Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally


So, according to you, this is an example of me laying down for what the Govt tells me?

Can you post a link to the Govt offering to cut spending across the board by 15%?

I will be happy to wait while you dig for it

What does “briefly” mean? Two minutes? Two days?

Good question because since they made the claim they've been very evasive about it. They don't have times, dates, nothing. They even refuse to comment when asked if they were shot down or not.
it’s being discussed because joey xiden is in charge…he’s obviously a chinese puppet and will try his best to make his masters in the CCP happy

Recovery has been underway since yesterday.

46 U.S. Code § 80104 - Salvaging operations by foreign vessels​

Except as provided in this section or section 80105 of this title, a foreign vessel may not, under penalty of forfeiture, engage in salvaging operations on the Atlantic or Pacific coast of the United States, in any portion of the Great Lakes or their connecting or tributary waters, including any portion of the Saint Lawrence River through which the international boundary line extends, or in territorial waters of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico.
well i am sure the chinese will follow the law
Worrying about civilian casualties was just a cover.
  1. They had days to plan for its eventual crossing out to sea to have a vessel of some kind there ready to salvage the remains out of the water or to at least go there and secure it from sinking and keep anyone else away from it.
  2. Funny they couldn't find a place in Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia nor Montana to shoot a balloon down, so how did they know there'd be no sailing yachts or pleasure craft around where this thing went down offshore of South Carolina?
ChIna now knows they can fly whatever they want, wherever they want over the US and Chicom Joe will do nothing
I accept your admission you have nothing, as usual.
You mean my admission that a response is already underway?

It’s you who have nothing to indicate otherwise. The Secretary of State is heading to China, dope.

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