Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

How totally UNSURPRISING the "modern" version of this oath was re-written by LIBERALS, isn't it? Oh gee, what oath obligates all doctors to agree with THAT re-write I wonder? Something Marx wrote perhaps?

Does that mean I should support either this guy losing his license to practice medicine or being thrown into a "re-education" camp -which I know is something the left firmly believes is the proper answer to such blatant disrespect to the power of the state once it has declared itself the supreme being and more trustworthy to know what is in your best interests more than YOU can know for yourself?

The man believes the Obama administration has inserted itself between his ability to properly provide for his patients as HE AND HIS PATIENT may decide. No role for GOVERNMENT there, is there? Guess what -I don't think government has ANY ROLE in deciding any aspect of MY medical care either.

Apparently you think doctors have taken an magical oath that places them above all other human beings, they are supremely obligated to EVERYONE else on the entire planet in a way no one else ever is -and the simple fact they made a career choice YOU didn't obligates him to provide YOU with his knowledge, skills and training even to those who voted in favor of those government LAWYERS who think so highly of themselves, they are utterly convinced THEY are far more knowledgeable about how to best practice medicine over those who actually do it. This guy has no problem with that -why do you? It isn't as if he is claiming you owe HIM your own services, knowledge and skills -is he? No doctor takes an oath to provide his services to anyone and everyone regardless of the harm others intend against their ability to best treat their patients according to their best and most informed educated, skilled and medical opinion or their ability to support themselves as THEY see fit. Just like YOU never took one either. They have only taken an oath that IF they choose to treat you, it is with the obligation to give you their best. NOT an oath that they will treat any and all. So go get a lawyer to treat your medical problems and quit whining. If you aren't willing to first take that oath yourself about what you OWE everyone else who didn't choose YOUR career -then quit pretending others took it just because they chose a different career from your own. Liberals don't get it -just because you CHOOSE to place a very high value on the career choice someone else made, does NOT place a special obligation upon them that doesn't exist for everyone else. If lawyers who managed to get themselves elected to a government office can claim to know how to best provide a service to others in spite of having zero training, education and skills over those who actually do it -then those same lawyers sure as hell know how to best do YOUR job as well and "own" it and have the greater "right" to dictate how it must be done. Do you REALLY think doctors magically took a far more important "re-written" oath than the Democrat politicians who vowed to uphold our Constitution only to OPENLY admit it is an oath they never took seriously in the first place? Your "re-written" oath is not one doctors swear to -just in case you did not know this. They STILL swear by the Hippocratic oath in spite of you Marxists who want to claim that if people make certain career choices YOU didn't -they OWE you far more than you will ever owe them.

Let's be all grown up and maybe you can even pretend to believe in "freedom" even though freedom is actually not high on the list of liberals -assuming it is there at all. Try this one on for size and see whether it still throws you into apoplectic fits. Turn the same table on HIM -in a FREE society you are allowed to do that, see? You don't like this guy's position and statement THEN DON'T GO TO HIM FOR YOUR MEDICAL TREATMENT! Wow what a truly novel idea, huh? But the reason this isn't even on the list of possible options of a liberal is what defines the REAL difference between a totalitarian-loving liberal and a freedom-loving conservative in the first place.

May I ask, HOW do YOU know what this doctor feels about the health care bill? HUH?

Did his sign complain about the health care bill?


His sign complained about OBAMA VOTERS, his patients...who he told to just turn their butts around and head away from him, because he has NO DESIRE to treat these patients of his, anymore...if they voted for Obama...

SEEMS TO ME, that this Doctor didn't say a word about what upsets him with this health care bill, he only LASHED OUT at his patients for voting for obama...

now you can take that, and twist and turn it any way you and your other darlings on this site wish....

But you ain't changing my mind on it, because you have NO EVIDENCE what so ever to your claims, HOWEVER I have a sign that SAYS IT ALL, writen by the hateful Doc.

Watch the interview with AC, he is pretty clear on how he feels about the HCB, the evidence speaks for itself.....
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Doubt I'll be needing a urologist anytime soon, but thanks for your concern. :thup:

sorry you missed the point.. patients who NEEEEEED urologic help could give a shit about politics.. I hope you never get a kidney stone. :lol::lol:

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.
Did you see this interview with Anderson Cooper? Cooper was so pissed that he couldn't rattle Dr. Cassell.....

Dr. Cassell has every right to post this message at his place of business if he so chooses, this is still America, if you don't like it you don't have to use him, it's real simple.....

But as usual, the Liberal Progressive Victims want to limit any rebuttal to Obamacare.....

In no way can you question his ethics over his opinion on Obamacare, he has a better understanding of it's impact than any non physician on this board.....

To all who do, who in the hell do you think you are.....
YouTube - Doctor's sign: Obama backers go away

Not if Care and company succeed it won't be.

really? and doctors have a right to force their political views on to their patients who are paying for their medical care from him?

whatever, immie.....you can add yourself to that list of names i called the doc....:cuckoo:

sleep well!

Damn liberals think they are the only ones that have a right to speak freely.

You should apologize to Care. She'd feel the same way if the doctor made a sign telling Palin supporters to seek care elsewhere.

You, on the other hand, would probably have a fit.

Bullshit. I don't like Palin.

And she is the one who has attacked me for standing up for Freedom of Speech and the principals that this country was built upon. She is the one who should be doing the apologizing, not me.

And no, you are wrong, she would not feel the same way if the doctor made a sign telling Palin supporters to seek care elsewhere. She is almost as biased as TM. She is just more intelligent in the way she presents herself.

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I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

You are saying that about a patient's rights. The others are not. They are calling the doctor unethical and hysterical (unproven by the way) for simply making a political statement. One that if the shoe were on the other foot everyone of them would be making themselves.


They're certainly entitled to their opinion just as much as he is to his. I don't disagree with some of it, although rather than distraught, hysterical and crazy I'd characterize the guy as cynical, calculating, and yet probably incredibly naive about the probable ramifications that will go far beyond getting his wife into a petty local office.

But for myself I'll repeat again the doctor has every right to make this statement regardless of the sheer stupidity of doing so.

But not everybody on your "side" is exactly being rational either. It's "brown shirt" fascist "government control" and all "Leftists" and "Liberals" fault if the doctor is "forced into bankruptcy" when his patients exercise their own freedom of choice based on his actions? Puh-leeze. Whatever happened to that whole personal responsibility thing?

Just the usual suspects playing the usual games I guess. :lol:

I have not once said any of those things about his patients, if you were insinuating that I was one of those, then you are wrong.

His patients have every right to choose a different doctor. In fact, I have said twice that if he were my doctor, I would choose to do the same thing and I didn't even vote for the President. I think it is inappropriate to blame the voters for the actions of the President. Although, I don't believe that is what he is doing.

I think he is simply making a statement. That is all. I don't think he would turn away any patient even if the patient came to him and commented that he supported Obama and HCR. I think the only thing he is trying to do, is to tell the country that he does not like this bill. NO ONE IS LISTENING! No one is listening to those of us who think this is bad legislation.

If he had refused service to anyone I would agree with you guys. That would be wrong. But, not a single person on this site has been able to prove to me that he has done so, because he has not.

sorry you missed the point.. patients who NEEEEEED urologic help could give a shit about politics.. I hope you never get a kidney stone. :lol::lol:

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Your suspicions would be wrong, at least for my part. Unprofessionalism is unprofessionalism, pettiness is pettiness, and bigotry is bigotry. I was no fan of Bush and I've posted in many places I'm disappointed in Obama. That doesn't matter. This guy isn't targeting either of them with his idiot sign. He's targeting his customers. His neighbors. And he's doing it personally, not to try to persuade them to his point of view. I don't care if I agreed with every word coming out of his mouth on every political issue there is, wrong is wrong.

As for it being petty, I think Care hit on the issue here that makes it not as petty as it seems. There's the free speech issue, yes. But the fact that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable, even the right thing to do, for us as individuals to take our frustrations with government officials out on each other instead of the rightful target is a serious concern, IMO. When did this become so acceptable, and why? What did these people have to do with the policy made in DC, and why should they be reviled for it? Why do this kind of thing to your neighbor instead of work to get what you want where it counts and might actually do some good? It's sad, really.
The republicans supporting this lunatic doc, are supporting him for no other reason than they hate the healthcare billllll
how many times did we need to tell you we hated the hcr bill? the doc.s hate it too. you will see more rebellion from doctors though probably less blatant. and if you cared about patients you would not support the hcr bill either. but it is obvious you do not care about patiens especially the elderly patients. you cheered the demorats on while the stole 960 billion dollars from the elderly. who needs the most care? the elderly. so don't try to tell us that you care about patients. that's all baloney.
they could not give a poop if his patients suffer from his note lashing out at them...NOT THE HEALTH CARE BILL, just innocent patients that were paying him for his services.how about the innocent elderly your demorats stole 960 billion dollars from? that's okay with you though isn't it? don't try to tell us you care about patients.

I hope he loses his pants on this very unprofessional, and irrational, hateful note of his to his PATIENTS, not to Obama, not to Democratic politicians that passed the bill, but towards his own paying PATIENTS.I hope he doesn't

Great job Doc! Hope your wife goes down like a rock in her election!

demorats, all about search and destroy their enemies, just say or do one little thing they don't like and they will nuke you.
Doubt I'll be needing a urologist anytime soon, but thanks for your concern. :thup:

sorry you missed the point.. patients who NEEEEEED urologic help could give a shit about politics.. I hope you never get a kidney stone. :lol::lol:

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:that's his cross to bear isn't it? I suspect he thought it was worth it.

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?
no, you are entitled to your stupidity. I would never stand between you and your stupidity.
The republicans supporting this lunatic doc, are supporting him for no other reason than they hate the healthcare billllll

they could not give a poop if his patients suffer from his note lashing out at them...NOT THE HEALTH CARE BILL, just innocent patients that were paying him for his services.

I hope he loses his pants on this very unprofessional, and irrational, hateful note of his to his PATIENTS, not to Obama, not to Democratic politicians that passed the bill, but towards his own paying PATIENTS.

Great job Doc! Hope your wife goes down like a rock in her election!

If you are meaning that to hurt me then you are a liar.

I have said dozens of times in this thread that this is nothing but a freedom of speech issue that you are attempting to squelch and I am not a Republican.

You are saying that about a patient's rights. The others are not. They are calling the doctor unethical and hysterical (unproven by the way) for simply making a political statement. One that if the shoe were on the other foot everyone of them would be making themselves.


They're certainly entitled to their opinion just as much as he is to his. I don't disagree with some of it, although rather than distraught, hysterical and crazy I'd characterize the guy as cynical, calculating, and yet probably incredibly naive about the probable ramifications that will go far beyond getting his wife into a petty local office.

But for myself I'll repeat again the doctor has every right to make this statement regardless of the sheer stupidity of doing so.

But not everybody on your "side" is exactly being rational either. It's "brown shirt" fascist "government control" and all "Leftists" and "Liberals" fault if the doctor is "forced into bankruptcy" when his patients exercise their own freedom of choice based on his actions? Puh-leeze. Whatever happened to that whole personal responsibility thing?

Just the usual suspects playing the usual games I guess. :lol:

I have not once said any of those things about his patients, if you were insinuating that I was one of those, then you are wrong.

His patients have every right to choose a different doctor. In fact, I have said twice that if he were my doctor, I would choose to do the same thing and I didn't even vote for the President. I think it is inappropriate to blame the voters for the actions of the President. Although, I don't believe that is what he is doing.

I think he is simply making a statement. That is all. I don't think he would turn away any patient even if the patient came to him and commented that he supported Obama and HCR. I think the only thing he is trying to do, is to tell the country that he does not like this bill. NO ONE IS LISTENING! No one is listening to those of us who think this is bad legislation.

If he had refused service to anyone I would agree with you guys. That would be wrong. But, not a single person on this site has been able to prove to me that he has done so, because he has not.


Nope, didn't mean to insinuate you were making those comments, and I assume you weren't insinuating I made the attacks you were talking about. Simply pointing out what's happening on both sides here. And poking fun at the tone of "Liberals Bad, Conservatives Good". Just another day at the USMB. :thup:
A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Your suspicions would be wrong, at least for my part. Unprofessionalism is unprofessionalism, pettiness is pettiness, and bigotry is bigotry. I was no fan of Bush and I've posted in many places I'm disappointed in Obama. That doesn't matter. This guy isn't targeting either of them with his idiot sign. He's targeting his customers. His neighbors. And he's doing it personally, not to try to persuade them to his point of view. I don't care if I agreed with every word coming out of his mouth on every political issue there is, wrong is wrong.

As for it being petty, I think Care hit on the issue here that makes it not as petty as it seems. There's the free speech issue, yes. But the fact that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable, even the right thing to do, for us as individuals to take our frustrations with government officials out on each other instead of the rightful target is a serious concern, IMO. When did this become so acceptable, and why? What did these people have to do with the policy made in DC, and why should they be reviled for it? Why do this kind of thing to your neighbor instead of work to get what you want where it counts and might actually do some good? It's sad, really.

Would we be wrong? Then show us your post lamblasting Grayson for his unprofessionalism. I shall wait. Will it freeze in hell before you post it?
sorry you missed the point.. patients who NEEEEEED urologic help could give a shit about politics.. I hope you never get a kidney stone. :lol::lol:

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Maybe what these posters are so upset with is that he is not out there with the Tea Partiers howling amongst themselves in a place where no one is listening to him. He got his message out loud and clear and that is what pisses them off. They can't push him into a group that they can claim are just racist lunatics and that pisses them off.

God forbid anyone would speak out against Obama's first step to Universal Health Care. We can't have the public know that there are actually doctors that don't like this bill.

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Maybe what these posters are so upset with is that he is not out there with the Tea Partiers howling amongst themselves in a place where no one is listening to him. He got his message out loud and clear and that is what pisses them off. They can't push him into a group that they can claim are just racist lunatics and that pisses them off.

God forbid anyone would speak out against Obama's first step to Universal Health Care. We can't have the public know that there are actually doctors that don't like this bill.


Immie! What pisses them off is we won't bow down and kiss obama's ass for the theft of 960 billion dollars from elder care. They cannot abide dissent. Funny though.. eight years ago dissent was "a patriotic duty" now? not so much.
The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Your suspicions would be wrong, at least for my part. Unprofessionalism is unprofessionalism, pettiness is pettiness, and bigotry is bigotry. I was no fan of Bush and I've posted in many places I'm disappointed in Obama. That doesn't matter. This guy isn't targeting either of them with his idiot sign. He's targeting his customers. His neighbors. And he's doing it personally, not to try to persuade them to his point of view. I don't care if I agreed with every word coming out of his mouth on every political issue there is, wrong is wrong.

As for it being petty, I think Care hit on the issue here that makes it not as petty as it seems. There's the free speech issue, yes. But the fact that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable, even the right thing to do, for us as individuals to take our frustrations with government officials out on each other instead of the rightful target is a serious concern, IMO. When did this become so acceptable, and why? What did these people have to do with the policy made in DC, and why should they be reviled for it? Why do this kind of thing to your neighbor instead of work to get what you want where it counts and might actually do some good? It's sad, really.

Would we be wrong? Then show us your post lamblasting Grayson for his unprofessionalism. I shall wait. Will it freeze in hell before you post it?

Another nice attempt at changing the subject, you have so much practice at it you'd think you wouldn't be so obvious. I doubt you could get much colder, but let me know when you turn blue. I'm sure it's a great color for you. :thup:
A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Your suspicions would be wrong, at least for my part. Unprofessionalism is unprofessionalism, pettiness is pettiness, and bigotry is bigotry. I was no fan of Bush and I've posted in many places I'm disappointed in Obama. That doesn't matter. This guy isn't targeting either of them with his idiot sign. He's targeting his customers. His neighbors. And he's doing it personally, not to try to persuade them to his point of view. I don't care if I agreed with every word coming out of his mouth on every political issue there is, wrong is wrong.

As for it being petty, I think Care hit on the issue here that makes it not as petty as it seems. There's the free speech issue, yes. But the fact that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable, even the right thing to do, for us as individuals to take our frustrations with government officials out on each other instead of the rightful target is a serious concern, IMO. When did this become so acceptable, and why? What did these people have to do with the policy made in DC, and why should they be reviled for it? Why do this kind of thing to your neighbor instead of work to get what you want where it counts and might actually do some good? It's sad, really.

When you can prove to me that he has taken this out on any patient, I will agree with you. In the meantime, he has done nothing but make a political statement. As far as I know, he has not refused care to one patient nor would he from what I know.

Do you think a letter to the President would have done any good? Do you think a phone call to his congressman would have done any good? How about an open letter to Congress in the newspaper?

Do you think those of us who are opposed to this legislation have a voice any longer? We have been silenced. The President and Congress put their fingers in their ears and started singing, lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala and quit listening to the people a long time ago.

He made a statement and nothing more. I'm sure it is going to fall on deaf ears once again, but then at least he exercised his right to make that statement.

And the worst thing about this entire conversation is the willingness of people like Care to take away this man's right to make a statement. We don't have to like what this doctor says. What we do have to do, if we want to remain a free nation, is to respect his right to say it.

A business' customers give a shit about what they give a shit about. And when they're confronted with a sign on the door saying they're not welcome, whether they'll actually be treated or not if they go inside is immaterial. You act like there's only one urologist in the world. This is America, land of opportunity. And whatever competition this guy's got, he just handed them a big one. :thup:

But hey, it's free speech. He's entitled to be whatever brand of stupid makes his little socks go up and down. And all of us are entitled to our opinion, right? Or just the ones who agree with you?

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Maybe what these posters are so upset with is that he is not out there with the Tea Partiers howling amongst themselves in a place where no one is listening to him. He got his message out loud and clear and that is what pisses them off. They can't push him into a group that they can claim are just racist lunatics and that pisses them off.

God forbid anyone would speak out against Obama's first step to Universal Health Care. We can't have the public know that there are actually doctors that don't like this bill.


It's not what he did, it's how he did it. There are any number of ways he could have expressed his disappoval of the healthcare bill. It's the fact that he took it out with a snide sign targeting his patients that's the problem.

Why blame his patients and tell them to get lost? A fit of pique? A cynical appeal to local Republicans to get their approval and vote for his wife? Or does he really blame his patients for legislation they had no hand in crafting, no say in how it was passed and even many of those who voted in the way he disapproves of probably don't agree with in whole or part? That's the problem here. Why them, and why this way? It shows poor judgment at best. It also speaks to a bigger problem with politics in general that so many applaud him for it, IMO.
They're certainly entitled to their opinion just as much as he is to his. I don't disagree with some of it, although rather than distraught, hysterical and crazy I'd characterize the guy as cynical, calculating, and yet probably incredibly naive about the probable ramifications that will go far beyond getting his wife into a petty local office.

But for myself I'll repeat again the doctor has every right to make this statement regardless of the sheer stupidity of doing so.

But not everybody on your "side" is exactly being rational either. It's "brown shirt" fascist "government control" and all "Leftists" and "Liberals" fault if the doctor is "forced into bankruptcy" when his patients exercise their own freedom of choice based on his actions? Puh-leeze. Whatever happened to that whole personal responsibility thing?

Just the usual suspects playing the usual games I guess. :lol:

I have not once said any of those things about his patients, if you were insinuating that I was one of those, then you are wrong.

His patients have every right to choose a different doctor. In fact, I have said twice that if he were my doctor, I would choose to do the same thing and I didn't even vote for the President. I think it is inappropriate to blame the voters for the actions of the President. Although, I don't believe that is what he is doing.

I think he is simply making a statement. That is all. I don't think he would turn away any patient even if the patient came to him and commented that he supported Obama and HCR. I think the only thing he is trying to do, is to tell the country that he does not like this bill. NO ONE IS LISTENING! No one is listening to those of us who think this is bad legislation.

If he had refused service to anyone I would agree with you guys. That would be wrong. But, not a single person on this site has been able to prove to me that he has done so, because he has not.


Nope, didn't mean to insinuate you were making those comments, and I assume you weren't insinuating I made the attacks you were talking about. Simply pointing out what's happening on both sides here. And poking fun at the tone of "Liberals Bad, Conservatives Good". Just another day at the USMB. :thup:

No, I see your argument much as the left wing version of the argument I am trying to make. Neither one of us are taking the position that "our" side has taken.

You seem to respect his right to make the statement whether it is right or wrong and you seem to support HCR.

To me this is nothing but a free speech issue. My side is making this guy out to be a hero for opposing HCR.

I don't like the way he did it, but I believe that he was only trying to make a statement and in no way did he intend to hurt or offend his patients. Yes, it was directed TO the patient, but it was clearly not meant FOR the patient. It was meant FOR Congress. It was a statement to the country about this doctor's opposition to something that will severely affect the way he does business.

I will repeat, something from a post of a few minutes ago... no one is listening.

I believe everyone of us have the right to make such statements and the idea that Care would have the gall to attack him for making one is disturbing to me.

The Physician's Oath

At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:

* I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;

* I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;

* I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration;

* I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers;

* I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;

* I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception, even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;

* I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.[7]

Okay guys and gals, let us discuss this OATH this Doctor took, right as entering the Medical Profession.

First, let me say that I just LOVE how ALL of you can tell me what I am thinking and why I am arguing this argument, and why I have taken the position I have taken!:clap2: NOT!

As I have said many, many, many times throughout this thread, that what this doctor did, by telling his patients via his sign on the door, that his political position took priority over their health and care, is unethical and it breaks his Physicians Oath.

THERE IS NO ARGUMENT, regarding the fact that he chose HIMSELF over and above his patients, by writing that NASTY note, to some of them.

If I were his patient, I would have walked away...when HE TOLD ME TO, RIGHT THERE, AT THE DOOR, TO HIS LOBBY.....And guess what, I DID NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA, so he was not SHEWING me away in that manner.....!

I would have been shewed away, because his sign showed me that this Doctor has no problems with putting himself BEFORE the health and care of his patients, and this is not a Doctor, a Physician, by any means and gives other Physicians, his brothers, a bad name, imo.

How does ANYONE KNOW, how many more patients were turned off and disgusted by this sign at the door? WHAT IF a very sick person walked away and had to wait another week or 2 to get an appointment with some other urologist? What he did was also very irresponsible to his patients...EVEN IF HE DID END UP TREATING THEM, can you IMAGINE how intimidating and disgusting it was to THEM to have to sit and have hime poke around their naked bodies, while he said at the door for them to GO ELSEWHERE, I HATE YOU, I TRULY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH....which is WHAT his message was saying imo, and plain as daylight.

How can you raise up a man that broke his Oath? That put himself and own political machinations BEFORE his patients and their feelings and well being?

HE BROKE HIS OATH....he broke his oath.... :(

Here are all the different Physicians oaths over the years

Various Physicians Oaths

that means something to me....it may not to you, but it does to me and it may also mean something to other Physicians who DO put their patients first, as well....the Doc, is giving them a bad rap....

I hope this guy is happy that he got to campaign for his wife, by using other people's lives, his patients care and concern came LAST to his own politics....! And yes, if the sign said anything like, Palin supporters, go find urology services elsewhere....I WOULD BE JUST AS UPSET.

There is a time and a place to voice ones political free speech for professionals....all of them KNOW IT, but this Doc....this Doc did not, for some reason....and this shows poor or irrational judgment in the very least.

The point is that the sign was stupid and offensive. The doctor could have made his point much more effectively without insulting his patients.

The further point is that his patients, even those who admit they voted for Obama, continue to use this doctor's services and he continues to give them the same competent care and treatment as he did before or that he gives anybody. The sign is political rhetoric that does not translate to any form of inappropriate political activism.

And the final point is that we must have had a couple of really slow news days for a stupid sign on a doctors' door to generate all these pages of comment. I suspect that those expressing outrage at that sign would not be so adament about it if the sign had read George Bush instead of Barack Obama.

Maybe what these posters are so upset with is that he is not out there with the Tea Partiers howling amongst themselves in a place where no one is listening to him. He got his message out loud and clear and that is what pisses them off. They can't push him into a group that they can claim are just racist lunatics and that pisses them off.

God forbid anyone would speak out against Obama's first step to Universal Health Care. We can't have the public know that there are actually doctors that don't like this bill.


It's not what he did, it's how he did it. There are any number of ways he could have expressed his disappoval of the healthcare bill. It's the fact that he took it out with a snide sign targeting his patients that's the problem.

Why blame his patients and tell them to get lost? A fit of pique? A cynical appeal to local Republicans to get their approval and vote for his wife? Or does he really blame his patients for legislation they had no hand in crafting, no say in how it was passed and even many of those who voted in the way he disapproves of probably don't agree with in whole or part? That's the problem here. Why them, and why this way? It shows poor judgment at best. It also speaks to a bigger problem with politics in general that so many applaud him for it, IMO.

See my post #275.

I do not believe that message was intended for his patients.

It was a message that was addressed to his patients, but it was clearly meant for the rest of the country and for Congress. A Congress that has quit listening to the citizens.

If I truly believed he meant that his patients should go elsewhere, I would have a problem with this sign. I do not for a moment believe such a thing. I believe that his message was meant to this country in general and the message was not... "if you voted for President Obama go elsewhere". The message was basically, "this reform bill will destroy my practice and this country and I do not support it."

Granted, I'm "reading between the lines here", but I do not for a moment believe he was telling patients to go elsewhere. I fully believe this was nothing more than a political statement made to Congress and the President and no one else.


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