Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

Did you see this interview with Anderson Cooper? Cooper was so pissed that he couldn't rattle Dr. Cassell.....

Dr. Cassell has every right to post this message at his place of business if he so chooses, this is still America, if you don't like it you don't have to use him, it's real simple.....

But as usual, the Liberal Progressive Victims want to limit any rebuttal to Obamacare.....

In no way can you question his ethics over his opinion on Obamacare, he has a better understanding of it's impact than any non physician on this board.....

To all who do, who in the hell do you think you are.....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDia2d8GTXM]YouTube - Doctor's sign: Obama backers go away[/ame]
IT is his practice he can accept any patient or not he determines the reasons. That is America

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

How totally UNSURPRISING the "modern" version of this oath was re-written by LIBERALS, isn't it? Oh gee, what oath obligates all doctors to agree with THAT re-write I wonder? Something Marx wrote perhaps?

Does that mean I should support either this guy losing his license to practice medicine at all or being thrown into a "re-education" camp -which I know is something the left firmly believes is the proper answer to such blatant disrespect to the power of the state once government has declared itself to be the supreme being - and more trustworthy to know what is in your best interests more than YOU can know for yourself? Did you know that doctors have also refused to treat the spouses or family members of lawyers who sued them for malpractice and told them to find some other doctor? WHAT? Doctors actually refusing to take certain people as patients is ALLOWED in this country and they aren't considered to be the slaves of everyone else? Try to grasp this one, ok? Doctors NEVER take an oath agreeing to treat EVERYONE nor is it possible for a doctor to treat EVERYONE and ANYONE. Doctors ONLY take an oath to do their best for those they CHOOSE to take as patients and CHOOSE to treat. It is always THEIR skills, THEIR expertise -they OWN it. Which means they not only never swore to give it away to anyone and everyone, but also cannot be FORCED to provide it to those they believe are harming their own interests and ability to even provide medical care. If I am a baker and believe you are intent on making it more difficult for me to sell my baked goods, then don't come knocking on MY door the next time you want a loaf of bread! DUH

The man believes the Obama administration has inserted an unwarranted level of government between his patients and his ability to give them his best medical judgment based on his expertise, training and skills. All things the government lacks but are critically necessary in order to make a sound judgment in the medical care of anyone in the first place. Guess what -I don't think government has ANY ROLE in deciding any aspect of MY medical care either.

Apparently you think doctors, for NO reason but the fact they made a career choice YOU didn't, are obligated to everyone else on the planet in a way no one else is. Even to those intent on interfering with their ability to even provide that service. Even to those who voted in favor of government LAWYERS who insist THEY are far more knowledgeable about how to best practice medicine over those who actually do it. Lawyers are so inflated with their own self-importance the fact they are not taught medicine, economics, hospital administration, nursing or health care insurance in law school hasn't once fazed a government lawyer from believing he still can't do it better than those with the expertise and knowledge. So go see a government lawyer for your medical care.

Sorry, but NO DOCTOR takes your re-written oath -just in case you REALLY did not know this. No oath is required for a medical license and not all medical schools even have their graduates repeat any oath at all or any version of the Hippocratic oath either. They certainly NEVER take your ridiculous Marxist oath you want to pretend is valid that obligates them to provide their services for everyone and anyone on the planet in a way YOU will never be obligated -and actually serves to punish them for making a different choice from your own by demanding they become the SLAVES of everyone else, even those they believe are intent on interfering with their ability to even provide their services and best medical judgment. Get real. But that IS typical of the leftist mentality that insists that if others made different choices in their life from those you made, it now makes them obligated to exist as the slave of everyone else. All so YOU can exist as a parasite and live off the fruits of the labor of others.

Let's pretend you value FREEDOM even though we all know freedom is not high on the list of liberals and all too often, missing entirely. Try this one on for size and see whether it still throws you into apoplectic fits. Instead of ranting about this guy actually exercising his freedom of speech in a way YOU don't like and instead of ranting and railing against everyone who doesn't share your opinion that this guy should be thrown into a "re-education" camp or somehow punished by government - try to remember how FREE PEOPLE handle this. And turn the same table on HIM. Because in a FREE society you can do that and that is how ADULT FREE PEOPLE handle it. You don't like this guy's opinions and his statement THEN DON'T GO TO HIM FOR YOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT! Wow what a truly novel idea, huh? But do NOT rant like a baboon as if what this man said is deserving of government PUNISHMENT and for daring to act as if he has the right to control his own life, including who may and may not purchase his services. This man does not OWE me his medical expertise and he does not owe YOU his medical expertise. He has the right to refuse to take me on as a patient -doctors do that ALL THE TIME. And likewise I do not OWE him my money and have a right to keep MY money from HIS pocket if I believe he is saying or doing something I consider too offensive for me to get around -by going to a different doctor. Wow. No different from choosing a different plumber if the last guy pissed me off or charged too much or did a poor job, no different from going to a different hairdresser, grocer, chiropractor for any reason I think is valid to ME.

The reason this kind of response isn't even on the list of possible options of a liberal - is what defines the very real and fundamental difference between a totalitarian-loving liberal and a freedom-loving conservative in the first place.
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You are crazy. That note simply made a political statement. One that is opposed to your point of view. Which is the only thing that makes him a bad person. God forbid people don't worship Obama. Face it, you libs can't handle the fact that we don't all bow down to Obama and worship the very ground he shits on.

What is it about making political statements that has your panties in a wad?

Let me ask it another way... why do you feel that you have the right to make political statements every time you want to call Bush the Anti-Christ... which is sacrilegious to say the least, yet, other people who don't bow down to Obama are not allowed to make their own political statements?


really? and doctors have a right to force their political views on to their patients who are paying for their medical care from him?

whatever, immie.....you can add yourself to that list of names i called the doc....:cuckoo:

sleep well!

Damn liberals think they are the only ones that have a right to speak freely.

You should apologize to Care. She'd feel the same way if the doctor made a sign telling Palin supporters to seek care elsewhere.

You, on the other hand, would probably have a fit.
Ame®icano;2172268 said:
Excellent, now we're talking about money. According to our government and their liberal supporters, it's OK if doctor is losing money. Well, there is a cure for that too. Doctor can require to be paid with cash only. For those who have cash, they will receive care. For those who don't, hey... tough luck. And for those who have government insurance, let them pay in cash and then ask feds for reimbursement. How many will be satisfied after they receive 79 cents on a dollar?

I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

You are saying that about a patient's rights. The others are not. They are calling the doctor unethical and hysterical (unproven by the way) for simply making a political statement. One that if the shoe were on the other foot everyone of them would be making themselves.


They're certainly entitled to their opinion just as much as he is to his. I don't disagree with some of it, although rather than distraught, hysterical and crazy I'd characterize the guy as cynical, calculating, and yet probably incredibly naive about the probable ramifications that will go far beyond getting his wife into a petty local office.

But for myself I'll repeat again the doctor has every right to make this statement regardless of the sheer stupidity of doing so.

But not everybody on your "side" is exactly being rational either. It's "brown shirt" fascist "government control" and all "Leftists" and "Liberals" fault if the doctor is "forced into bankruptcy" when his patients exercise their own freedom of choice based on his actions? Puh-leeze. Whatever happened to that whole personal responsibility thing?

Just the usual suspects playing the usual games I guess. :lol:
IT is his practice he can accept any patient or not he determines the reasons. That is America

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

How totally UNSURPRISING the "modern" version of this oath was re-written by LIBERALS, isn't it? Oh gee, what oath obligates all doctors to agree with THAT re-write I wonder? Something Marx wrote perhaps?

Does that mean I should support either this guy losing his license to practice medicine or being thrown into a "re-education" camp -which I know is something the left firmly believes is the proper answer to such blatant disrespect to the power of the state once it has declared itself the supreme being and more trustworthy to know what is in your best interests more than YOU can know for yourself?

The man believes the Obama administration has inserted itself between his ability to properly provide for his patients as HE AND HIS PATIENT may decide. No role for GOVERNMENT there, is there? Guess what -I don't think government has ANY ROLE in deciding any aspect of MY medical care either.

Apparently you think doctors have taken an magical oath that places them above all other human beings, they are supremely obligated to EVERYONE else on the entire planet in a way no one else ever is -and the simple fact they made a career choice YOU didn't obligates him to provide YOU with his knowledge, skills and training even to those who voted in favor of those government LAWYERS who think so highly of themselves, they are utterly convinced THEY are far more knowledgeable about how to best practice medicine over those who actually do it. This guy has no problem with that -why do you? It isn't as if he is claiming you owe HIM your own services, knowledge and skills -is he? No doctor takes an oath to provide his services to anyone and everyone regardless of the harm others intend against their ability to best treat their patients according to their best and most informed educated, skilled and medical opinion or their ability to support themselves as THEY see fit. Just like YOU never took one either. They have only taken an oath that IF they choose to treat you, it is with the obligation to give you their best. NOT an oath that they will treat any and all. So go get a lawyer to treat your medical problems and quit whining. If you aren't willing to first take that oath yourself about what you OWE everyone else who didn't choose YOUR career -then quit pretending others took it just because they chose a different career from your own. Liberals don't get it -just because you CHOOSE to place a very high value on the career choice someone else made, does NOT place a special obligation upon them that doesn't exist for everyone else. If lawyers who managed to get themselves elected to a government office can claim to know how to best provide a service to others in spite of having zero training, education and skills over those who actually do it -then those same lawyers sure as hell know how to best do YOUR job as well and "own" it and have the greater "right" to dictate how it must be done. Do you REALLY think doctors magically took a far more important "re-written" oath than the Democrat politicians who vowed to uphold our Constitution only to OPENLY admit it is an oath they never took seriously in the first place? Your "re-written" oath is not one doctors swear to -just in case you did not know this. They STILL swear by the Hippocratic oath in spite of you Marxists who want to claim that if people make certain career choices YOU didn't -they OWE you far more than you will ever owe them.

Let's be all grown up and maybe you can even pretend to believe in "freedom" even though freedom is actually not high on the list of liberals -assuming it is there at all. Try this one on for size and see whether it still throws you into apoplectic fits. Turn the same table on HIM -in a FREE society you are allowed to do that, see? You don't like this guy's position and statement THEN DON'T GO TO HIM FOR YOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT! Wow what a truly novel idea, huh? But the reason this isn't even on the list of possible options of a liberal is what defines the REAL difference between a totalitarian-loving liberal and a freedom-loving conservative in the first place.

May I ask, HOW do YOU know what this doctor feels about the health care bill? HUH?

Did his sign complain about the health care bill?


His sign complained about OBAMA VOTERS, his patients...who he told to just turn their butts around and head away from him, because he has NO DESIRE to treat these patients of his, anymore...if they voted for Obama...

SEEMS TO ME, that this Doctor didn't say a word about what upsets him with this health care bill, he only LASHED OUT at his patients for voting for obama...

now you can take that, and twist and turn it any way you and your other darlings on this site wish....

But you ain't changing my mind on it, because you have NO EVIDENCE what so ever to your claims, HOWEVER I have a sign that SAYS IT ALL, writen by the hateful Doc.
I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

You are saying that about a patient's rights. The others are not. They are calling the doctor unethical and hysterical (unproven by the way) for simply making a political statement. One that if the shoe were on the other foot everyone of them would be making themselves.


They're certainly entitled to their opinion just as much as he is to his. I don't disagree with some of it, although rather than distraught, hysterical and crazy I'd characterize the guy as cynical, calculating, and yet probably incredibly naive about the probable ramifications that will go far beyond getting his wife into a petty local office.

But for myself I'll repeat again the doctor has every right to make this statement regardless of the sheer stupidity of doing so.

But not everybody on your "side" is exactly being rational either. It's "brown shirt" fascist "government control" and all "Leftists" and "Liberals" fault if the doctor is "forced into bankruptcy" when his patients exercise their own freedom of choice based on his actions? Puh-leeze. Whatever happened to that whole personal responsibility thing?

Just the usual suspects playing the usual games I guess. :lol:

I ask the same thing. I don't see anyone on the left is thrilled about returning to American traditions such as working, saving for future, taking good care of themselves, buying their own goods and services. All that left is doing is worrying what someone else has and how to take it from them.

That's exactly what this health care bill does, taking from someone and giving to others, forcing Americans to buy insurance against their will and putting IRS in charge to make sure we have it. You see, before this bill is signed, some 80% of Americans already had insurance without being forced to buy it. They were being responsible and had their priorities straight. Now everyone will be forced to buy it whether they like it or not. This bill also tells doctors how to run their business, forcing them to share privileged doctor-patient information with the government and if they don't, guess whats gonna happen.

This doctor is obviously against HC bill and he has a right to protest. As long he's within his rights and didn't do anything illegal, all that lefties can do is to bitch about it.
Ame®icano;2173206 said:
You are saying that about a patient's rights. The others are not. They are calling the doctor unethical and hysterical (unproven by the way) for simply making a political statement. One that if the shoe were on the other foot everyone of them would be making themselves.


They're certainly entitled to their opinion just as much as he is to his. I don't disagree with some of it, although rather than distraught, hysterical and crazy I'd characterize the guy as cynical, calculating, and yet probably incredibly naive about the probable ramifications that will go far beyond getting his wife into a petty local office.

But for myself I'll repeat again the doctor has every right to make this statement regardless of the sheer stupidity of doing so.

But not everybody on your "side" is exactly being rational either. It's "brown shirt" fascist "government control" and all "Leftists" and "Liberals" fault if the doctor is "forced into bankruptcy" when his patients exercise their own freedom of choice based on his actions? Puh-leeze. Whatever happened to that whole personal responsibility thing?

Just the usual suspects playing the usual games I guess. :lol:

I ask the same thing. I don't see anyone on the left is thrilled about returning to American traditions such as working, saving for future, taking good care of themselves, buying their own goods and services. All that left is doing is worrying what someone else has and how to take it from them.

That's exactly what this health care bill does, taking from someone and giving to others, forcing Americans to buy insurance against their will and putting IRS in charge to make sure we have it. You see, before this bill is signed, some 80% of Americans already had insurance without being forced to buy it. They were being responsible and had their priorities straight. Now everyone will be forced to buy it whether they like it or not. This bill also tells doctors how to run their business, forcing them to share privileged doctor-patient information with the government and if they don't, guess whats gonna happen.

This doctor is obviously against HC bill and he has a right to protest. As long he's within his rights and didn't do anything illegal, all that lefties can do is to bitch about it.

Once again, your reply has NOTHING to do with the post you responded to. Are you ill, do you need new glasses, or can you just not formulate a responsive reply without resorting to canned text?
Ame®icano;2172268 said:
It's also not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere after being told they're not wanted.

Excellent, now we're talking about money. According to our government and their liberal supporters, it's OK if doctor is losing money. Well, there is a cure for that too. Doctor can require to be paid with cash only. For those who have cash, they will receive care. For those who don't, hey... tough luck. And for those who have government insurance, let them pay in cash and then ask feds for reimbursement. How many will be satisfied after they receive 79 cents on a dollar?

I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

I always thought you are able to connect the dots... You said "it's not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere"... If is their business then is a doctor's business too. Don't you think that with this bill doctors are left with much choice?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uyJSXCZRpc]YouTube - A Group of Obama Supporters Cannot Name A Single Obama Accomplishment[/ame]

and we should R E S P E C T demorats why exactly?
Ame®icano;2173226 said:
Ame®icano;2172268 said:
Excellent, now we're talking about money. According to our government and their liberal supporters, it's OK if doctor is losing money. Well, there is a cure for that too. Doctor can require to be paid with cash only. For those who have cash, they will receive care. For those who don't, hey... tough luck. And for those who have government insurance, let them pay in cash and then ask feds for reimbursement. How many will be satisfied after they receive 79 cents on a dollar?

I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

I always thought you are able to connect the dots... You said "it's not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere"... If is their business then is a doctor's business too. Don't you think that with this bill doctors are left with much choice?

Choice of whether to post a sign on the door telling a significant portion of their clientele they are not welcome? Of course they have a choice. This is ALL on the unprofessional idiot who wants to be the next Joe the Plumber rather than act appropriately and professionally at his place of business, not on Obama or anybody else.

And I've posted several times he has every right to do it, for you and all of the rest of the reading impaired. But he has no right to be protected from the consequences, and he is completely irresponsible in bringing the additional consequences on his family and his community. He's inviting the media fishbowl and every crazy with a radio or tv to come poking around in his and his neighbors' lives, the idiot. And all for his wife to get some votes for a county office? What a self-centered, naive boob.

All things considered I wouldn't go to a doctor like this if I had to drive a hundred miles to go elsewhere, regardless of my political views. Because it IS his choice, and by his judgmnent or lack thereof will he be judged.
The very best thing about that sign is it pissed that maniac Alan Grayson off. I fucking love that. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: stick to your guns Doc.
Ame®icano;2173226 said:
I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

I always thought you are able to connect the dots... You said "it's not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere"... If is their business then is a doctor's business too. Don't you think that with this bill doctors are left with much choice?

Choice of whether to post a sign on the door telling a significant portion of their clientele they are not welcome? Of course they have a choice. This is ALL on the unprofessional idiot who wants to be the next Joe the Plumber rather than act appropriately and professionally at his place of business, not on Obama or anybody else.

And I've posted several times he has every right to do it, for you and all of the rest of the reading impaired. But he has no right to be protected from the consequences, and he is completely irresponsible in bringing the additional consequences on his family and his community. He's inviting the media fishbowl and every crazy with a radio or tv to come poking around in his and his neighbors' lives, the idiot. And all for his wife to get some votes for a county office? What a self-centered, naive boob.

All things considered I wouldn't go to a doctor like this if I had to drive a hundred miles to go elsewhere, regardless of my political views. Because it IS his choice, and by his judgmnent or lack thereof will he be judged.

Hey goldwhinycatt.. if you have to pee and cannot he will be your savior, if you don't need him he won't bother you..

Are these the Doctor's patients that he acted unprofessionally with? wow, good find!:cuckoo:

And please tell us all, why YOU, republicans, should be respected....I'm all ears.:eusa_whistle:

It's been very obvious to me during the last decade that you have no intention of Respecting anyone on the Republican side. All you do is whine. So again, why should we give any R E S P E C T to any demorat? You dish it out for nine or ten years expect to get it back and look all wide eyed deer in the headlights with faux amazement and indignation.. you people are too funny.
The republicans supporting this lunatic doc, are supporting him for no other reason than they hate the healthcare billllll

they could not give a poop if his patients suffer from his note lashing out at them...NOT THE HEALTH CARE BILL, just innocent patients that were paying him for his services.

I hope he loses his pants on this very unprofessional, and irrational, hateful note of his to his PATIENTS, not to Obama, not to Democratic politicians that passed the bill, but towards his own paying PATIENTS.

Great job Doc! Hope your wife goes down like a rock in her election!
Ame®icano;2173226 said:
I always thought you are able to connect the dots... You said "it's not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere"... If is their business then is a doctor's business too. Don't you think that with this bill doctors are left with much choice?

Choice of whether to post a sign on the door telling a significant portion of their clientele they are not welcome? Of course they have a choice. This is ALL on the unprofessional idiot who wants to be the next Joe the Plumber rather than act appropriately and professionally at his place of business, not on Obama or anybody else.

And I've posted several times he has every right to do it, for you and all of the rest of the reading impaired. But he has no right to be protected from the consequences, and he is completely irresponsible in bringing the additional consequences on his family and his community. He's inviting the media fishbowl and every crazy with a radio or tv to come poking around in his and his neighbors' lives, the idiot. And all for his wife to get some votes for a county office? What a self-centered, naive boob.

All things considered I wouldn't go to a doctor like this if I had to drive a hundred miles to go elsewhere, regardless of my political views. Because it IS his choice, and by his judgmnent or lack thereof will he be judged.

Hey goldwhinycatt.. if you have to pee and cannot he will be your savior, if you don't need him he won't bother you..

Doubt I'll be needing a urologist anytime soon, but thanks for your concern. :thup:
Choice of whether to post a sign on the door telling a significant portion of their clientele they are not welcome? Of course they have a choice. This is ALL on the unprofessional idiot who wants to be the next Joe the Plumber rather than act appropriately and professionally at his place of business, not on Obama or anybody else.

And I've posted several times he has every right to do it, for you and all of the rest of the reading impaired. But he has no right to be protected from the consequences, and he is completely irresponsible in bringing the additional consequences on his family and his community. He's inviting the media fishbowl and every crazy with a radio or tv to come poking around in his and his neighbors' lives, the idiot. And all for his wife to get some votes for a county office? What a self-centered, naive boob.

All things considered I wouldn't go to a doctor like this if I had to drive a hundred miles to go elsewhere, regardless of my political views. Because it IS his choice, and by his judgmnent or lack thereof will he be judged.

Hey goldwhinycatt.. if you have to pee and cannot he will be your savior, if you don't need him he won't bother you..

Doubt I'll be needing a urologist anytime soon, but thanks for your concern. :thup:

sorry you missed the point.. patients who NEEEEEED urologic help could give a shit about politics.. I hope you never get a kidney stone. :lol::lol:
Hey goldwhinycatt.. if you have to pee and cannot he will be your savior, if you don't need him he won't bother you..

Doubt I'll be needing a urologist anytime soon, but thanks for your concern. :thup:

sorry you missed the point.. patients who NEEEEEED urologic help could give a shit about politics.. I hope you never get a kidney stone. :lol::lol:

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?
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There is no proof one way or the other that he has refused to treat any patinets, but that is outside of the parameters of what most of us are discussing here.
The reasonable ones at least.

Your angle on this thread seems to be a bit of a deviation for you Immie.

Oh, in other words, he is guilty until proven innocent.

What kind of fucked up world do you liberals live in?


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