Flight 93 crash fantasy

the question wasn't "how hard is it to plant evidence" and your statement regarding that is completely irrelevant unless you have some evidence it was planted.
OK. Do you think this black box was photographed where it landed, or where someone put it on the ground?

the question wasn't "how hard is it to plant evidence" and your statement regarding that is completely irrelevant unless you have some evidence it was planted.
OK. Do you think this black box was photographed where it landed, or where someone put it on the ground?


Chances are it was "uncovered" and photographed as soon as it was identified I doubt it was just laying there. Though, who knows. Was it planted? NO!
Wow, talk about misrepresentation. What type of plane was that slamming into a concrete runway?

And the bandanna, stranger things have happened. So why would you plant a bandanna? There were other kinds of paper products / personal effects that were found. I remember one family received back their loved ones wallet. Said it looked undisturbed.


The Odds are astronomical. But far from impossible. How it is identified i don't know, perhaps someone reported that the terrorists were wearing bandannas, That would make sense to me to be able to identify my team members quickly. But I don't know i would have to go back and listen to the tapes or read the transcripts again.

Interesting video, I believe you are learning something.
Chances are it was "uncovered" and photographed as soon as it was identified I doubt it was just laying there. Though, who knows.
So you agree that most likely it was placed on the ground by someone's hands before someone photographed it?

Was it planted? NO!
You asked for evidence of my claim, now you just made a claim, so please provide evidence it wasn't planted.
Chances are it was "uncovered" and photographed as soon as it was identified I doubt it was just laying there. Though, who knows.
So you agree that most likely it was placed on the ground by someone's hands before someone photographed it?

Was it planted? NO!
You asked for evidence of my claim, now you just made a claim, so please provide evidence it wasn't planted.

The official reports say it wasn't. Show me an official investigation that says otherwise.
Wow, talk about misrepresentation. What type of plane was that slamming into a concrete runway?
Wait a minute, are you saying that Flight 93 didn't suffer an extreme crash like that one featured in that video?! :lol:

And the bandanna, stranger things have happened. So why would you plant a bandanna?
Didn't you see how unblemished that red bandana was?!? What happened to the terrorist's head that bandana was supposedly wrapped around?!

There were other kinds of paper products / personal effects that were found. I remember one family received back their loved ones wallet. Said it looked undisturbed.
So only two drivers licenses survived out of the 40 non-terrorist passengers and they just happened to survive pretty well intact?!

A wallet was given back to a family member by the FBI.

Come on man, when are you going to wake up?
The official reports say it wasn't. Show me an official investigation that says otherwise.
So you blindly believe government officials?

And please answer my question: So you agree that most likely it was placed on the ground by someone's hands before someone photographed it?
Wow, talk about misrepresentation. What type of plane was that slamming into a concrete runway?
Wait a minute, are you saying that Flight 93 didn't suffer an extreme crash like that one featured in that video?! :lol:

And the bandanna, stranger things have happened. So why would you plant a bandanna?
Didn't you see how unblemished that red bandana was?!? What happened to the terrorist's head that bandana was supposedly wrapped around?!

There were other kinds of paper products / personal effects that were found. I remember one family received back their loved ones wallet. Said it looked undisturbed.
So only two drivers licenses survived out of the 40 non-terrorist passengers and they just happened to survive pretty well intact?!

A wallet was given back to a family member by the FBI.

Come on man, when are you going to wake up?

Wake up? I'm awake, and I can actually think for myself. Also I don't place words in others mouths. Because little old me only posted 2 pictures that's the only IDs that survived. Damn am I good or what? Don't have a clue what happened to the terrorists head, and I really don't give a damn.

And yes we know that your masters have told you not to trust or believe the FBI. After all they represent our government. :cuckoo:

Maybe you should watch eots video about air......
Admittedly the twoofers have a tough row to hoe, but they chose it. The "official' story, or the government's account of events is backed by the full power and faith of the US Govt.. The idEOT twoofers keep asking for "proof' the official story is correct.

Anything that the US Govt. backs with it's full power and faith, is more than the idEOT twoofers have. The official story of the events of 911, including the account of the crash of plt 93, as backed by the full faith and power of the USA IS the TRUTH.

It is up to the idEOT twoofers to prove it wrong, not the other way around. Too often the twoofers demand proof of the official story, the proof in the government's account is self evident.

The burden of proof to show that something other than what the US Govt. says happened, is on the twoofers, not the other way around.

The twoofers do not seem to realize this., yet that is the facts Jack!

Twoofers, put up or shut up. Provide your fucking proof!
Wake up? I'm awake, and I can actually think for myself. Also I don't place words in others mouths. Because little old me only posted 2 pictures that's the only IDs that survived. Damn am I good or what? Don't have a clue what happened to the terrorists head, and I really don't give a damn.

And yes we know that your masters have told you not to trust or believe the FBI. After all they represent our government. :cuckoo:

Maybe you should watch eots video about air......
Let me know when you stop avoiding all of my questions.
The official story of the events of 911, including the account of the crash of plt 93, as backed by the full faith and power of the USA IS the TRUTH.
So the parts of the official story I posted in my OP is the truth?
The official story of the events of 911, including the account of the crash of plt 93, as backed by the full faith and power of the USA IS the TRUTH.
So the parts of the official story I posted in my OP is the truth?

The whole story, not cherry picking parts to please your own little ego. The entire thing.

You need to get a fucking life, like the rest of the treasonous little twoofer fucks!

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