Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

“Mr. Trump I invited you here to thank us … not to give a political speech,” the pastor said as she walked up to Trump.


Trump doesn't give a shit about those people. The fucker gave Play-Doh to disaster victims in New Orleans. Imagine what he would do as president..

Those people? Who really doesn't give a shit about "those people", R-Derp...liberal Democrats who give them lip service each election cycle or Donald Trump who's rightly pointing out that black Americans have been used by the Democrats?

By telling blacks they are deprorable. They know he is one racist asshole. what made you think they believed him?

Under the Clinton Administration the American prison system population absolutely EXPLODED because Bill Clinton pushed through a "tough on crime" legislative agenda that incarcerated several hundred thousand black Americans for minor drug offenses! What's amazing is that he did so and yet was viewed by blacks as "their" President when in fact he caused more black people to be locked up then any President before him!

The "explosion" in incarceration rates for black males started in 1980 under Reagan who introduced both minimum sentencing and the War on Drugs. It continued unabated until 2000 when it levelled out and started dropping in 2010.
He brought Trump to Flint so Trump could thank them? For what?
Trump wants to bring jobs back to Michigan. Hitlery wants to give Mich. to Muslim refugees. Parishoners need to know the facts because they are also voters.

Trump wants to bring jobs back. Really! But the way his greed is set up prevents him from bringing his own jobs back to the U.S....but he really wants to!

What prevents him and most other businesses from doing business here is the lack of a fair trade agreement, and it is crippling our GDP, coupled with currency manipulation. Let Trump make it worth businesses' while to do business with us instead of Mexico, Asia, China..

There are plenty of companies that produce in the US. Are you telling me they are more savvy than Trump the uber smart business man?

What will be the newest excuse for why Trump cant seem to bring his own jobs back...that he runs...but he will make others bring their business' back? With hope?
It got so bad after a couple of PPG reps were stabbed and assaulted there we could not have an event there. It was forbidden.

Heroin addicts and criminals....i grew up 70 miles from Flint...was once a great little city.

Michigan. Sigh. Such an amazing state. I can't believe how her politicians have let her down.

The UP to me is like heaven on earth. Detroit when I was in rock n roll during the renaissance years was freaking awesome.

I look at pictures now and cripes half of Detroit looks like Dresden after the bombings. When Motown Records gets up and leaves you you would think the voters would get a grip and throw out all their council men and women and their mayor.

But they kept voting D.

Sounds like you know the "winter water wonderland" pretty well. Detroit back in the day was the Grande Ballroom and East Town for R&R and small clubs like the Chessmate for Chicago Blues and Folk music. I remember Ted Nugent playing a high school gymnasium with the Amboy Dukes!

After the riot in '67 white folks wanted OUT of Detroit...hard to imagine 2,200 buildings on fire...the skyline was orange at midnight for almost a week. Then the perfect storm of the arab oil embargo, the japs making cheap little tin cars that got good gas mileage and started every morning. GM and Ford were so arrogant they believed Americans would keep buying crap cars that would fall apart in 3 years...planned obsolescence. They were wrong. So they fled Michigan and Ohio UAW to Dixie and then to mexico and china.

But hope raises anew. Thanks to Mike Ilitch and the Quicken Loan boss, Detroit is on the rebound in Greektown and Corktown. Hundreds of abandoned houses have been bulldozed and the streetlights work again. Downtown condos are now a magnet for young professionals who want to live close to the office. Not that it's not still a dangerous city because it is. Nobody stops for stoplights or gets gas after 10pm....you'll get carjacked/murdered. But with a white mayor and white governor, Michigan is on the comeback trail....if Trump can win there, it's over for the witch.
Precisely what did she think he was gonna talk about?

A Presidential candidate, seven weeks from the election?

Seems a little weird.

It was an ambush....she admitted it in a tweet before he appeared. He's lucky somebody didn't throw a shot at him.
Precisely what did she think he was gonna talk about? A Presidential candidate, seven weeks from the election? Seems a little weird.
It was an ambush....she admitted it in a tweet before he appeared. He's lucky somebody didn't throw a shot at him.
Yeah, a setup.

It really is a shame that it's come to this.
Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

“Mr. Trump I invited you here to thank us … not to give a political speech,” the pastor said as she walked up to Trump.


Trump doesn't give a shit about those people. The fucker gave Play-Doh to disaster victims in New Orleans. Imagine what he would do as president..
Disagreed. Yes, he got off on a rant, but when Rev. Timmons asked him to stop, he quickly did so. When some in the congregation began to heckle Trump, she also asked them to stop saying Trump was their guest.

It's good to see a church that abides by the laws regarding their tax-exempt status and politics.

Trump interrupted, heckled in visit to Flint church
Others began to heckle the GOP presidential nominee. The pastor stepped in and silenced them too, saying that Trump "is our guest" who should be honored.
He brought Trump to Flint so Trump could thank them? For what?
Trump wants to bring jobs back to Michigan. Hitlery wants to give Mich. to Muslim refugees. Parishoners need to know the facts because they are also voters.

Trump wants to bring jobs back. Really! But the way his greed is set up prevents him from bringing his own jobs back to the U.S....but he really wants to!

What prevents him and most other businesses from doing business here is the lack of a fair trade agreement, and it is crippling our GDP, coupled with currency manipulation. Let Trump make it worth businesses' while to do business with us instead of Mexico, Asia, China..

There are plenty of companies that produce in the US. Are you telling me they are more savvy than Trump the uber smart business man?

What will be the newest excuse for why Trump cant seem to bring his own jobs back...that he runs...but he will make others bring their business' back? With hope?



Adios Ford. Adios America.
Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

“Mr. Trump I invited you here to thank us … not to give a political speech,” the pastor said as she walked up to Trump.


Trump doesn't give a shit about those people. The fucker gave Play-Doh to disaster victims in New Orleans. Imagine what he would do as president..

Those people? Who really doesn't give a shit about "those people", R-Derp...liberal Democrats who give them lip service each election cycle or Donald Trump who's rightly pointing out that black Americans have been used by the Democrats?

By telling blacks they are deprorable. They know he is one racist asshole. what made you think they believed him?

Under the Clinton Administration the American prison system population absolutely EXPLODED because Bill Clinton pushed through a "tough on crime" legislative agenda that incarcerated several hundred thousand black Americans for minor drug offenses! What's amazing is that he did so and yet was viewed by blacks as "their" President when in fact he caused more black people to be locked up then any President before him!

That doesn't change a thing. Trump is a Racist.
He brought Trump to Flint so Trump could thank them? For what?
Trump wants to bring jobs back to Michigan. Hitlery wants to give Mich. to Muslim refugees. Parishoners need to know the facts because they are also voters.

Did he really tells you HOW in the world he could bring the jobs back to Michigan? Any kind of hint?
All he's been blurting this bring jobs back..... HOW?

How would you entice them to return?

Why would entice them to return?
Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

“Mr. Trump I invited you here to thank us … not to give a political speech,” the pastor said as she walked up to Trump.


Trump doesn't give a shit about those people. The fucker gave Play-Doh to disaster victims in New Orleans. Imagine what he would do as president..

Those people? Who really doesn't give a shit about "those people", R-Derp...liberal Democrats who give them lip service each election cycle or Donald Trump who's rightly pointing out that black Americans have been used by the Democrats?

By telling blacks they are deprorable. They know he is one racist asshole. what made you think they believed him?

Under the Clinton Administration the American prison system population absolutely EXPLODED because Bill Clinton pushed through a "tough on crime" legislative agenda that incarcerated several hundred thousand black Americans for minor drug offenses! What's amazing is that he did so and yet was viewed by blacks as "their" President when in fact he caused more black people to be locked up then any President before him!

The "explosion" in incarceration rates for black males started in 1980 under Reagan who introduced both minimum sentencing and the War on Drugs. It continued unabated until 2000 when it levelled out and started dropping in 2010.

Check the numbers, Dragonlady...they didn't "explode" until Clinton was in office. He used putting black people in jail with long sentences as his "ticket" to reelection as a law and order candidate!
Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

“Mr. Trump I invited you here to thank us … not to give a political speech,” the pastor said as she walked up to Trump.


Trump doesn't give a shit about those people. The fucker gave Play-Doh to disaster victims in New Orleans. Imagine what he would do as president..

Those people? Who really doesn't give a shit about "those people", R-Derp...liberal Democrats who give them lip service each election cycle or Donald Trump who's rightly pointing out that black Americans have been used by the Democrats?

By telling blacks they are deprorable. They know he is one racist asshole. what made you think they believed him?

Under the Clinton Administration the American prison system population absolutely EXPLODED because Bill Clinton pushed through a "tough on crime" legislative agenda that incarcerated several hundred thousand black Americans for minor drug offenses! What's amazing is that he did so and yet was viewed by blacks as "their" President when in fact he caused more black people to be locked up then any President before him!

That doesn't change a thing. Trump is a Racist.

Take off your blinders, Charwin...the Clinton's calling Trump a racist is farce.
He brought Trump to Flint so Trump could thank them? For what?
Trump wants to bring jobs back to Michigan. Hitlery wants to give Mich. to Muslim refugees. Parishoners need to know the facts because they are also voters.

Trump wants to bring jobs back. Really! But the way his greed is set up prevents him from bringing his own jobs back to the U.S....but he really wants to!

What prevents him and most other businesses from doing business here is the lack of a fair trade agreement, and it is crippling our GDP, coupled with currency manipulation. Let Trump make it worth businesses' while to do business with us instead of Mexico, Asia, China..

There are plenty of companies that produce in the US. Are you telling me they are more savvy than Trump the uber smart business man?

What will be the newest excuse for why Trump cant seem to bring his own jobs back...that he runs...but he will make others bring their business' back? With hope?



Adios Ford. Adios America.

Im not sure if you are aware but lots of independent analysts or economic experts are always blasting Trump economic policy. And you don't see anybody blasting Hillary economic policy. Why is that?
Read the link. What do you think will happened to Ford if we follow trump economic policy?

Trump’s magical economic plan

Trump’s plan has two huge flaws that seem more likely to kill jobs than create them. First, he favors free-trade rollbacks and punitive tariffs that, in the short term at least, would send prices soaring and maybe even cause a recession. And he wants to limit immigration when most economists say we need the opposite—more legal immigrants—to make up for retiring baby boomers, keep the labor force healthy and sustain demand for goods and services.
It might seem intuitive that more-expensive imports would encourage more U.S. production and help create American jobs. But it costs more to produce in the United States than in many other countries, and somebody would have to pay those higher costs. Who? You and I. If you already think food or cars or furniture is too expensive, prepare for price hikes of 5 or 10 or 20 percent or who knows how much, depending on how high the Trump tariffs would be. What’s your pain threshold?
It might also seem logical that fewer immigrants competing for US jobs would leave more lucrative work for native-born Americans. But that’s not what really happens, either. Right now, US employers report nearly 6 million unfilled jobs, which the nation’s 10 million unemployed and underemployed aren’t filling for a variety of reasons: they lack the right skills, they’re in the wrong place, they can’t pass a drug test or they deem the job unsatisfactory. More immigrants would help fill some of those jobs, generating more economic activity and boosting growth. Plus, immigrants tend to be much more entrepreneurial than native-born Americans, starting new businesses at a much higher rate.
Mainstream economists have widely panned Trump’s plan. Moody’s Analytics estimates it would kill 7 million jobs and push stock prices down 12%. Oxford Economics says Trump’s plan would cause GDP to contract—not grow—by 5% and suck $1 trillion out of the US economy. Even economists who defend Trump’s plan argue it should be analyzed on a “dynamic” basis, which means including generous assumptions about stimulative effects that may or may not happen in the real world. Trump has little regard for experts, of course, preferring to wave his wand and prove them wrong.
Flint pastor interrupts Trump speech to ask him to stop attacking Clinton

“Mr. Trump I invited you here to thank us … not to give a political speech,” the pastor said as she walked up to Trump.


Trump doesn't give a shit about those people. The fucker gave Play-Doh to disaster victims in New Orleans. Imagine what he would do as president..

Those people? Who really doesn't give a shit about "those people", R-Derp...liberal Democrats who give them lip service each election cycle or Donald Trump who's rightly pointing out that black Americans have been used by the Democrats?

By telling blacks they are deprorable. They know he is one racist asshole. what made you think they believed him?

Under the Clinton Administration the American prison system population absolutely EXPLODED because Bill Clinton pushed through a "tough on crime" legislative agenda that incarcerated several hundred thousand black Americans for minor drug offenses! What's amazing is that he did so and yet was viewed by blacks as "their" President when in fact he caused more black people to be locked up then any President before him!

That doesn't change a thing. Trump is a Racist.

Take off your blinders, Charwin...the Clinton's calling Trump a racist is farce.

I did that is why..... I don't believe any of trump gas. Maybe you should wake up and analyze what he is really saying. Set aside the charisma maybe you will understand.
I don't believe that he will deport illegals, bring the jobs back or even build the wall. According to economic experts his economic policy is a disaster.

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