Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

IT is his practice he can accept any patient or not he determines the reasons. That is America

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

Not every doctor is a member of the AMA. In fact, the AMA represents about 29 percent of licensed U.S. doctors, according to the AMA's own figures.

NBC's Guthrie falsely suggests AMA represents "the nation's doctors" | Media Matters for America
IT is his practice he can accept any patient or not he determines the reasons. That is America

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

Not every doctor is a member of the AMA. In fact, the AMA represents about 29 percent of licensed U.S. doctors, according to the AMA's own figures.

NBC's Guthrie falsely suggests AMA represents "the nation's doctors" | Media Matters for America

Takes a physicians Oath....there are several of them, all pretty much the same, but Docs are not physicians unless they take one of these physician Oaths and they all have politics and religion and race and so forth that can NOT come in to their practice, in their ETHICAL CODE that they take an oath on.

I have linked this more than once, if you would like, I can google it again and link this for you, if you have not seen it.
WTF? A marathon Care4None whine?? Still going strong? At least your going. If you weren't going this doctor would be your hero! How pathetic..
WTF? A marathon Care4None whine?? Still going strong? At least your going. If you weren't going this doctor would be your hero! How pathetic..

ahhhh, well we must be twins cuz you are still mouthing off too!?!!

good morning wench!
The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

Not every doctor is a member of the AMA. In fact, the AMA represents about 29 percent of licensed U.S. doctors, according to the AMA's own figures.

NBC's Guthrie falsely suggests AMA represents "the nation's doctors" | Media Matters for America

Takes a physicians Oath....there are several of them, all pretty much the same, but Docs are not physicians unless they take one of these physician Oaths and they all have politics and religion and race and so forth that can NOT come in to their practice, in their ETHICAL CODE that they take an oath on.

I have linked this more than once, if you would like, I can google it again and link this for you, if you have not seen it.

The oath is not a binding legal contract of any sort. Doctors in states such as Oregon can prescribe euthanasia to patients, and that goes against the hippocratic oath. Doctors are not to perform abortions neither. So I guess you can pick and choose which parts of the oath you wish to abide by.
IT is his practice he can accept any patient or not he determines the reasons. That is America

Well, here I am going to make an educated guess that no, he could not legally for example put up a 'Whites Only' sign on the door of his business and get away with it.

So I'm saying you're wrong.
WTF? A marathon Care4None whine?? Still going strong? At least your going. If you weren't going this doctor would be your hero! How pathetic..

ahhhh, well we must be twins cuz you are still mouthing off too!?!!

good morning wench!

you iz turningintothebiggestwhineralivecare4none good morning..

You know willow....your crap stinks with the rest of the worlds...

you all act like you are holier than thou, and you start threads comdemning Liberals for not speaking out against individual liberals that have done something wrong and WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE....that Democrats did not denounce the actions of the individual...before they even got the chance to post on that thread of yours....

Yet, not a one of you...can come right out and just say, what this man did to his OWN PATIENTS, with his sign, was unethical, broke his physicians code, and was WRONG....

now how about untying that tongue tied tongue of yours and saying it was wrong?

BET YA CAN'T DO IT.....you are TOO PARTISAN to ever do that...while you bitch and moan and start threads about liberals doing what YOU DO DAILY.

I'm no fool, and nor are others on this board....

We are on to you! And have been for a while....!!!!

yep...and thanks for the good morning.
ahhhh, well we must be twins cuz you are still mouthing off too!?!!

good morning wench!

you iz turningintothebiggestwhineralivecare4none good morning..

You know willow....your crap stinks with the rest of the worlds...

you all act like you are holier than thou, and you start threads comdemning Liberals for not speaking out against individual liberals that have done something wrong and WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE AND WHINE....that Democrats did not denounce the actions of the individual...before they even got the chance to post on that thread of yours....

Yet, not a one of you...can come right out and just say, what this man did to his OWN PATIENTS, with his sign, was unethical, broke his physicians code, and was WRONG....

now how about untying that tongue tied tongue of yours and saying it was wrong?

BET YA CAN'T DO IT.....you are TOO PARTISAN to ever do that...while you bitch and moan and start threads about liberals doing what YOU DO DAILY.

I'm no fool, and nor are others on this board....

We are on to you! And have been for a while....!!!!

yep...and thanks for the good morning.

And I'll just bet you are too damn partisan to ever admit that stealing 960 billion dollars from the elderly so's you can give it to someone else is morally wrong too. The elderly earned that money. Paid into the system for all of their working lives so they could receive medical care. And you won't condemn the democrats for reaching their greedy little hands in the pot and stealing their money. Same way you won't condemn them for stealing the SS trust fund blind. You also won't condemn the 49 percent of the crybabies who won't pay a dime in federal income tax but scream for the freebies. I tend to focus on bigger issues than you do. And one angry doctor in Fla. don't get my dander up.. he acted in bad taste, but I'm not willing to take his livelihood away from him.. now it's your turn to answer if you can,,, but odds are you will not.
Another thing Care4All (but mainly yourself), doctors are not supposed to prescribe contraceptives, but they do. And doctors routinely opt out of seeing medicare patients. But I haven't seen you rail against any one of those doctors. I can show you many instances where the hippocratic oath was ignored.

"I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art." ~The Hippocratic Oath~

"A doctor must always bear in mind the obligation of preserving human life from conception." ~International Code of Medical Ethics~
Another thing Care4All (but mainly yourself), doctors are not supposed to prescribe contraceptives, but they do. And doctors routinely opt out of seeing medicare patients. But I haven't seen you rail against any one of those doctors. I can show you many instances where the hippocratic oath was ignored.

"I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."

"I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art." ~The Hippocratic Oath~

"A doctor must always bear in mind the obligation of preserving human life from conception." ~International Code of Medical Ethics~

I think all you will get from care4none from now on is crickets. :lol:
No, I do not believe all doctors should be compelled to perform abortions....

BUT THIS IS NOT what this particular case is about....NOT IN THE LEASE Code....

This has nothing to do with a medical procedure the doctor ethically disagrees with...this is a Doctor, for merely political reasons, who does not want to treat his patients anymore.

He is mentally ILL imo....yes, crazy....yes, I know that term is being used too freely lately, but this guy QUALIFIES imo.

Well the politicians "for merely political purposes" went against the majority to pass the HC bill. If you think the politicians had your best interest in mind, you would be very naive.

Are those in congress Physicians and did they take a PHYSICIANS oath...???????

WHAT THE HECK does congress have to do with what this man did?

Why do those on the right NEVER EVER EVER accept responsibility for what is wrong....WHY do they ALWAYS have to deflect? And I thought Liberals were bad.....sheesh!

what this man did, telling his own patients to go away and seek care elsewhere if they voted for Obama is simply unethical, wrong and he broke his physician's OATH for Chriss's sake....

JUST SAY IT!:evil:

Who did he refuse to treat because they were Obama voters...NAME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He DID NOT violate a damn thing until he refuses to treat someone based on that criteria...otherwise he just exercised his right to free speech.

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Who did he refuse to treat because they were Obama voters...NAME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know... how many people who voted for obama saw that sign and walked in anyway?

me? i'd have said to myself, 'self, heck with him... i'll go give my hard-earned money to a doctor with more than a double digit IQ".

and, assuming i was stupid enough to walk in the door and say, go aheahd doc, treat my sore throat, oh, btw, i voted for obama", don't you think he'd have directed me to the sign on his front door?

just saying.
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Who did he refuse to treat because they were Obama voters...NAME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know... how many people who voted for obama saw that sign and walked in anyway?

me? i'd have said to myself, 'self, heck with him... i'll go give my hard-earned money to a doctor with more than a double digit IQ".

just saying.

well, honey, since it's lawyers who have fucked up the country.. I'd think twice.
Who did he refuse to treat because they were Obama voters...NAME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know... how many people who voted for obama saw that sign and walked in anyway?

me? i'd have said to myself, 'self, heck with him... i'll go give my hard-earned money to a doctor with more than a double digit IQ".

just saying.

If they walked away then they weren't in dire need of care. They exercised their freedom to CHOOSE another Doctor. The guy has a right to say or do whatever he wants...but when he actually refuses to care for someone based on their political views and who they voted for then that's a different story...that's why I asked for a name.
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btw, in case it wasn't mentioned, this clown went to medical school at some college on Grenada,
during the years Grenada was pals with Cuba.:lol:

Common enough for a certain class of entitled kids who can't get admitted to a US medical school, there are thousands of them scattered around. I doubt where they bought their degree has much to do with their politics.
If I were his patient, republican, democrat or whatever or no party affiliation, I would NOT EVER in a million years, keep him as my Doctor.

He admitted that some of his patients have complained about the sign. One person has walked away.

The only way they will stop this nonsense is for many to stop going to him.. I understand his district is Republican so nobody is going to make this a lesson to him. Nationally he looks like a jerk and it doesn't really help after vicious Repub responses to Healthcare reform.

I still think they're digging their own graves, perception is everything and voters are going to get very tired of redneck Republicans thinking they are speaking for them.

The same could be said for the left from the perspective of someone like myself who is on the right. Many independent and conservative voters are getting very tired of the progressive liberal democrats who are currently running this country, thinking they are speaking for them and thinking they know what's best for them. Like government-run healthcare.
Who did he refuse to treat because they were Obama voters...NAME ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know... how many people who voted for obama saw that sign and walked in anyway?

me? i'd have said to myself, 'self, heck with him... i'll go give my hard-earned money to a doctor with more than a double digit IQ".

and, assuming i was stupid enough to walk in the door and say, go aheahd doc, treat my sore throat, oh, btw, i voted for obama", don't you think he'd have directed me to the sign on his front door?

just saying.

I don't know many people who go to a urologist for a sore throat.

Unless drinking their own urine is causing the soreness. I guess.
I still think they're digging their own graves, perception is everything and voters are going to get very tired of redneck Republicans thinking they are speaking for them.

Since you choose to use ethnic slurs against southerners...please tell us what your definition of a redneck is.

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