FLASHBACK: Gen Milley said under oath he would warn enemy in advance if the US was about to attack.

I do agree. IF this is true he should be courts-martialed. But his CIC was a clown and he was trying to do the best for his county. But I doubt any of this is true. ed
I disagree.....Trump was a fine CIC and the clown is Milley. Of course it is true. If i remember correctly he either admitted it or the communication was reported. Compare what we are going through right now with Biden and then with President Trump...we were stronger, we were safer with President Trump in office.

Gen. Milley says he wasn't trying to undermine Trump in China call

bastard traitor Chi-com asset.
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I had forgotten that was the traitor POS who said that.

I watched his Chinese Spy Balloon presser, and he was a smug asshole. “Any American can look in the sky.”


That prick needs to be fired, What a pompous shitbird.
YES...thanks for that. He quietly and secretly contacted the chinese and told them he'd give them a heads up if President Trump ordered a strike. WHAT THE HELL...An AMERICAN GENERAL PULLS THAT SHIT!!??

He shoulda been in chains as soon as it came to light. sorry bastard.
NO! They should have court marshalled him for treason and executed him. Its Traitors like this that will hand over the US to our enemies.
How many conspiracy theories do you truly believe in? All of them?
there are no conspiracy theories anymore...they are reality. Do you know that conspiracy theoriest was a term coined by the FBI in order to marginalize people who questioned their actions so that the gov't could continue to do its dirty work. True
I had forgotten that was the traitor POS who said that.

I watched his Chinese Spy Balloon presser, and he was a smug asshole. “Any American can look in the sky.”


That prick needs to be fired, What a pompous shitbird.
All the Red States allowed the China surveillance balloon to fly across without any defensive action.
"As part of that conversation, I said, “General Li, there’s not going to be a war, there’s not going to attack between great powers. And if there was, the tensions would build up, there’d be calls going back and forth from all kinds of senior officials.”

General Milley: (01:44:04)
I said, “Hell, General Li, I’ll probably give you a call. But we’re not going to attack you. Trust me. We’re not going to attack you. These are two great powers, and I am doing my best to transmit the President’s intent, President trump’s intent, to ensure that the American people are protected from an incident that could escalate.”

The Congresswoman simply pretended he said what she wanted. He didn't. The call was made at the behest of secretary Esper.

Oh yeah he still has a job because the Neo-GOP talking points are false narratives.
LOL.. Defense of the US is the purview of the DOD. IF they are neglecting their duties, we need to Court Marshell them for treason. And it's pretty evident that they are...
Go for it, because the Trump admin allowed 3 or more Chinese spy balloons to fly across the US without any response.
link to your assertions. The only ones I could find were in 2018 and the US Navy rendered them useless junk with THOR.
NORAD commander Gen. VanHerck said that NORAD missed the 3 previous Chinese Spy Balloon incursions under the Trump administration.
NORAD commander Gen. VanHerck said that NORAD missed the 3 previous Chinese Spy Balloon incursions under the Trump administration.
And General Milley stated they knew about them and did not tell Trump. 5 Star command general vs 2 Star line staff.... Tell me who is lying?

Two of the three have notations that THOR was used to destroy their electronics. So, command staff knew, took actions, then didn't tell Trump... I have a problem with both of your potential scenarios. They should both end in Treason Court Marshalls.
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And General Milley stated they knew about them and did not tell Trump. 5 Star command general vs 2 Star line staff.... Tell me who is lying?

Two of the three have notations that THOR was used to destroy their electronics. So, command staff knew, took actions, then didn't tell Trump... I have a problem with both of your potential scenarios. They should both end in Treason Court Marshalls.
Wait, so the flex from Republicans regarding the Chinese spy balloon is that the trump administration didn’t even KNOW three of them flew over during his time “in office”?!?! -LOL!!!

The US DOD assessed & deployed counter surveillance measures this time also. Plus Biden sent China a message by shooting it down. Trump failed to do that because he was occupied selling Putin's propaganda.

“We assess that this balloon has limited additive value from an intelligence-collection perspective” versus what China could get from satellite imagery. Still, the balloon has flown near a few US military bases and other sensitive sites.

Tannehill says that countersurveillance measures for spy balloons would typically include physically moving equipment or personnel out of sight, rearranging equipment, and if possible, jamming the balloon's sensors.

The Defense Department declined WIRED's request to elaborate on the steps it took to prevent espionage activities.

“The fact is we know that it's a surveillance balloon, and I'm not going to be able to be more specific than that,” Brigadier General Pat Ryder said in additional remarks to reporters on Friday.
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Which CiC are you calling the clown? The one that would have had the balloon down just outside Alaska or the one who let it float over the entire nation?

And as a military leader who would be better. A man letting spy balloons flying over and promoting gays? Or someone doing their job shooting that shit down and promoting an actual fighting force.
Trump had his chance. Now you guys are coming up with some fantasy Trump is a master balloon killer President that would have never let that happen. Come on man, he did.
Go for it, because the Trump admin allowed 3 or more Chinese spy balloons to fly across the US without any response.
But that is different. Those were the best perfect balloons. Trump could have taken them out anytime, But you know, he was so unhinged the DOD did not trust him to even tell him about a balloon. I really dodged a bullet during Trump's term.
Trump had his chance. Now you guys are coming up with some fantasy Trump is a master balloon killer President that would have never let that happen. Come on man, he did.
No. It didn’t happen under Trump.
I listened to a pod last night that replayed some of this asshole’s testimony to Congress.

WOW….What a piece of shit.

Can you imagine if Eisenhower called Hitler to give him a heads up about OPERATION OVERLORD?

Our military is so degraded.
The latest real story

U.S. officials said Monday that improvements ordered by President Joe Biden to strengthen defenses against Chinese espionage helped to identify last week’s spy balloon — and to determine that similar flights were conducted at multiple points during the Trump administration.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that after Biden took office, the U.S. “enhanced our surveillance of our territorial airspace, we enhanced our capacity to be able to detect things that the Trump administration was unable to detect.”

Biden, in turn, has been faulted by some Republicans for not ordering the balloon shot down before it made its way across the U.S.

Biden administration officials have planned a classified briefing for all senators on Thursday to discuss the spy balloon situation, according to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s office.

Sullivan, speaking at an event hosted by the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, said as part of the surveillance improvements since Biden took office, “we were able to go back and look at the historical patterns” and uncover “multiple instances” during the Trump administration in which Chinese surveillance balloons traversed American airspace and territory.

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