Flashback: Woopie Goldberg Says McCain Will Bring Back Slavery

I don't know anything about McCain bringing back slavery but the days of my youth watching cowboys and Indians shows were rekindled with the Navajos chasing McCain off their reservation...

She woke up and realized from the inside what a racket this is. You should listen to her.
Omarosa was smart enough to realize that liberals like yourself will rush out to buy any book that attacks Donald Trump. The list of people from the left that have made a KILLING off of writing a book like that is staggering! Right now she's laughing all the way to the bank...
She’s not from the left stupid.

You mean the people closest to trump are writing these books?

I mean anyone who wants to cash in on million dollar book deals just has to write something nasty about Trump. Hillary did it. Comey did it. Amarosa did it too. You on the left hate Trump so much you'll buy anything that feeds that hate. You're like a liberal 401K for anyone who needs a retirement plan!
Again, comey and Omarosa aren’t liberals.

And yet you'll line up to buy a book from them! Why? Because they attack Trump! You're like Pavlov's dog, Sealy...the bell rings and you start slavering all over yourself.

Is anybody else sick of Trump first heaping praise on someone and then bad mouthing them the minute they come out and tell us what a nut job Trump is?

Carl Bernstein said the explosive revelations in the book Fear by Bob Woodward make it clear that we are now facing a “national emergency” caused by President Donald Trump. He said on CNN on Tuesday that the book brings us all inside the Trump White House, “and it is a horror show.”

President Donald Trump may currently have a bee in his bonnet about Bob Woodward over the veteran journalist’s new book, Fear: Trump in the White House.

Trump used Twitter on Tuesday to try to discredit the tell-all tome, which describes his administration as a “nervous breakdown” of the executive branch, by claiming it contains “so many lies and phony sources.

He also speculated as to whether Woodward is a “Dem operative.

But Trump hasn’t always been so disparaging of the journalist, acclaimed for his work covering the Watergate scandal at the Washington Post ― as these tweets from 2012 to 2017 demonstrate:

Trump tweets about Bob:
Sean's interview with Bob Woodward on @hannityshow was very interesting--Woodward was great. http://bit.ly/PLccPK

3:30 PM - Sep 28, 2012
Must read column by Bob Woodward explaining how Obama pushed for sequestration & promised no tax increase http://wapo.st/X0MlqB

4:28 PM - Feb 25, 2013

Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward.

4:04 PM - Mar 1, 2013

Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, "That is a garbage document...it never should have been presented...Trump's right to be upset (angry)...

4:04 PM - Jan 15, 2017
And yet you'll line up to buy a book from them! Why? Because they attack Trump! You're like Pavlov's dog, Sealy...the bell rings and you start slavering all over yourself.
don’t read books. I have a boat and a 25 year old girlfriend

Old men with boats and 25 year old girlfriends are some of the more pathetic creatures on the planet, Sealy. You might as well tattoo "Mid Life Crisis" on your forehead! Do yourself a favor...ditch the bimbo...pick up a book. :2cents:
Not a chance. I'm the envy of every guy I know.

Aren't you a Republican? I'm assuming if you are giving me shit you are a Trump supporter?

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania

My girlfriend is 25. I'm 47. That's a 22 year difference. Do you say the same thing about Donald your hero? Then fuck off.

I say that about ALL men that have girlfriends that are half their age...including Trump! So let me get this straight...you don't read books...but you think that people should read Kelly's book? Why? Because it's anti Trump? As for why I'm "giving you shit"? Be honest, Sealy...you post in strings like this the way you do to get a response from those who don't hold the same views as you do. Take a good hard look...aren't you ASKING to be given shit? If so...stop whining about it when it happens!

No. I think they should read Bob Woodward's book or Rudy's ex wife's book.

Feel free to read whatever you want, Sealy...but with one stipulation! Understand that every author's viewpoint is based on his life experiences and his beliefs. By all means...spend your money on Woodward's book! When you do so however...remember who the man is who wrote it...why he felt the need to write it...and what the people who PAID him to write it thought they would get for buyers of the book!

If you're reading a partisan "hatchet job" written by someone quoting anonymous third party sources...then understand exactly what it is that you hold in your hand.
As for what Bernstein claims? Isn't it amazing that a White House that the left declares to be totally dysfunctional (based on anonymous reports from unnamed sources of course!) has managed to quietly accomplish so many of it's campaign promises in the first year he was in office? How is that possible?
don’t read books. I have a boat and a 25 year old girlfriend

Old men with boats and 25 year old girlfriends are some of the more pathetic creatures on the planet, Sealy. You might as well tattoo "Mid Life Crisis" on your forehead! Do yourself a favor...ditch the bimbo...pick up a book. :2cents:
Not a chance. I'm the envy of every guy I know.

Aren't you a Republican? I'm assuming if you are giving me shit you are a Trump supporter?

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania

My girlfriend is 25. I'm 47. That's a 22 year difference. Do you say the same thing about Donald your hero? Then fuck off.

I say that about ALL men that have girlfriends that are half their age...including Trump! So let me get this straight...you don't read books...but you think that people should read Kelly's book? Why? Because it's anti Trump? As for why I'm "giving you shit"? Be honest, Sealy...you post in strings like this the way you do to get a response from those who don't hold the same views as you do. Take a good hard look...aren't you ASKING to be given shit? If so...stop whining about it when it happens!

No. I think they should read Bob Woodward's book or Rudy's ex wife's book.

Feel free to read whatever you want, Sealy...but with one stipulation! Understand that every author's viewpoint is based on his life experiences and his beliefs. By all means...spend your money on Woodward's book! When you do so however...remember who the man is who wrote it...why he felt the need to write it...and what the people who PAID him to write it thought they would get for buyers of the book!

If you're reading a partisan "hatchet job" written by someone quoting anonymous third party sources...then understand exactly what it is that you hold in your hand.
No matter who it is, you won’t believe or don’t care. You bought trump university.

You got conned. But you liked bush and Reagan so you don’t believe that. You believe liberals ruined the economy. Well, America is no longer great because the middle class is disappearing. And you voted for it.

I’ll do great under every man for himself. Bring it on
Old men with boats and 25 year old girlfriends are some of the more pathetic creatures on the planet, Sealy. You might as well tattoo "Mid Life Crisis" on your forehead! Do yourself a favor...ditch the bimbo...pick up a book. :2cents:
Not a chance. I'm the envy of every guy I know.

Aren't you a Republican? I'm assuming if you are giving me shit you are a Trump supporter?

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania

My girlfriend is 25. I'm 47. That's a 22 year difference. Do you say the same thing about Donald your hero? Then fuck off.

I say that about ALL men that have girlfriends that are half their age...including Trump! So let me get this straight...you don't read books...but you think that people should read Kelly's book? Why? Because it's anti Trump? As for why I'm "giving you shit"? Be honest, Sealy...you post in strings like this the way you do to get a response from those who don't hold the same views as you do. Take a good hard look...aren't you ASKING to be given shit? If so...stop whining about it when it happens!

No. I think they should read Bob Woodward's book or Rudy's ex wife's book.

Feel free to read whatever you want, Sealy...but with one stipulation! Understand that every author's viewpoint is based on his life experiences and his beliefs. By all means...spend your money on Woodward's book! When you do so however...remember who the man is who wrote it...why he felt the need to write it...and what the people who PAID him to write it thought they would get for buyers of the book!

If you're reading a partisan "hatchet job" written by someone quoting anonymous third party sources...then understand exactly what it is that you hold in your hand.
No matter who it is, you won’t believe or don’t care. You bought trump university.

You got conned. But you liked bush and Reagan so you don’t believe that. You believe liberals ruined the economy. Well, America is no longer great because the middle class is disappearing. And you voted for it.

I’ll do great under every man for himself. Bring it on

In what way did I "buy" Trump University? How did I vote to get rid of the Middle Class? By electing a Republican? I'm sorry to point out the inconvenient truth, Sealy but the Middle Class was hurt more by the Obama Administration than they were by any Republican one. Take Obamacare for instance...Barry promised that Middle Class families would see a large decrease in their healthcare premiums. Instead they saw increases. None of the progressive agenda helped the Middle Class. You treated them as you always do...like an ATM to pay for your entitlement programs for the poor!
Not a chance. I'm the envy of every guy I know.

Aren't you a Republican? I'm assuming if you are giving me shit you are a Trump supporter?

Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania

My girlfriend is 25. I'm 47. That's a 22 year difference. Do you say the same thing about Donald your hero? Then fuck off.

I say that about ALL men that have girlfriends that are half their age...including Trump! So let me get this straight...you don't read books...but you think that people should read Kelly's book? Why? Because it's anti Trump? As for why I'm "giving you shit"? Be honest, Sealy...you post in strings like this the way you do to get a response from those who don't hold the same views as you do. Take a good hard look...aren't you ASKING to be given shit? If so...stop whining about it when it happens!

No. I think they should read Bob Woodward's book or Rudy's ex wife's book.

Feel free to read whatever you want, Sealy...but with one stipulation! Understand that every author's viewpoint is based on his life experiences and his beliefs. By all means...spend your money on Woodward's book! When you do so however...remember who the man is who wrote it...why he felt the need to write it...and what the people who PAID him to write it thought they would get for buyers of the book!

If you're reading a partisan "hatchet job" written by someone quoting anonymous third party sources...then understand exactly what it is that you hold in your hand.
No matter who it is, you won’t believe or don’t care. You bought trump university.

You got conned. But you liked bush and Reagan so you don’t believe that. You believe liberals ruined the economy. Well, America is no longer great because the middle class is disappearing. And you voted for it.

I’ll do great under every man for himself. Bring it on

In what way did I "buy" Trump University? How did I vote to get rid of the Middle Class? By electing a Republican? I'm sorry to point out the inconvenient truth, Sealy but the Middle Class was hurt more by the Obama Administration than they were by any Republican one. Take Obamacare for instance...Barry promised that Middle Class families would see a large decrease in their healthcare premiums. Instead they saw increases. None of the progressive agenda helped the Middle Class. You treated them as you always do...like an ATM to pay for your entitlement programs for the poor!
McCain lives rent free in your head. You wish your blob had his accomplishments.

God Speed Senator. Mission accomplished

You should research those accomplishments on your own, you might be surprised at what you find,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
McCain lives rent free in your head. You wish your blob had his accomplishments.

God Speed Senator. Mission accomplished

You should research those accomplishments on your own, you might be surprised at what you find,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yea, like my republican friend who found the lie not only did John McCain start the fire on the ship carrying him, he went below and watched and didn’t help.

This is shit you can’t verify. You basically Swift boating the sob. Good. Shows your character.

Unfortunate swift boating is effective with dummies.
McCain lives rent free in your head. You wish your blob had his accomplishments.

God Speed Senator. Mission accomplished

You should research those accomplishments on your own, you might be surprised at what you find,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
McCain fought for the nation.
The blob fought and lost the battle of the bulge around his gutt

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