Flight 93 crash fantasy

thats not a commercial air liner engine it too small an airliner engine would never fit in that bucket and why is it rusty ?

Do you not understand that it's the internals of the engine?

Rusted?.......No, it's covered in dirt......Notice how it's the same color as the EARTH surrounding it.
Damn!.......Look at the shape and size of the crash site.....Definitely resembles the shape of a commercial airliner. Look at the vehicles in the upper left hand corner......Line 'em up end to end and you've got the width of a commercial airliner.....And lets not forget the SCORCHED EARTH And BURNED TREES!


And of course, we have the TRANSCRIPT that you repeatedly ignore:

Flight 93 Cockpit Transcript - Wikisource
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Don't have the balls to adress the actual picture.......Typical!
When do we get to see that second mushroom cloud photo out of the tons you said existed?
There are no more photo's of the mushroom cloud.......Just a bunch of photos of the same picture, zoomed in and out.......Christ, you actually think the plane crashed in some heavily populated area with thousands of people standing around with digi's and cell phone cameras?

Still, you can't deny that picture......Can't deny that your fellow troofer loons have made the lady's life who took it a living hell, because it's just further proof that you people are full o' shit!
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Rusted?.......No, it's covered in dirt......Notice how it's the same color as the EARTH surrounding it.
Here's a hi-res: http://www.vaed.uscourts.gov/notablecases/moussaoui/exhibits/prosecution/P200060.jpg

Doesn't look like dirts on it. It looks aged. And why was that engine, the heaviest and strongest part of the plane, unearthed only a couple feet below the surface when the diggers supposedly had to dig 15 feet to start finding the rest of the plane? Eots mentioned it's small enough to fit in the bucket. I think we know how that engine part got in that hole! :lol:
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There are no more photo's of the mushroom cloud.......Just a bunch of photos of the same picture, zoomed in and out
But you said...

There are tons of pictures of the smoke cloud....How could that be if it never happened?

Christ, you actually think the plane crashed in some heavily populated area with thousands of people standing around with digi's and cell phone cameras?
Didn't the lady take it with a digital camera? That "dropped" her camera after the first shot and couldn't put the battery back it? Who later said she gave all her profits to the Todd Beamer foundation by the honor system?

Still, you can't deny that picture
Looks like someone closer to this event than any of us does...

Jeff: Val McClatchey... she has a famous photo.
Ms. Leverknight: It was a fake photo, because it didn't have a mushroom cloud.
Jeff: It what?
Ms. Leverknight: There was no mushroom cloud.
Jeff: So it was a fake photo?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: Her photo's faked?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: For what? For money?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: Why, do you know that for sure?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah!

Flight 93 Photo Fraud: Shanksville resident says Val McClatchey's photo is fake!
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There are no more photo's of the mushroom cloud.......Just a bunch of photos of the same picture, zoomed in and out
But you said...

There are tons of pictures of the smoke cloud....How could that be if it never happened?

Didn't the lady take it with a digital camera? That "dropped" her camera after the first shot and couldn't put the battery back it? Who later said she gave all her profits to the Todd Beamer foundation by the honor system?

Still, you can't deny that picture
Looks like someone closer to this event than any of us does...

Jeff: Val McClatchey... she has a famous photo.
Ms. Leverknight: It was a fake photo, because it didn't have a mushroom cloud.
Jeff: It what?
Ms. Leverknight: There was no mushroom cloud.
Jeff: So it was a fake photo?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: Her photo's faked?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: For what? For money?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: Why, do you know that for sure?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah!

Flight 93 Photo Fraud: Shanksville resident says Val McClatchey's photo is fake!

Oh yes, We understand someone else who was "in School" at the time of the crash "Knows" the photo was faked. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
There are no more photo's of the mushroom cloud.......Just a bunch of photos of the same picture, zoomed in and out
But you said...

Didn't the lady take it with a digital camera? That "dropped" her camera after the first shot and couldn't put the battery back it? Who later said she gave all her profits to the Todd Beamer foundation by the honor system?

Looks like someone closer to this event than any of us does...

Jeff: Val McClatchey... she has a famous photo.
Ms. Leverknight: It was a fake photo, because it didn't have a mushroom cloud.
Jeff: It what?
Ms. Leverknight: There was no mushroom cloud.
Jeff: So it was a fake photo?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: Her photo's faked?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: For what? For money?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah.
Jeff: Why, do you know that for sure?
Ms. Leverknight: Yeah!

Flight 93 Photo Fraud: Shanksville resident says Val McClatchey's photo is fake!

Oh yes, We understand someone else who was "in School" at the time of the crash "Knows" the photo was faked. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Exactly Sarge, they got NOTHIN'!

And notice how they keep ignoring the transcript.......They ignore it because it tells exactly what happened that day on flight 93.

They're friggin' laughable!
Rusted?.......No, it's covered in dirt......Notice how it's the same color as the EARTH surrounding it.
Here's a hi-res: http://www.vaed.uscourts.gov/notablecases/moussaoui/exhibits/prosecution/P200060.jpg

Doesn't look like dirts on it. It looks aged. And why was that engine, the heaviest and strongest part of the plane, unearthed only a couple feet below the surface when the diggers supposedly had to dig 15 feet to start finding the rest of the plane? Eots mentioned it's small enough to fit in the bucket. I think we know how that engine part got in that hole! :lol:
Are you fucking blind?

This is just too damn funny!:lol:
But you said...

Didn't the lady take it with a digital camera? That "dropped" her camera after the first shot and couldn't put the battery back it? Who later said she gave all her profits to the Todd Beamer foundation by the honor system?

Looks like someone closer to this event than any of us does...

Oh yes, We understand someone else who was "in School" at the time of the crash "Knows" the photo was faked. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Exactly Sarge, they got NOTHIN'!

And notice how they keep ignoring the transcript.......They ignore it because it tells exactly what happened that day on flight 93.

They're friggin' laughable!

They also claim the phone calls were faked. But they have no alternative scenarios to explain anything other than Bush did it, or it was Israel, Or (Insert evil genius here).
Oh yes, We understand someone else who was "in School" at the time of the crash "Knows" the photo was faked.
Are you saying Ms. Leverknight is lying?

What does she have to gain by lying? How do we know that photo isn't fake?

Lot of circumstantial evidence that it is: she was in financial trouble, she copyrighted it, sold copies for $20, said all profits were forwarded by the honor system, admitted using some of the profits to fight her lawsuit.

How do we know she didn't keep all of her profits?

Just think if Richard Gage used the honor system.
Are you saying Ms. Leverknight is lying?

What does she have to gain by lying? How do we know that photo isn't fake?

Lot of circumstantial evidence that it is: she was in financial trouble, she copyrighted it, sold copies for $20, said all profits were forwarded by the honor system, admitted using some of the profits to fight her lawsuit.

How do we know she didn't keep all of her profits?

Just think if Richard Gage used the honor system.
Lets just get to the cruxt of your argument here.......You're saying she was too stupid put the battery back in, but was smart enough to fake the photo within an hour before the FBI arrived?

How do YOU know the photo is faked?

How do YOU know that the profits weren't forwarded?

Yes, somebody who didn't have the money to pay for attorneys would be perfectly right in using profits.

What does she have to gain by lying?......Could it be that she's possibly pissed that she didn't take the photo that day, and wished that she could turn a profit?......Could it be that she was paid off by troofer loons looking to bolster their BS?.......Could it be she never liked her neighbor in the first place?

Like I said, you loons got NOTHIN'!
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Once again......EPIC FAIL!


Care to address the trancripts?..........Of course not!:razz:

the transcripts not be trusted without fiuther investigation

The Evidence

Destroyed, Missing, and Surviving Evidence of the September 11th Attack

Evidence about the September 11th attacks can be divided into three categories: destroyed, missing, and surviving. The missing category includes officially secret information, since the existence of secret evidence and what it indicates cannot be verified.

A great deal of the evidence about the crimes of September 11th has either been destroyed or is unaccounted for. Indeed the event was and continues to be used to justify a campaign of secrecy never before seen in the United States, virtually eliminating public accountability of the very agencies who were entrusted to handle the evidence.

A review of the evidence shows a strong pattern of destruction or suppression of evidence, and the blocking of effective investigations, by the authorities. This is evident whether one looks at the flights, the World Trade Center, or the Pentagon.

9-11 Research: The Evidence

FAA Managers Destroyed 9/11 Tape
Recording Contained Accounts of Communications With Hijacked Plane

By Sara Kehaulani Goo
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 6, 2004; 6:16 PM
Six air traffic controllers provided accounts of their communications with hijacked planes on Sept. 11, 2001, on a tape recording that was later destroyed by Federal Aviation Administration managers, according to a government investigative report issued today.

It is unclear what information was on the tape because no one ever listened to, transcribed or duplicated it, the report by the Department of Transportation inspector general said.

The report concluded that the FAA generally cooperated with the independent panel investigating the terrorist attacks by providing documents about its activities on Sept. 11, but the actions of two FAA managers "did not, in our view, serve the interests of the FAA, the Department [of Transportation] or the public."

The report was conducted at the request of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) after the panel investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, officially known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, complained that the FAA had been less than forthcoming in turning over documents

FAA Managers Destroyed 9/11 Tape (washingtonpost.com)
:lol: So let me get this straight..... an FAA manager destroys a tape at the insistance of the UNION that contained the testimonies of the ATC personnel who gave their statements the next day.

So what again was lost? How is the UNION the big bad gubment? Do you even READ the bullshit you post?

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