Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

Or , some gullible American kid failed to see obvious humour.
But I notice you are just a Forum baby .

Tread carefully until you have learned the language and beware smart English ladies who eat fools for breakfast.
luiza Well thanks for calling me a kid. And sometimes sarcasm does not transfer well in type, especially when you are not familiar with the poster. My apologies for the name calling.

For the geographically challenged.

The red circle is off the coast of North Carolina, the little blue arrow that is hard to see is from Norfolk, VA (main Navy East Coast Base) to the circle.

The big red lines are the Chinese going west or east to get to the same area.

Chinese getting there first?


Now the administration is lying. They're claiming China sent balloons during the Trump administration.

Three times to boot. They won't provide us dates, times, locations, if they took any actions or not, like it's some sort of big secret. So I suspect it's likely they are FOS and trying to ease the blame on Dementia.
You can't steer balloons.

The Pentagon disagrees with you... I'm just repeating what they said on national TV... and they said the spy balloon is being steered... they can tell by the way it turns into the wind stream to make course corrections...
Why am I arguing with someone that hasn't listened to our own military on this matter?... you need to watch FOX surada:... whoever you are listening to is not telling the whole truth...
Good grief you guys are so predictable....Only when Biden screws up the response, only when Biden embarrasses himself in the face of a provocative act, do prog libs come out with the narrative, "well, it happened under Trump too!" .... You people are a joke...
Yes they are predictable as hell... I get so sick of yes... my guy screwed up but your guy did too... this shows me liberals are still children and haven't grown up....
I just linked to all of your posts, because IMHO, they all show a certain level of defense of liberal POV’s, and general deflection tactics used by libs, much like what we see out you right now.

Alrighty then, find me some more liberals that advocate 15% cut to all spending over the next 5 years.

I will be happy to wait while you look
As did the balloons used during the Trump admin
You can't steer balloons.

What sensitive sites were those? Provide a link because the last story I read about it is they were "briefly" in the US, didn't say where, when, or what time because the Pentagon refused to answer those questions.
Ray...you're a fucking troll.

The list of things you claim not to know extends into infinity
Meanwhile, U.S. officials told Fox News on Sunday that a Chinese spy balloon crashed into the Pacific off the coast of Hawaii four months ago. Those officials said that at least one Chinese spy balloon flew over portions of Texas and Florida during the Trump administration.

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