Flawed, Divided, Anti-Business GOP Can't Even Pass Veto-Proof Anti-ObamaCare Bill!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Third Reich Germans famously kept all the money they could, when the law there supported Holocaust. Cheney-Paulson-Bush supporters famously kept all the money they could when the law supported the foreclosure crisis. JP Morgan Chase is still signing off on the failed GOP agenda the Republican Administration in Office. Seems that not all investors had found the bankers all that really above-board about it. "If like the investment you have. . . ." apparently they found out there really wasn't anything there to keep!

Just today, with ACA under widespread disbelief-evel support, the Boehner-Cantor-Issa-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand was still unable to put together a veto-proof, one-year extension of the ability of consumers to keep the. . .free enterprise stuff they already have.

Obamacare: Now what? - CNN.com

So now there are over 40 House Votes for repeal, with nothing solid likely to come of the wasted time and money.

And so again, as is usual for GOP: "If you like what you think you have. . . .," then you too can find out that really there isn't very much there to keep! The Senate will likely continue with a "hands-off" kind of response!

GOP is a failed agenda, on virtually every count!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find maybe guano not entirely what bats had in mind, hanging above from the ceiling(?)!)
"Veto-Proof Anti-ObamaCare Bill"

That's an oxymoron, you moron.
The Boehner-Cantor-Issa-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand is a minority of the government, and minority of the electorate--and most has chosen unproductive symbolism, even the matter of ACA.

Forty or More Times, Hollering, "Wolf" isn't even working at this time.

Real forward-thinking business is meeting even Friday Night with the Obama Administration to see if everyone can brain-storm a remedy.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe Ivy League Have even more plans, like Bush trying to cut federal income taxes for people who don't pay any, to stimulate the economy(?!?)
Third Reich Germans famously kept all the money they could, when the law there supported Holocaust. Cheney-Paulson-Bush supporters famously kept all the money they could when the law supported the foreclosure crisis. JP Morgan Chase is still signing off on the failed GOP agenda the Republican Administration in Office. Seems that not all investors had found the bankers all that really above-board about it. "If like the investment you have. . . ." apparently they found out there really wasn't anything there to keep!

Just today, with ACA under widespread disbelief-evel support, the Boehner-Cantor-Issa-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand was still unable to put together a veto-proof, one-year extension of the ability of consumers to keep the. . .free enterprise stuff they already have.

Obamacare: Now what? - CNN.com

So now there are over 40 House Votes for repeal, with nothing solid likely to come of the wasted time and money.

And so again, as is usual for GOP: "If you like what you think you have. . . .," then you too can find out that really there isn't very much there to keep! The Senate will likely continue with a "hands-off" kind of response!

GOP is a failed agenda, on virtually every count!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find maybe guano not entirely what bats had in mind, hanging above from the ceiling(?)!)

your rant is gobbledygook....and there were 39 dems who voted with the gop and passed the bill...., wtf are you even talking about about? :eusa_eh::cuckoo:
Third Reich Germans famously kept all the money they could, when the law there supported Holocaust. Cheney-Paulson-Bush supporters famously kept all the money they could when the law supported the foreclosure crisis. JP Morgan Chase is still signing off on the failed GOP agenda the Republican Administration in Office. Seems that not all investors had found the bankers all that really above-board about it. "If like the investment you have. . . ." apparently they found out there really wasn't anything there to keep!

Just today, with ACA under widespread disbelief-evel support, the Boehner-Cantor-Issa-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand was still unable to put together a veto-proof, one-year extension of the ability of consumers to keep the. . .free enterprise stuff they already have.

Obamacare: Now what? - CNN.com

So now there are over 40 House Votes for repeal, with nothing solid likely to come of the wasted time and money.

And so again, as is usual for GOP: "If you like what you think you have. . . .," then you too can find out that really there isn't very much there to keep! The Senate will likely continue with a "hands-off" kind of response!

GOP is a failed agenda, on virtually every count!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find maybe guano not entirely what bats had in mind, hanging above from the ceiling(?)!)

your rant is gobbledygook....and there were 39 dems who voted with the gop and passed the bill...., wtf are you even talking about about? :eusa_eh::cuckoo:

Here is now what to do with Obama...


1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'YES.'

7. Feel better?

GOOD - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi.
There are 40 or more of the anti-ObamaCare bills, none of which can get past an Obama veto.

Stupid Republicans--Boehner, Cantor, Issa, Paul, Paul, et. al., mainly solidified the brand. It cannot do anything, and refuses to try to do anything. Only 39 Democrats voted against a completely disgraced federal start-up program, and four Republicans suddenly see that really, ObamaCare is a wonderful idea! This was probably a very good day for Democrats!

Start anyone starts with the four, and wonders if Chris Christie was able to see them. . .from where his head. . .is possibly located. . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even likely famous President, Ulysses S. Grant knew concept: "Send 'em a brand they can drink. . . .along with me. . .while I myself am doing that too--GOP!(?)!)
There are 40 or more of the anti-ObamaCare bills, none of which can get past an Obama veto.

Stupid Republicans--Boehner, Cantor, Issa, Paul, Paul, et. al., mainly solidified the brand. It cannot do anything, and refuses to try to do anything. Only 39 Democrats voted against a completely disgraced federal start-up program, and four Republicans suddenly see that really, ObamaCare is a wonderful idea! This was probably a very good day for Democrats!

Start anyone starts with the four, and wonders if Chris Christie was able to see them. . .from where his head. . .is possibly located. . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even likely famous President, Ulysses S. Grant knew concept: "Send 'em a brand they can drink. . . .along with me. . .while I myself am doing that too--GOP!(?)!)

seek help man......:doubt:
Third Reich Germans famously kept all the money they could, when the law there supported Holocaust. Cheney-Paulson-Bush supporters famously kept all the money they could when the law supported the foreclosure crisis. JP Morgan Chase is still signing off on the failed GOP agenda the Republican Administration in Office. Seems that not all investors had found the bankers all that really above-board about it. "If like the investment you have. . . ." apparently they found out there really wasn't anything there to keep!

Just today, with ACA under widespread disbelief-evel support, the Boehner-Cantor-Issa-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand was still unable to put together a veto-proof, one-year extension of the ability of consumers to keep the. . .free enterprise stuff they already have.

Obamacare: Now what? - CNN.com

So now there are over 40 House Votes for repeal, with nothing solid likely to come of the wasted time and money.

And so again, as is usual for GOP: "If you like what you think you have. . . .," then you too can find out that really there isn't very much there to keep! The Senate will likely continue with a "hands-off" kind of response!

GOP is a failed agenda, on virtually every count!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find maybe guano not entirely what bats had in mind, hanging above from the ceiling(?)!)

I don't know what you're gloating about. The longer Obamacare is on the books, the more it hurts Democrats.
The general Tea Party, GOP Mantra--No More Paying Customers In Stores--is reflected in the anti-ObamaCare, pro-inadequate free market crap, agenda!

One letter to the editor in Los Angeles helps diminish all further impact of GOP in USA! "In January, I'll be able to take care of a condition I've ignored for the last two years, and my college-age daughter will be covered as well. Although the subsidy certainly helps, I will be paying something for coverage we haven't had for years. . . . .!"

The anti-business posters in this thread, all supportive of doctors not getting paid for doing their practice, all can see that Senators Ted Cruz, and John McCain, and McConnell, are just like them.

Only plague is intended for USA--following along all the lack of support for a Well-Regulated Economy, being necessary for the security of a free state.

They likely even kept money while babies of mommies, now in uniform, were being mutilated by them personally, in Iraq and Afghanistan! Those basis-free interventions were also clearly intended!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes celebrate overture of William Tell: Of shooting fruity things from hair of young papoose!)
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So now the website error rate is about the same percentage as the households with viable individual health plans, compromised with the health plans profiteering from cancellations. There is an error rate of 1% at the website, that seems to be diminishing. From various reports:
WASHINGTON — The HealthCare.gov website, the federal exchange where Americans can shop for health insurance, went through its first week without outages and provided users with faster response times, President Obama's appointee to lead the fixes to the site said Friday.

"We had no problems this week," said Jeffrey Zients, whom Obama named to the fix the problems that have plagued the site since it opened Oct. 1. Along with the lack of outages, response time for more users dropped to less than one second, Zients said.

"This week, we've driven the error rate down to 1 percent," Zients said.

39 Democrats concerned about Health Plan profiteering from erroneous cancellations is likely not going to embarrass the Senate, the White House, or the Democratic National Committee.

The Republican National Committee is on the record--and umpteen dozen times in the House of Representatives--as not supportive of the now working program. The newly working program is about to remedy the desperation of households, like noted in this thread: About to be insured, and able to pay for medical treatment. GOP is on the record opposing even just the one treatment noted, in this thread, being paid for.

Then there are all those others!

The posters not supportive of the working program would likely be said the language-challenged, and clearly the business-challenged!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(White Eyes maybe send beads and trinkets in payment for services--like in old times, best forgotten(?)!)
Flawed, Divided, Anti-Business GOP Can't Even Pass Veto-Proof Anti-ObamaCare Bill!

The socialists and far lefties along with the far right reactionaries and TeaPs are being forced out of a developing consensus-making right of center to left of center decision making group.

ACA, no matter how reformed, will remain, the far left and far right will be emasculated, and Americans will finally have accessible and affordable quality health care for all.
People supportive of "Free Enterprise" Health Plans will be supportive of the old private plan enrollees paying way more money for no benefits in their plan at all.

Even the 39 Democrats, opposed to health insurer plan excesses of profiteering, will be able to point to the new restrictions on that, in ObamaCare.

Health Insurer CEO's are supportive of ObamaCare as of 11/15, hoping to make it work.

Then there is anti-business, Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, Paul, Paul, et. al., GOP hoping that living families fail instead(?)! They are opposed to ObamaCare, since it helps to fund families like already shown in this thread!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many White Eyes support Lands of Many Nations, turned into Reservation Indian Lands! More Great Firewater able to be sent there, federally protected!"
Third Reich Germans famously kept all the money they could, when the law there supported Holocaust. Cheney-Paulson-Bush supporters famously kept all the money they could when the law supported the foreclosure crisis. JP Morgan Chase is still signing off on the failed GOP agenda the Republican Administration in Office. Seems that not all investors had found the bankers all that really above-board about it. "If like the investment you have. . . ." apparently they found out there really wasn't anything there to keep!

Just today, with ACA under widespread disbelief-evel support, the Boehner-Cantor-Issa-Paul-Paul, et. al., brand was still unable to put together a veto-proof, one-year extension of the ability of consumers to keep the. . .free enterprise stuff they already have.

Obamacare: Now what? - CNN.com

So now there are over 40 House Votes for repeal, with nothing solid likely to come of the wasted time and money.

And so again, as is usual for GOP: "If you like what you think you have. . . .," then you too can find out that really there isn't very much there to keep! The Senate will likely continue with a "hands-off" kind of response!

GOP is a failed agenda, on virtually every count!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find maybe guano not entirely what bats had in mind, hanging above from the ceiling(?)!)

It's definitely not veto-proof if Democrats decide to side with their constituents and join Republicans.

And just judging from the nasty-grams and telephone calls that Democrats are getting right now about Obamacare--the broken promises--the distortions--and above all else the cost that was supposed to be lower but isn't. They may just decide to do that.

After all Obama is a lame duck right now. After this debacle he's even more lame. Bill Clinton stepped in to slap him around a little about the promise of Americans being able to keep their insurance, if they liked them--and basically gave the O.K. for other Democrats to jump ship on this before they get slaughtered in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Here is what Diane Fienstein had to say--and s of Dec. 31, 2013, on the individual market; she is supporting this new bill--that if passed will collapse Obamacare under it's own weight.

“Specifically, the bill requires the following:

· Insurance companies must continue to offer—indefinitely—all currently existing insurance plans all currently existing insurance plans as of Dec. 31, 2013, on the individual market;

· Future renewal notices must clearly inform customers they have the choice to keep their current plan or shop for insurance in a health exchange, such as Covered California; and

· Insurance companies must clearly state why the plan does not meet new minimum benefit standards.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’

“Too many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. We must ensure that in our effort to reform the health care system, we do not allow unintended consequences to go unaddressed.

“I believe consumers should be allowed to choose their plans, and they should be adequately informed about those choices. Consumers must be told what their coverage does and does not include so families don’t find themselves paying for an insurance policy they believe is comprehensive when in fact it is not.
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

This is a 180 degree turn for Diane Feinstein--because she not only promoted and voted for Obamacare--but she also voted against a fix to allow Americans to keep their insurance as promised in 2010.

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It's definitely not veto-proof if Democrats decide to side with their constituents and join Republicans.
If Mickey Mouse were alive and you were a piece of cheese, . . .

Just stop it and step away.

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