Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

Ame®icano;2173656 said:
he may be a private business, but ALL PHYSICIANS, take an OATH, to be Physicians FIRST, above all else in their own personal lives.

All politicians take an oath to defend the constitution... I don't see you bragging about it.

I stated earlier, his sign is unethical. But since he didn't brake any law and more I see left bitching about it, more I believe it's not.

you won't see any "ethical" minded demorats touching that subject with a ten foot pole.

and yes Immie, obama did attack the police and all of right wing media and talk radio.. eyp..
Wrong again... it was directed to Congress.

Don't kid yourself. This doctor knew the reaction this would cause. He knew this would make national headlines. A doctor finally standing up and saying "enough is enough!" and opposing HCR. Of course, this would be splattered all over the media which will of course skewer him for have balls.

Again, you have avoided it for 24 hours or so, prove to me that he has turned away one patient that came into his office. Just one! Not one that said, "FU Dr. Cassell if that is the way you feel, I will find another doctor." but one that came to him. Prove to me that he even asked such a patient what he thought about the bill. Then you will have one your point.


How did the words he put on that sign say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH regarding HCR .....what in that posted sign said what YOU SAY it did...? Where is that sign directed towards Congress?

just a hint of directing me towards the words in that sign which says what YOU SAY....

I suppose, that there ARE NO WORDS in this doctor's sign that says anything of the sort.

He broke his Physicians OATH immie....did he not?

Maybe you answered this and I missed the post?

How could you have missed it? For 24 hours, I have asked you and every liberal who made such a claim to prove to me that he has turned away one single pat
This particular Doctor CHOSE to put himself in the spotlight, and chose his words on that sign of his...so he also chose the topic....and his sign did not voice any of his concerns regarding health care reform.....

This is the topic you all want to change it IN TO, imho....but NOT the issue at hand, which to me, is.....Was what he did, by putting a sign on his lobby door, where his own patients are suppose to enter the Lobby to his office, stating in Capital Letters and BOLD PRINT,


This sign was not directed at new patients...NO ONE walks door to door trying to pick out their Urologist for goodness sakes! sheesh

This sign was him directing his angst, towards some of his very own patients, that he took an Oath to ALWAYS keep politics OUT OF HIS PROFESSION......

Why is it so hard to SAY, what he did, in the manner that he did it, was WRONG for him to do, as a Physician...putting himself over the concerns of his patients?

Wrong again... it was directed to Congress.

Don't kid yourself. This doctor knew the reaction this would cause. He knew this would make national headlines. A doctor finally standing up and saying "enough is enough!" and opposing HCR. Of course, this would be splattered all over the media which will of course skewer him for having balls.

Again, you have avoided it for 24 hours or so, prove to me that he has turned away one patient that came into his office. Just one! Not one that said, "FU Dr. Cassell if that is the way you feel, I will find another doctor." but one that came to him. Prove to me that he even asked such a patient what he thought about the bill. Then you will have won your point.


Prove to us that someone seeking care didn't approach his office, see the sign on the door, heed its command, and leave?

Actually, it was stated in the article that at least two people did that. They made that choice on their own, as I probably would have done too.

I don't agree with his methods. However, I believe he has every right to use them.

However, he did not turn those who chose to enter his office away. He did not query them about their political viewpoints. That is the point. He gave them the choice.

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How did the words he put on that sign say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH regarding HCR .....what in that posted sign said what YOU SAY it did...? Where is that sign directed towards Congress?

just a hint of directing me towards the words in that sign which says what YOU SAY....

I suppose, that there ARE NO WORDS in this doctor's sign that says anything of the sort.

He broke his Physicians OATH immie....did he not?

Maybe you answered this and I missed the post?

How could you have missed it? For 24 hours, I have asked you and every liberal who made such a claim to prove to me that he has turned away one single pat

Well, let me point out that your messiah took an oath too and broke it when he stole 960 billion dollars from the population of people who need medical care the most. Gonna call him out on that? The doctor did. Will you?
Ame®icano;2173656 said:
he may be a private business, but ALL PHYSICIANS, take an OATH, to be Physicians FIRST, above all else in their own personal lives.

All politicians take an oath to defend the constitution... I don't see you bragging about it.

I stated earlier, his sign is unethical. But since he didn't brake any law and more I see left bitching about it, more I believe it's not.

you won't see any "ethical" minded demorats touching that subject with a ten foot pole.

and yes Immie, obama did attack the police and all of right wing media and talk radio.. eyp..

Again, I'm sure we can find where elected Democrats have, or will, speak out against this doctor. I'm sure we can find where they spoke out against Joe the Plumber, but in the same vane, I am certain we can find where elected Republicans have spoken out against Cindy Sheehan and other liberal victims of their one-sided view of free speech.

How could you have missed it? For 24 hours, I have asked you and every liberal who made such a claim to prove to me that he has turned away one single pat

Well, let me point out that your messiah took an oath too and broke it when he stole 960 billion dollars from the population of people who need medical care the most. Gonna call him out on that? The doctor did. Will you?

So your position is that cost saving measures applied to Medicare are unconstitutional.

I'm guessing that puts you at odds with your fellow wingnuts who think Medicare itself is unconstitutional.
he may be a private business, but ALL PHYSICIANS, take an OATH, to be Physicians FIRST, above all else in their own personal lives.

Their oath is not a SUICIDE PACT in which they are obligated to provide services no matter what conditions are placed upon them. They don't pledge to that the state can force them to act against their own self-interest to the point of bankruptcy.

did this doctor say that anywhere in his hateful to his patients sign?
Wrong again... it was directed to Congress.

Don't kid yourself. This doctor knew the reaction this would cause. He knew this would make national headlines. A doctor finally standing up and saying "enough is enough!" and opposing HCR. Of course, this would be splattered all over the media which will of course skewer him for having balls.

Again, you have avoided it for 24 hours or so, prove to me that he has turned away one patient that came into his office. Just one! Not one that said, "FU Dr. Cassell if that is the way you feel, I will find another doctor." but one that came to him. Prove to me that he even asked such a patient what he thought about the bill. Then you will have won your point.


Prove to us that someone seeking care didn't approach his office, see the sign on the door, heed its command, and leave?

Actually, it was stated in the article that at least two people did that. They made that choice on their own, as I probably would have done too.

I don't agree with his methods. However, I believe he has every right to use them.

However, he did not turn those who chose to enter his office away. He did not query them about their political viewpoints. That is the point. He gave them the choice.


No he didn't give them the choice, unless you mean that he gave them the choice of defying his sign, or assuming his sign was a joke, or something similarly preposterous.
Well, let me point out that your messiah took an oath too and broke it when he stole 960 billion dollars from the population of people who need medical care the most. Gonna call him out on that? The doctor did. Will you?

So your position is that cost saving measures applied to Medicare are unconstitutional.

I'm guessing that puts you at odds with your fellow wingnuts who think Medicare itself is unconstitutional.

cost saving measures my ass. if the goal was to cost save you didn't need this bill to do it. what you did do was steal 960 billion dollars from the populace of people who need the most care and will give it to someone else. there is no way to deny that. that's what you did.
he may be a private business, but ALL PHYSICIANS, take an OATH, to be Physicians FIRST, above all else in their own personal lives.

Is your position doctors must administer care to patients in any circumstance?

How about a patient that hasn't paid his/her bill?

Or one that has stolen from the doctor?

How about the family and supporters of a man that has raped and murdered the doctor's wife and daughter?
Prove to us that someone seeking care didn't approach his office, see the sign on the door, heed its command, and leave?

Actually, it was stated in the article that at least two people did that. They made that choice on their own, as I probably would have done too.

I don't agree with his methods. However, I believe he has every right to use them.

However, he did not turn those who chose to enter his office away. He did not query them about their political viewpoints. That is the point. He gave them the choice.


No he didn't give them the choice, unless you mean that he gave them the choice of defying his sign, or assuming his sign was a joke, or something similarly preposterous.

how did the doctor know which patient voted for obama? who was gonna tell on them? you guys are too dumb to be believable.
From the AMA code of medical ethics:

Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care.
Prove to us that someone seeking care didn't approach his office, see the sign on the door, heed its command, and leave?

Actually, it was stated in the article that at least two people did that. They made that choice on their own, as I probably would have done too.

I don't agree with his methods. However, I believe he has every right to use them.

However, he did not turn those who chose to enter his office away. He did not query them about their political viewpoints. That is the point. He gave them the choice.


No he didn't give them the choice, unless you mean that he gave them the choice of defying his sign, or assuming his sign was a joke, or something similarly preposterous.

Sure he did.

He gave them the choice of entering his door and receiving medical attention or turning around and seeking care elsewhere.

Did he ask anyone who entered his door if they voted for Obama? If he did, did he then grab them by the scruff of the collar and drag them out of his office?

They had a choice.

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Actually, it was stated in the article that at least two people did that. They made that choice on their own, as I probably would have done too.

I don't agree with his methods. However, I believe he has every right to use them.

However, he did not turn those who chose to enter his office away. He did not query them about their political viewpoints. That is the point. He gave them the choice.


No he didn't give them the choice, unless you mean that he gave them the choice of defying his sign, or assuming his sign was a joke, or something similarly preposterous.

how did the doctor know which patient voted for obama? who was gonna tell on them? you guys are too dumb to be believable.

The sign was explicitly designed to prevent them from becoming, or remaining, patients.
From the AMA code of medical ethics:

Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care.

so you have proof that on his doctor/patient admit forms party affliliation was a question?
No he didn't give them the choice, unless you mean that he gave them the choice of defying his sign, or assuming his sign was a joke, or something similarly preposterous.

how did the doctor know which patient voted for obama? who was gonna tell on them? you guys are too dumb to be believable.

The sign was explicitly designed to prevent them from becoming, or remaining, patients.

Sorry, I have to disagree. I don't see it that way.

I respect your opinion, but I think you are wrong.

No he didn't give them the choice, unless you mean that he gave them the choice of defying his sign, or assuming his sign was a joke, or something similarly preposterous.

how did the doctor know which patient voted for obama? who was gonna tell on them? you guys are too dumb to be believable.

The sign was explicitly designed to prevent them from becoming, or remaining, patients.

how would that work exactly? Doctor "Are you a demorat" "Did you vote for obama?" Patient "Yes" Doctor "then get the hell outta my office." :lol::lol::lol::lol:
He has no other way to express himself unless of course he cares to join the Tea Partiers and become labeled a racist.

Our voices have been stymied. Those of us who oppose the bill are beingtsilenced and those who still have the guts to stand up and say NO are beingtattacked by the President himself amongtothers. We're beingtcalled hysterical and racists for not falling in line with the socialization (and yes, that is the ultimate goal of the President) of our health care system.


So disregarding the many other ways he can express himself outside the workplace (and there are many), you're all right with average everyday people being insulted and degraded by their physician in his office for a vote they cast a year and a half ago because some people call Tea Partiers racist? Am I reading this correctly?

Prove to me that he has insulted his patients.

You might be able to claim that the sign is insulting and I would agree with you in that respect. I would have not chosen his method. However, from the sounds of it, you are insinuating that once they came into his office he queried them and then insulted them. I do not believe that he directed this to his patients. I believe it was meant for the country. He doesn't appear to be very good at getting his message out. So, he's not a good writer. Do we sue him for that? He could have handled this in a much better way. He could have been much more diplomatic, but he wasn't. I guess we should send him to Gitmo for that.

Am I okay with the fact that he chose this method? No, I said that when I first got involved in the two thread, I think it was only two, that involved this discussion.

I, as you, respect his right to do so. I am offended by the reaction some in these threads have taken that would squash his right to do so.


I agree completely with the bolded parts (easier than typing all that. lol).

I think talking about suing him and sending him to Gitmo comes dangerously close to the freaks who try to claim all "Liberals" are brown shirted statists who worship Obama the Messiah and want to round up people who disagree with them and put them in camps, but I understand from you at least it's hyperbole. ;)

I do think he deliberately set out to ruffle feathers or he would have chosen a different method. I do believe people were insulted or he would not have had patients walk away as he did, at least according to the article. I disagree completely with his methods and I think he's smarter than you give him credit for, we can disagree on that but I do think this was at least partially deliberate as far as the insult to his patients is concerned. Some people simply cannot see past party affiliation to the people who hold the ideas, I guess. Just look around for your proof of that! :lol:

I don't want to squash his right to do stuff like this, in fact if he were my doctor I'd rather know how he feels about me before he had his finger in a delicate spot. But I am adamantly opposed to the people who would wrap him in cotton and preach about his "right" to have no consequences for his own choices. It's just as wrong to try to squelch the critics' rights as it is to squelch the doctor's.
Hopefully the AMA will take this DR to task.
AMA is nothing more than an overgrown bureaucracy funded by those with an agenda to push.

Doctors are not anyone's personal slave nor do they belong to the government to do with as they please. Hopefully the AMA will keep its eye on freedom verses bullying someone that is willing to use his freedom as he pleases to protest as he/she desires.

What did he protest in his message to his own patients Rodishi?
Pretty obvious he put the sign out. People no matter what their profession are not obligated to provide that service to anyone. The people that support a bill that he believes may put him out of business should seek another care provider.

I do not work for anyone I do not like or do not want to work for. Nor should I be forced to. That is freedom. Attorneys do not have to take any client if they do not want to, banks do not have to make a loan or even open an account if they do not want to, stores are not obligated to sell an item if they do not want to, a contractor does not have to work for you if they do not want to and bars do not have to serve you if they do not want to. Why should a doctor have to?
its funny how gop likes to deny healthcare for people. you people should be ashamed on yourself.

Oh----------- I want health care for EVERYONE, I just don't want to flip the bill for it. How about you ponying up??????:lol:

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