Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

Doesn't matter what it can do, Simp.

If violated our airspace for days and Chicom Joe did nothing.
Honestly you have no way of knowing what measures and countermeasures were deployed to disrupt the effectiveness of the Chinese devices.
The Pentagon is not asking for your advice.

And yet with this claim (that Trump's defense secretary denies ever happened) the Pentagon can't provide dates, times, and refused to comment on whether they were shot down or not. Hmmm.

“Balloons offer a few advantages over the use of satellites or drones,” James Rogers, an academic at the University of Southern Denmark and Cornell University, who currently advises the U.N. Security Council on the transnational threat of drones, said in emailed comments.

“Not only are they cheaper than launching satellites into space, but by operating within the bounds of the earth’s atmosphere, closer to the surface, they can obtain better-quality images.” Rogers adds that the latest generation of balloons are high-tech in their own right, “envisaged as systems that can fly up to 90,000 feet, deploy their own drone systems,” and detect incoming missiles.

Clarke points out that balloons can soar above the range of most planes, and their slow speed also means they aren’t always picked up by radar. Additional technology or paint can help to further conceal them. Equally important, balloons can stay over one area for longer periods than satellites, if the weather permits.

Satellites can provide high-resolution imagery, Clarke said in an interview, “but the ability to monitor, to pick up wireless or computer traffic is an advantage if you can stay in one place. … The satellite can only pick that up as it travels over for a relatively short period.”
Cool. Show me the nuclear missile silos in Montana and the Dakotas, Wyoming....
Of course you would choose the dumbest possible response rather than think for a second and realize that China has at least the same capabilities as Google.

I only referenced Google earth as it’s representative of the satellite imaging capabilities you should all understand. At least on a consumer grade level.
And yet with this claim (that Trump's defense secretary denies ever happened) the Pentagon can't provide dates, times, and refused to comment on whether they were shot down or not. Hmmm.

Probably went right over my house in MB. Recovery is underway.

why is this even being discussed.

US Military Fears China May Reach Balloon Wreckage Before They Can Get There – Proper Salvage Vessel Won’t Be There For Days​

it’s being discussed because joey xiden is in charge…he’s obviously a chinese puppet and will try his best to make his masters in the CCP happy

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