Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

Government control of private means of production is Fascism.

Suggesting that a doctor be driven out of business for voicing objection to complete government control of his professional life is Fascist.

If the Foo Shits....
You've got it wrong. Refusing to treat people in the state you are licensed in because of their political beliefs is fascism.

Boycotting them is anyone's right.

Any proof he refused the service? Spit it out.
You've got it wrong. Refusing to treat people in the state you are licensed in because of their political beliefs is fascism.

Boycotting them is anyone's right.

I'm still waiting for someone from your side to show me where he refused service to anyone at all.

He told Obama voters to go elsewhere. If they chose not to, I am pretty sure he served them. Now, since it is clearly obvious that the others can't show that, can you show me that he refused to serve anyone at all?

I don't understand how you can read the sign and not comprehend that he is telling Obama supporters to go elsewhere. It's as plain as day.

Use a different group.

If you're a Jew, seek care elsewhere.

If you're black, seek care elsewhere.

If you're white, seek care elsewhere.

How about this... If you voted for those who are going to destroy my business, seek care elsewhere.
You've got it wrong. Refusing to treat people in the state you are licensed in because of their political beliefs is fascism.

Boycotting them is anyone's right.

There is no proof he refused to treat anybody. His sign may have encouraged some patients to go elsewhere for treatment - but those who proceeded to make appoinments were treated.

You don't understand the definition of Fascism. It is not an individual exercising free speech and freedom of association.

It's also not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere after being told they're not wanted.

Excellent, now we're talking about money. According to our government and their liberal supporters, it's OK if doctor is losing money. Well, there is a cure for that too. Doctor can require to be paid with cash only. For those who have cash, they will receive care. For those who don't, hey... tough luck. And for those who have government insurance, let them pay in cash and then ask feds for reimbursement. How many will be satisfied after they receive 79 cents on a dollar?
Only on an Animal Farm would somebody who objects to Government Control of his private practice be called the Fascist.
No one is controlling his practice.

Uh...what do you think the 159 boards and panels, 16,500 IRS agents, and the uncountable mandates, prohibitions, requirements, fines, taxes, and price controls contained in ObamaCare actually do?
Only on an Animal Farm would somebody who objects to Government Control of his private practice be called the Fascist.
No one is controlling his practice.

Uh...what do you think the 159 boards and panels, 16,500 IRS agents, and the uncountable mandates, prohibitions, requirements, fines, taxes, and price controls contained in ObamaCare actually do?
You can be as hysterical as you wish...but no one is controlling his practice.

What will the impact of ObamaCare will be on a doctor's practice?
No one is controlling his practice.

Uh...what do you think the 159 boards and panels, 16,500 IRS agents, and the uncountable mandates, prohibitions, requirements, fines, taxes, and price controls contained in ObamaCare actually do?
You can be as hysterical as you wish...but no one is controlling his practice.

IT is his practice he can accept any patient or not he determines the reasons. That is America

The modern version of that oath reads:

"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."

It says nothing about politics. However, politics are mentioned in the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics.

Section 9.012:

"Under no circumstances should physicians allow their differences with patients or their families about political matters to interfere with the delivery of high-quality professional care."

you people are a joke to even support this jackass doctor

and yet lots of them run for political office? Rand Paul, and his poppa.
If I were his patient, republican, democrat or whatever or no party affiliation, I would NOT EVER in a million years, keep him as my Doctor.

But what if he was you DR before you voted for Obama?
Should he be responsible for any costs associated with your changing to another DR?

He is a bastard of the highest order.
The best person to answer is the doctor himself - and his assessment is not positive.

Just sayin'.
Ame®icano;2172268 said:
There is no proof he refused to treat anybody. His sign may have encouraged some patients to go elsewhere for treatment - but those who proceeded to make appoinments were treated.

You don't understand the definition of Fascism. It is not an individual exercising free speech and freedom of association.

It's also not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere after being told they're not wanted.

Excellent, now we're talking about money. According to our government and their liberal supporters, it's OK if doctor is losing money. Well, there is a cure for that too. Doctor can require to be paid with cash only. For those who have cash, they will receive care. For those who don't, hey... tough luck. And for those who have government insurance, let them pay in cash and then ask feds for reimbursement. How many will be satisfied after they receive 79 cents on a dollar?

I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.
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I think it's a great thing. I'd pay extra to go to a doctor knowing I wouldn't have to deal with any moonbats when I was in his waiting room.

I think this could open a whole new market.
My Dr is an avid republican and has ran for a couple of state level offices in recent years.
I like him as a DR and hope he does not win for that reason. I want him concentrating on his patient care vs politics.

He is professional and has never discussed politics in his office with me and I have never brought it up to him either :)

There are certain places where I feel it is inappropriate and counter productive to discuss politics, Work, DR office, church and any professional setting I can think of.

Urologist huh? figures...
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Ame®icano;2172268 said:
It's also not customers choosing to take their business and their money elsewhere after being told they're not wanted.

Excellent, now we're talking about money. According to our government and their liberal supporters, it's OK if doctor is losing money. Well, there is a cure for that too. Doctor can require to be paid with cash only. For those who have cash, they will receive care. For those who don't, hey... tough luck. And for those who have government insurance, let them pay in cash and then ask feds for reimbursement. How many will be satisfied after they receive 79 cents on a dollar?

I have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to the post you responded to, but here goes nothing.

What several of us are saying is what this doctor did was stupid. Why? Because he's rather arrogantly assuming he has all the rights and his patients have none. His free speech entitles him to post this sign telling anybody who voted for Obama they aren't welcome - whether he actually stooped to treat them if they came in or not.

Problem is, his patients have rights too. They can simply go elsewhere, to a doctor who cares about medicine more than getting his wife elected. It's nothing personal, nothing political even, just the personalpreference of his cutomers to stop giving him business because he's decided to be an unprofessional jackass.

And yep, if enough of his patients decide to take their custom lesewhere and he loses money or goes broke, I won't cry. I'm sure some folks on here would blame it on Obama and the Leftists, but really who's to blame?

Free speech ONLY means the government cannot sanction your ass for speaking your mind. It doesn't mean you should be protected from your own dumb decisions, or from cutting off your own nose to spite your face. "Free" speech is a misnomer.

You are saying that about a patient's rights. The others are not. They are calling the doctor unethical and hysterical (unproven by the way) for simply making a political statement. One that if the shoe were on the other foot everyone of them would be making themselves.

I don't think it says that he asked anyone their political views. He simply put a sign on the door that says if you voted for Obama you can go elsewhere.

To my knowledge he didn't ask a soul nor did he turn anyone away. A simple sign that made a political statement that libs don't want to hear. They don't want to hear that there are doctors (let alone people) out there that don't like this bill.


hmmmm....seems to me, there are millions who voted for obama, who did not support the health care bill....

bull crap to the ''they don't want to hear CRAPOLA'',....JUST PARTISAN RHETORIC ON your part Immie..............what the Doctor did, was unethical...end of story.

WHY is this so hard to just admit and move on....why give support to this doc, who was a hysterical idiot?? why?

he did NOT say you CAN go elsewhere....he SAID, go elsewhere....no?

It is not unethical. Show me where he turned anyone away. Show me where he refused medical services to anyone.

Dante says it is inferred. BS! Show me where he refused service to anyone that asked of it.

Also, show me even a shred of evidence that they want to hear decent. Just a shred of it.

You can't because anyone that says they don't like this bill gets called hysterical.

Oh by the way, I have asked you four times in this thread to show me where he was hysterical. I have even defined the word for you and you have ignored it.

You are the only ones who are hysterical over this and it is because, someone had the balls to stand up and say NO!


immie (and others participating in this thread), his note on his lobby door showed his craziness, or obsession, or politicking or hysteria....call it 'something' softer than those names that i listed if it makes you feel better....but it is 'something', it is not NOTHING.

(And yes, I can also understand how calling this guy a loony tune can be annoying...or a reason alone to fight about THAT... due to all of the Tea Party accusation crapola that has been going on.)

i'm sorry, if you think what he did is ok...

I can thoroughly understand the position, that this is not illegal to do in Florida, no state law is broken...if this is in deed fact, then so be it....

But just consider this....whether he actually came face to face with a patient and verbally turned them away, verses them being turned away at the door via his very nasty and unprofessional message to them, is simply semantics to me....and as i pointed out previously, one of his patients, did read the message from him on the sign and did turn away and leave, as he asked her to do, via his message on the sign.

I just do not see how anyone can say that he did NOT ask anyone to seek services for a urologist elsewhere, if they voted for Obama, because the TRUTH is, this is precisely what he did, IN WRITING, and for ALL TO SEE, there really isn't much more solid proof than that ya know....?

I don't know if he did this because he was strung tighter than a violin, or if it was some political stunt that brought attention to his wife who is running for political office...?

THIS is NOT the gist of my argument or ''whine'' as you seem to want to call it, for some political posturing move, i presume:eusa_whistle:....

My argument, for the sake of arguing at all over this, is simply that I believe what he did is unethical, not right, just plain wrong (don't know how else to say it?) and I honestly can not understand why everyone else in the whole wide world times 7, do not see it the same way....?:confused:

I am not trying to argue whether he broke the law, gets his license to practice reneged, or loses all of his clients due to this thing that he did or any of the other kazillion things that have been said on this thread...

My real concern is that people other than me and a few others, just don't simply see this as 'wrong' on the doc's part, 'unprofessional' on the Doc's part?


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