months to find a pediatrician I was happy with for my daughter's healthcare. Maybe with the passage of this alleged healthcare reform that will no longer be true though....since the participants in the "pool" will only have a limited number of physicians stupid enough to accept 35 dollars for conducting a full physical.
Name a mandated benefit in the healthcare bill that will cost this urologist money out of pocket.

It's the price controls that will most likely get him. They haven't finished the minutiae of regulations and mandates to be spewed forth by the 159 panels and boards, so the full horror is, as of yet, unknown.

One aspect that will most likely affect doctors is where they are allowed to practice. ObamaCare is an equality of outcome type of program. It will most likely involve redistributing doctors so that doctor patient ratios are geographically equalized. If an area is deemed to have more than its "fair share" of doctors, some will be "transferred". Given the aged population in FL, that state most likely has more than its "fair share" of urologists.
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the libtards haven't indulged in such a whine/hate fest in quite a while.. they are running this one through to the hilt.
The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

How totally UNSURPRISING the "modern" version of this oath was re-written by LIBERALS, isn't it? Oh gee, what oath obligates all doctors to agree with THAT re-write I wonder? Something Marx wrote perhaps?

Does that mean I should support either this guy losing his license to practice medicine or being thrown into a "re-education" camp -which I know is something the left firmly believes is the proper answer to such blatant disrespect to the power of the state once it has declared itself the supreme being and more trustworthy to know what is in your best interests more than YOU can know for yourself?

The man believes the Obama administration has inserted itself between his ability to properly provide for his patients as HE AND HIS PATIENT may decide. No role for GOVERNMENT there, is there? Guess what -I don't think government has ANY ROLE in deciding any aspect of MY medical care either.

Apparently you think doctors have taken an magical oath that places them above all other human beings, they are supremely obligated to EVERYONE else on the entire planet in a way no one else ever is -and the simple fact they made a career choice YOU didn't obligates him to provide YOU with his knowledge, skills and training even to those who voted in favor of those government LAWYERS who think so highly of themselves, they are utterly convinced THEY are far more knowledgeable about how to best practice medicine over those who actually do it. This guy has no problem with that -why do you? It isn't as if he is claiming you owe HIM your own services, knowledge and skills -is he? No doctor takes an oath to provide his services to anyone and everyone regardless of the harm others intend against their ability to best treat their patients according to their best and most informed educated, skilled and medical opinion or their ability to support themselves as THEY see fit. Just like YOU never took one either. They have only taken an oath that IF they choose to treat you, it is with the obligation to give you their best. NOT an oath that they will treat any and all. So go get a lawyer to treat your medical problems and quit whining. If you aren't willing to first take that oath yourself about what you OWE everyone else who didn't choose YOUR career -then quit pretending others took it just because they chose a different career from your own. Liberals don't get it -just because you CHOOSE to place a very high value on the career choice someone else made, does NOT place a special obligation upon them that doesn't exist for everyone else. If lawyers who managed to get themselves elected to a government office can claim to know how to best provide a service to others in spite of having zero training, education and skills over those who actually do it -then those same lawyers sure as hell know how to best do YOUR job as well and "own" it and have the greater "right" to dictate how it must be done. Do you REALLY think doctors magically took a far more important "re-written" oath than the Democrat politicians who vowed to uphold our Constitution only to OPENLY admit it is an oath they never took seriously in the first place? Your "re-written" oath is not one doctors swear to -just in case you did not know this. They STILL swear by the Hippocratic oath in spite of you Marxists who want to claim that if people make certain career choices YOU didn't -they OWE you far more than you will ever owe them.

Let's be all grown up and maybe you can even pretend to believe in "freedom" even though freedom is actually not high on the list of liberals -assuming it is there at all. Try this one on for size and see whether it still throws you into apoplectic fits. Turn the same table on HIM -in a FREE society you are allowed to do that, see? You don't like this guy's position and statement THEN DON'T GO TO HIM FOR YOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT! Wow what a truly novel idea, huh? But the reason this isn't even on the list of possible options of a liberal is what defines the REAL difference between a totalitarian-loving liberal and a freedom-loving conservative in the first place.

May I ask, HOW do YOU know what this doctor feels about the health care bill? HUH?

Did his sign complain about the health care bill?


His sign complained about OBAMA VOTERS, his patients...who he told to just turn their butts around and head away from him, because he has NO DESIRE to treat these patients of his, anymore...if they voted for Obama...

SEEMS TO ME, that this Doctor didn't say a word about what upsets him with this health care bill, he only LASHED OUT at his patients for voting for obama...

now you can take that, and twist and turn it any way you and your other darlings on this site wish....

But you ain't changing my mind on it, because you have NO EVIDENCE what so ever to your claims, HOWEVER I have a sign that SAYS IT ALL, writen by the hateful Doc.

Since the sign did not appear until AFTER the bill was signed, then it doesn't appear this guy was actually griping about an election result from a year and a half earlier. Do you have any understanding of human nature in the first place? This sign didn't show up until recently. That means what PROVOKED this response likely also happened RECENTLY and isn't something that happened years ago that he is just now getting around to complaining about! No rocket science is needed for this one.

I feel pretty safe saying the fact this guy's sign only recently showed up is directly tied to the equally recent passage of a bill the majority of Americans, including the overwhelming majority of doctors -all opposed. And still oppose.

The guy is entitled to his opinion, anyone who finds his opinion so objectionable they can't get past it -are equally entitled to reject his services for those of someone else. That is how freedom works -and it actually works real well.
he may be a private business, but ALL PHYSICIANS, take an OATH, to be Physicians FIRST, above all else in their own personal lives.

Is your position doctors must administer care to patients in any circumstance?

How about a patient that hasn't paid his/her bill?

Or one that has stolen from the doctor?

How about the family and supporters of a man that has raped and murdered the doctor's wife and daughter?

i am not a Doctor, so i am not 100% certain, i can only say it, how i believe it to be in certain situations....

in every manner, if any one of those different ''bad people'' above, came in to the doctor's office, with a life or death emergency, the doctor is required to help them, not harm them, by not using the knowledge he was given through his teachers, that could save the person.

The bill, is the last concern of the physician or a hospital for that matter, in the circumstance i used in the above example....

a patient of his, that had a harmful illness, who had fallen behind on his bills, the doctor has the options of ''writing the delinquent debt off on his taxes, and continue to give his patient the care needed, or the obligation to find another urologist to take on his patient's care probono, or to find a charity service willing to pay a portion of his patient's bill with him still providing the care or perhaps a charity of state hospital that would provide the care.... i am certain the doctor's office workers know all of the ropes....

if it is taking on new customers with medicare or with health insurance or something of that nature then he has every right to make those decisions about the percentage of each type of insurance vs cash or to go all cash.....
with a life or death emergency......The bill, is the last concern of the physician or a hospital for that matter, in the circumstance i used in the above example....

and this is not always the case...have you heard of patient dumping?

Plus...let's not get sidetracked and muddy the waters here...we are NOT talking about hospital physicians...we are discussing a doctor with a PRIVATE PRACTICE who can use any criteria he deems acceptable to HIS PRIVATE PRACTICE when selecting the patients he will care for.
The simple fact of the matter here is a Doctor chose NOT to accept and eliminate patients under his care who do not meet his selection criteria. He never REFUSED treatment to anyone. I'm sure if he asked a question on the questionaire that asked "Who did you vote for in the last Presidential election?" then refused treatment based on that criteria you progressive loons would have a case but for now it's all a liberal whinefest because nearly the entire country hates this President's fucked up agenda. The media chose to make a big deal out of it because they see it as an attack on Obama's socialist policies.
Name a mandated benefit in the healthcare bill that will cost this urologist money out of pocket.

It's the price controls that will most likely get him. They haven't finished the minutiae of regulations and mandates to be spewed forth by the 159 panels and boards, so the full horror is, as of yet, unknown.

One aspect that will most likely affect doctors is where they are allowed to practice. ObamaCare is an equality of outcome type of program. It will most likely involve redistributing doctors so that doctor patient ratios are geographically equalized. If an area is deemed to have more than its "fair share" of doctors, some will be "transferred". Given the aged population in FL, that state most likely has more than its "fair share" of urologists.

Okay, now where the hell did you come up with that one?

I've seen nothing that says anything at all about dictating where a doctor can have an office.

And please!!!! Don't give them the damned idea!

Price Controls for one.

Mandated benefits and "approved" procedures for two others.

Clearly, the doctor's judgment is that ObamaCare damages his profession. He's in the best position to make that evaluation.

As to shortage of supply - if you don't understand how demand driven by things being FREE outstrips supply, then there is no explaining economics to you.

Beside, he will be forced by the government to break an oath about doctor-patient privacy of medical records. Doctors will also be at the mercy of government bureaucrats approving medical procedures he wants to do in order to get paid.
Ame®icano;2174930 said:
. Doctors will also be at the mercy of government bureaucrats approving medical procedures he wants to do in order to get paid.

President Obama has avoided any comparisons between his plan and the Massachusetts law, with good reason. Premiums for employer-sponsored insurance - 96 percent of the Massachusetts' market - are rising 21 percent to 46 percent faster than the national average. State officials have whitewashed the cost overruns, but they are simultaneously raising taxes and threatening to impose a Canadian-style payment system, in which doctors and hospitals do the dirty work of rationing care.

Name a mandated benefit in the healthcare bill that will cost this urologist money out of pocket.

It's the price controls that will most likely get him. They haven't finished the minutiae of regulations and mandates to be spewed forth by the 159 panels and boards, so the full horror is, as of yet, unknown.

One aspect that will most likely affect doctors is where they are allowed to practice. ObamaCare is an equality of outcome type of program. It will most likely involve redistributing doctors so that doctor patient ratios are geographically equalized. If an area is deemed to have more than its "fair share" of doctors, some will be "transferred". Given the aged population in FL, that state most likely has more than its "fair share" of urologists.
There are no 159 panels. That's just a wingnut talking point. I can see you are not being honest...:eusa_liar:
Ame®icano;2174930 said:
Price Controls for one.

Mandated benefits and "approved" procedures for two others.

Clearly, the doctor's judgment is that ObamaCare damages his profession. He's in the best position to make that evaluation.

As to shortage of supply - if you don't understand how demand driven by things being FREE outstrips supply, then there is no explaining economics to you.

Beside, he will be forced by the government to break an oath about doctor-patient privacy of medical records. Doctors will also be at the mercy of government bureaucrats approving medical procedures he wants to do in order to get paid.
I'm curious...are you people really stupid or just liars? It's so hard to tell.
Name a mandated benefit in the healthcare bill that will cost this urologist money out of pocket.

It's the price controls that will most likely get him. They haven't finished the minutiae of regulations and mandates to be spewed forth by the 159 panels and boards, so the full horror is, as of yet, unknown.

One aspect that will most likely affect doctors is where they are allowed to practice. ObamaCare is an equality of outcome type of program. It will most likely involve redistributing doctors so that doctor patient ratios are geographically equalized. If an area is deemed to have more than its "fair share" of doctors, some will be "transferred". Given the aged population in FL, that state most likely has more than its "fair share" of urologists.

You really need to show me FROM THE HEALTHCARE BILL where the government is given the power to physically move doctors from one part of the country to another against their will.

god you people are a shit load of a joke.. he has not fucking right to do this. he does not need to supporot obama but there no reason for this.

why are you guys avoiding this?

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

Do you feel that all doctors should be compelled to perform abortions?

No, I do not believe all doctors should be compelled to perform abortions....

BUT THIS IS NOT what this particular case is about....NOT IN THE LEASE Code....

This has nothing to do with a medical procedure the doctor ethically disagrees with...this is a Doctor, for merely political reasons, who does not want to treat his patients anymore.

He is mentally ILL imo....yes, crazy....yes, I know that term is being used too freely lately, but this guy QUALIFIES imo.

Well the politicians "for merely political purposes" went against the majority to pass the HC bill. If you think the politicians had your best interest in mind, you would be very naive.
Unethical or a sign of things to come?


Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters - Health care- msnbc.com

Is the sign of a big whining pussy is what it is. If that doc had any nuts he'd make the sign bigger and use black on white to make it easier to read.
btw, in case it wasn't mentioned, this clown went to medical school at some college on Grenada,
during the years Grenada was pals with Cuba.:lol:
Do you feel that all doctors should be compelled to perform abortions?

No, I do not believe all doctors should be compelled to perform abortions....

BUT THIS IS NOT what this particular case is about....NOT IN THE LEASE Code....

This has nothing to do with a medical procedure the doctor ethically disagrees with...this is a Doctor, for merely political reasons, who does not want to treat his patients anymore.

He is mentally ILL imo....yes, crazy....yes, I know that term is being used too freely lately, but this guy QUALIFIES imo.

Well the politicians "for merely political purposes" went against the majority to pass the HC bill. If you think the politicians had your best interest in mind, you would be very naive.

Are those in congress Physicians and did they take a PHYSICIANS oath...???????

WHAT THE HECK does congress have to do with what this man did?

Why do those on the right NEVER EVER EVER accept responsibility for what is wrong....WHY do they ALWAYS have to deflect? And I thought Liberals were bad.....sheesh!

what this man did, telling his own patients to go away and seek care elsewhere if they voted for Obama is simply unethical, wrong and he broke his physician's OATH for Chriss's sake....

JUST SAY IT!:evil:

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