Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

I hope this guy is happy that he got to campaign for his wife, by using other people's lives, his patients care and concern came LAST to his own politics....! And yes, if the sign said anything like, Palin supporters, go find urology services elsewhere....I WOULD BE JUST AS UPSET.

There is a time and a place to voice ones political free speech for professionals....all of them KNOW IT, but this Doc....this Doc did not, for some reason....and this shows poor or irrational judgment in the very least.


You can say that now about Palin, but you have never proven it in the past.

The time and place is only when they agree with your point of view. Other than that for me and this doctor it is STFU.

There is no proof one way or the other that he has refused to treat any patinets, but that is outside of the parameters of what most of us are discussing here.
The reasonable ones at least.

Your angle on this thread seems to be a bit of a deviation for you Immie.

Oh, in other words, he is guilty until proven innocent.

What kind of fucked up world do you liberals live in?


He posted a message on the door of his business that explicitly turned away Obama supporters. That's not even debatable. No more debatable than if he'd put a 'whites only' sign on his door.
I hope this guy is happy that he got to campaign for his wife, by using other people's lives, his patients care and concern came LAST to his own politics....! And yes, if the sign said anything like, Palin supporters, go find urology services elsewhere....I WOULD BE JUST AS UPSET.

There is a time and a place to voice ones political free speech for professionals....all of them KNOW IT, but this Doc....this Doc did not, for some reason....and this shows poor or irrational judgment in the very least.


You can say that now about Palin, but you have never proven it in the past.

The time and place is only when they agree with your point of view. Other than that for me and this doctor it is STFU.


Why do you LIE so much immie...and on Easter Sunday!?!?!?

I haven't participated in a Palin thread in about a year....and I was never a basher of Palin or her girls or her son....I have always felt the extraordinary abuse that she has been given, has been heartless.

And I hope you find a job immie! I know your nastiness will subside some then....

Happy Easter to you and your family!

I have not once said any of those things about his patients, if you were insinuating that I was one of those, then you are wrong.

His patients have every right to choose a different doctor. In fact, I have said twice that if he were my doctor, I would choose to do the same thing and I didn't even vote for the President. I think it is inappropriate to blame the voters for the actions of the President. Although, I don't believe that is what he is doing.

I think he is simply making a statement. That is all. I don't think he would turn away any patient even if the patient came to him and commented that he supported Obama and HCR. I think the only thing he is trying to do, is to tell the country that he does not like this bill. NO ONE IS LISTENING! No one is listening to those of us who think this is bad legislation.

If he had refused service to anyone I would agree with you guys. That would be wrong. But, not a single person on this site has been able to prove to me that he has done so, because he has not.


Nope, didn't mean to insinuate you were making those comments, and I assume you weren't insinuating I made the attacks you were talking about. Simply pointing out what's happening on both sides here. And poking fun at the tone of "Liberals Bad, Conservatives Good". Just another day at the USMB. :thup:

No, I see your argument much as the left wing version of the argument I am trying to make. Neither one of us are taking the position that "our" side has taken.

You seem to respect his right to make the statement whether it is right or wrong and you seem to support HCR.

To me this is nothing but a free speech issue. My side is making this guy out to be a hero for opposing HCR.

I don't like the way he did it, but I believe that he was only trying to make a statement and in no way did he intend to hurt or offend his patients. Yes, it was directed TO the patient, but it was clearly not meant FOR the patient. It was meant FOR Congress. It was a statement to the country about this doctor's opposition to something that will severely affect the way he does business.

I will repeat, something from a post of a few minutes ago... no one is listening.

I believe everyone of us have the right to make such statements and the idea that Care would have the gall to attack him for making one is disturbing to me.


Actually I don't support HCR, at least not this bill and how it was done. But that's almost irrelevant here. Actually it is irrelevant.

You're absolutely right this doctor or any of us have every right to make a statement. I've never questioned that. But the fact that some others, not you, have not only defended the way this was done but gone so far as to say free speech demands he be protected from any consequences of his own action AND that any who would use their own freedom of speech to voice their disapproval are the usual handy melting pot of slurs (fascists, statists, etc) is deeply disturbing to me.

To you perhaps it is clear the sign was not meant for the patient, but I would disagree. This is a highly educated professional, unless he treats his local Congressman on a regular basis he has every reason to know Congress would never see it. Who does, and who is it addressed to? His patients. His neighbors. Perhaps even his friends. Did he have any idea it would hit the national media on a tradtitionally slow weekend? If so, is he aware of the inevitable circus he's thrusting on his family, friends and neighbors, not to mention his patients?

Why? What is his motivation for doing it this way as opposed to a way that would either lay out his case and attempt to persuade these same people to his point of view or reach his intended audience? Why jeopardize his business for a political statement that could be made literally dozens of other ways? It's irresponsible at best, and those who think so have every right to express their own opinion and make their own statement with the exact same rights the doctor possesses.

There are too many things here that are troubling, some about him and some about the general atmosphere that makes (verbal) attacks like this on everyday people more and more accepted. Protected speech? Sure. Troubling? Absolutely. Would I support any businessperson who engages in these tactics? No way.
Apparently this guy is a pretty lousy doctor. His ratings from patients are low.

Patient Ratings for Dr. Jack Cassell, MD, Urology, Mount Dora, FL


And the Alinksy smear campaign against this doctor begins.

No need to speak directly to the issue. Just trash...
This particular Doctor CHOSE to put himself in the spotlight, and chose his words on that sign of his...so he also chose the topic....and his sign did not voice any of his concerns regarding health care reform.....

This is the topic you all want to change it IN TO, imho....but NOT the issue at hand, which to me, is.....Was what he did, by putting a sign on his lobby door, where his own patients are suppose to enter the Lobby to his office, stating in Capital Letters and BOLD PRINT,


This sign was not directed at new patients...NO ONE walks door to door trying to pick out their Urologist for goodness sakes! sheesh

This sign was him directing his angst, towards some of his very own patients, that he took an Oath to ALWAYS keep politics OUT OF HIS PROFESSION......

Why is it so hard to SAY, what he did, in the manner that he did it, was WRONG for him to do, as a Physician...putting himself over the concerns of his patients?
Nope, didn't mean to insinuate you were making those comments, and I assume you weren't insinuating I made the attacks you were talking about. Simply pointing out what's happening on both sides here. And poking fun at the tone of "Liberals Bad, Conservatives Good". Just another day at the USMB. :thup:

No, I see your argument much as the left wing version of the argument I am trying to make. Neither one of us are taking the position that "our" side has taken.

You seem to respect his right to make the statement whether it is right or wrong and you seem to support HCR.

To me this is nothing but a free speech issue. My side is making this guy out to be a hero for opposing HCR.

I don't like the way he did it, but I believe that he was only trying to make a statement and in no way did he intend to hurt or offend his patients. Yes, it was directed TO the patient, but it was clearly not meant FOR the patient. It was meant FOR Congress. It was a statement to the country about this doctor's opposition to something that will severely affect the way he does business.

I will repeat, something from a post of a few minutes ago... no one is listening.

I believe everyone of us have the right to make such statements and the idea that Care would have the gall to attack him for making one is disturbing to me.


Actually I don't support HCR, at least not this bill and how it was done. But that's almost irrelevant here. Actually it is irrelevant.

You're absolutely right this doctor or any of us have every right to make a statement. I've never questioned that. But the fact that some others, not you, have not only defended the way this was done but gone so far as to say free speech demands he be protected from any consequences of his own action AND that any who would use their own freedom of speech to voice their disapproval are the usual handy melting pot of slurs (fascists, statists, etc) is deeply disturbing to me.

To you perhaps it is clear the sign was not meant for the patient, but I would disagree. This is a highly educated professional, unless he treats his local Congressman on a regular basis he has every reason to know Congress would never see it. Who does, and who is it addressed to? His patients. His neighbors. Perhaps even his friends. Did he have any idea it would hit the national media on a tradtitionally slow weekend? If so, is he aware of the inevitable circus he's thrusting on his family, friends and neighbors, not to mention his patients?

Why? What is his motivation for doing it this way as opposed to a way that would either lay out his case and attempt to persuade these same people to his point of view or reach his intended audience? Why jeopardize his business for a political statement that could be made literally dozens of other ways? It's irresponsible at best, and those who think so have every right to express their own opinion and make their own statement with the exact same rights the doctor possesses.

There are too many things here that are troubling, some about him and some about the general atmosphere that makes (verbal) attacks like this on everyday people more and more accepted. Protected speech? Sure. Troubling? Absolutely. Would I support any businessperson who engages in these tactics? No way.

I hope this guy is happy that he got to campaign for his wife, by using other people's lives, his patients care and concern came LAST to his own politics....! And yes, if the sign said anything like, Palin supporters, go find urology services elsewhere....I WOULD BE JUST AS UPSET.

There is a time and a place to voice ones political free speech for professionals....all of them KNOW IT, but this Doc....this Doc did not, for some reason....and this shows poor or irrational judgment in the very least.


You can say that now about Palin, but you have never proven it in the past.

The time and place is only when they agree with your point of view. Other than that for me and this doctor it is STFU.


Why do you LIE so much immie...and on Easter Sunday!?!?!?

I haven't participated in a Palin thread in about a year....and I was never a basher of Palin or her girls or her son....I have always felt the extraordinary abuse that she has been given, has been heartless.

And I hope you find a job immie! I know your nastiness will subside some then....

Happy Easter to you and your family!


I am not lying, I'm simply pointing out the well known fact that you are biased against anyone who is a Republican. Well known fact.

There is no proof one way or the other that he has refused to treat any patinets, but that is outside of the parameters of what most of us are discussing here.
The reasonable ones at least.

Your angle on this thread seems to be a bit of a deviation for you Immie.

Oh, in other words, he is guilty until proven innocent.

What kind of fucked up world do you liberals live in?


He posted a message on the door of his business that explicitly turned away Obama supporters. That's not even debatable. No more debatable than if he'd put a 'whites only' sign on his door.

Although the sign was "addressed to" patients, it was clearly not meant "for" his patients. Only a moron would believe it was.

The message was a political statement against HCR. Nothing more, nothing less.

Your suspicions would be wrong, at least for my part. Unprofessionalism is unprofessionalism, pettiness is pettiness, and bigotry is bigotry. I was no fan of Bush and I've posted in many places I'm disappointed in Obama. That doesn't matter. This guy isn't targeting either of them with his idiot sign. He's targeting his customers. His neighbors. And he's doing it personally, not to try to persuade them to his point of view. I don't care if I agreed with every word coming out of his mouth on every political issue there is, wrong is wrong.

As for it being petty, I think Care hit on the issue here that makes it not as petty as it seems. There's the free speech issue, yes. But the fact that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable, even the right thing to do, for us as individuals to take our frustrations with government officials out on each other instead of the rightful target is a serious concern, IMO. When did this become so acceptable, and why? What did these people have to do with the policy made in DC, and why should they be reviled for it? Why do this kind of thing to your neighbor instead of work to get what you want where it counts and might actually do some good? It's sad, really.

Would we be wrong? Then show us your post lamblasting Grayson for his unprofessionalism. I shall wait. Will it freeze in hell before you post it?

Another nice attempt at changing the subject, you have so much practice at it you'd think you wouldn't be so obvious. I doubt you could get much colder, but let me know when you turn blue. I'm sure it's a great color for you. :thup:

Showing your hypocrisy = changing the subject.. Nice dodge. but no deal.
Nope, didn't mean to insinuate you were making those comments, and I assume you weren't insinuating I made the attacks you were talking about. Simply pointing out what's happening on both sides here. And poking fun at the tone of "Liberals Bad, Conservatives Good". Just another day at the USMB. :thup:

No, I see your argument much as the left wing version of the argument I am trying to make. Neither one of us are taking the position that "our" side has taken.

You seem to respect his right to make the statement whether it is right or wrong and you seem to support HCR.

To me this is nothing but a free speech issue. My side is making this guy out to be a hero for opposing HCR.

I don't like the way he did it, but I believe that he was only trying to make a statement and in no way did he intend to hurt or offend his patients. Yes, it was directed TO the patient, but it was clearly not meant FOR the patient. It was meant FOR Congress. It was a statement to the country about this doctor's opposition to something that will severely affect the way he does business.

I will repeat, something from a post of a few minutes ago... no one is listening.

I believe everyone of us have the right to make such statements and the idea that Care would have the gall to attack him for making one is disturbing to me.


Actually I don't support HCR, at least not this bill and how it was done. But that's almost irrelevant here. Actually it is irrelevant.

You're absolutely right this doctor or any of us have every right to make a statement. I've never questioned that. But the fact that some others, not you, have not only defended the way this was done but gone so far as to say free speech demands he be protected from any consequences of his own action AND that any who would use their own freedom of speech to voice their disapproval are the usual handy melting pot of slurs (fascists, statists, etc) is deeply disturbing to me.

To you perhaps it is clear the sign was not meant for the patient, but I would disagree. This is a highly educated professional, unless he treats his local Congressman on a regular basis he has every reason to know Congress would never see it. Who does, and who is it addressed to? His patients. His neighbors. Perhaps even his friends. Did he have any idea it would hit the national media on a tradtitionally slow weekend? If so, is he aware of the inevitable circus he's thrusting on his family, friends and neighbors, not to mention his patients?

Why? What is his motivation for doing it this way as opposed to a way that would either lay out his case and attempt to persuade these same people to his point of view or reach his intended audience? Why jeopardize his business for a political statement that could be made literally dozens of other ways? It's irresponsible at best, and those who think so have every right to express their own opinion and make their own statement with the exact same rights the doctor possesses.

There are too many things here that are troubling, some about him and some about the general atmosphere that makes (verbal) attacks like this on everyday people more and more accepted. Protected speech? Sure. Troubling? Absolutely. Would I support any businessperson who engages in these tactics? No way.

He has no other way to express himself unless of course he cares to join the Tea Partiers and become labeled a racist.

Our voices have been stymied. Those of us who oppose the bill are being silenced and those who still have the guts to stand up and say NO are being attacked by the President himself among others. We're being called hysterical and racists for not falling in line with the socialization (and yes, that is the ultimate goal of the President) of our health care system.

Oh, in other words, he is guilty until proven innocent.

What kind of fucked up world do you liberals live in?


He posted a message on the door of his business that explicitly turned away Obama supporters. That's not even debatable. No more debatable than if he'd put a 'whites only' sign on his door.

Although the sign was "addressed to" patients, it was clearly not meant "for" his patients. Only a moron would believe it was.

The message was a political statement against HCR. Nothing more, nothing less.


HOW was his statement a political statement AGAINST HCR....

PLEASE fr the love of God, SHOW US how you can interpret that specific message, as a message against HCR?

What words in this message, told you such, with such certainty?

If you were a patient, who was not generally political....HOW would they KNOW what this doctor's concerns were, about HCR?

Please....I'll even giver you the liberty of stretching and twisting and contorting his statement to explain it away....just do it for me please.
I hope this guy is happy that he got to campaign for his wife, by using other people's lives, his patients care and concern came LAST to his own politics....! And yes, if the sign said anything like, Palin supporters, go find urology services elsewhere....I WOULD BE JUST AS UPSET.

There is a time and a place to voice ones political free speech for professionals....all of them KNOW IT, but this Doc....this Doc did not, for some reason....and this shows poor or irrational judgment in the very least.


You can say that now about Palin, but you have never proven it in the past.

The time and place is only when they agree with your point of view. Other than that for me and this doctor it is STFU.


Why do you LIE so much immie...and on Easter Sunday!?!?!?

I haven't participated in a Palin thread in about a year....and I was never a basher of Palin or her girls or her son....I have always felt the extraordinary abuse that she has been given, has been heartless.

And I hope you find a job immie! I know your nastiness will subside some then....

Happy Easter to you and your family!


now that's a dumb bitch to take a pot shot because Immie lost his job. you are not one iota better than the doctor you are bitching about, go preach your fucking ethics elsewhere.
I'd find the criticism against a private citizen posting a sign on his place of business to be much more valid if we saw equal outrage over the smears and attacks by public officials (who wield a great deal of government power) against those in far less powerful positions.

What ever happened to "Speaking Truth To Power"? This is what the doctor is doing - you may not like his method, but he has the right to exercise his 1st Amendment Rights.
Apparently this guy is a pretty lousy doctor. His ratings from patients are low.

Patient Ratings for Dr. Jack Cassell, MD, Urology, Mount Dora, FL


And the Alinksy smear campaign against this doctor begins.

No need to speak directly to the issue. Just trash...
This particular Doctor CHOSE to put himself in the spotlight, and chose his words on that sign of his...so he also chose the topic....and his sign did not voice any of his concerns regarding health care reform.....

This is the topic you all want to change it IN TO, imho....but NOT the issue at hand, which to me, is.....Was what he did, by putting a sign on his lobby door, where his own patients are suppose to enter the Lobby to his office, stating in Capital Letters and BOLD PRINT,


This sign was not directed at new patients...NO ONE walks door to door trying to pick out their Urologist for goodness sakes! sheesh

This sign was him directing his angst, towards some of his very own patients, that he took an Oath to ALWAYS keep politics OUT OF HIS PROFESSION......

Why is it so hard to SAY, what he did, in the manner that he did it, was WRONG for him to do, as a Physician...putting himself over the concerns of his patients?

Wrong again... it was directed to Congress.

Don't kid yourself. This doctor knew the reaction this would cause. He knew this would make national headlines. A doctor finally standing up and saying "enough is enough!" and opposing HCR. Of course, this would be splattered all over the media which will of course skewer him for having balls.

Again, you have avoided it for 24 hours or so, prove to me that he has turned away one patient that came into his office. Just one! Not one that said, "FU Dr. Cassell if that is the way you feel, I will find another doctor." but one that came to him. Prove to me that he even asked such a patient what he thought about the bill. Then you will have won your point.

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I'd find the criticism against a private citizen posting a sign on his place of business to be much more valid if we saw equal outrage over the smears and attacks by public officials (who wield a great deal of government power) against those in far less powerful positions.

What ever happened to "Speaking Truth To Power"? This is what the doctor is doing - you may not like his method, but he has the right to exercise his 1st Amendment Rights.

Save your breath. You won't see it.
I know I won't.

We have a government which attacks private citizens as a smokescreen to deflect attention from their abuses of power. And the Obama-Pravda media helps them spin the memes.
demorats, all about search and destroy their enemies, just say or do one little thing they don't like and they will nuke you.

Republicans are no different.


disagree with you on that. show me the Republican equivilant of the attacks on the Palins and Joe the Plumber. show me.

Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are all Republican attack dogs.

Do I have to pull out attacks made by these three on VP Biden? SoS Clinton? Even President Obama especially when he was a candidate.

As for attacks on citizens like Joe the Plumber, well, let's see, how did they treat Cindy Sheehan?

Those are just starters. I'm sure if I thought a little harder, I could think of others.

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