Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally

OMFG, you people are off the damn chain. Although Laura got one thing right, we probably should be looking at what we are getting for the 850 billion dollars we spend on defense, but you sure won't see Republicans making that effort.

This shit makes no sense. China has satellites, hell, they have probes on the moon. They don't need no damn "balloon" to do any flippin surveillance. And yes, why would they expend the political capital to fly a antiquated damn balloon over the US to spy on us? What the hell was it going to accomplish? What, they going to find our missile silos and target them? Seriously? They going to parachute in like in Red Dawn and invade us? LMAO. They could destroy every land based missle system we have, completely devastate the Air Force, I mean how, I don't know. Sink every single ship in the Navy, and even knock out one forth of our subs. The remaining subs could launch their nuclear missles and all of China would glow in the flippin dark for the next two centuries.

China has one thing, a whole bunch of cannon fodder. And make no mistake about it, that is all they are. We out class them on the land, the sea, and in the air. All this bluster about China is nothing more than a military state fishing for more damn money. If they were half as powerful as you damn sheeple thought they were they would have taken Tawain a long damn time ago. You people are fools. And that "balloon", it sits in about 90 feet of water, even a amateur diver could get to it. We will recover it, show that it was a weather balloon, as China stated, and that will be the end. Well, except for the countless threads about how that assessment was just showing Biden has been bought by the Chinese. Which begs the question, why the fawk would they need to send a balloon over here if Biden was already giving them everything they need. You morons really don't think things through do you?
OMFG, you people are off the damn chain. Although Laura got one thing right, we probably should be looking at what we are getting for the 850 billion dollars we spend on defense, but you sure won't see Republicans making that effort.

This shit makes no sense. China has satellites, hell, they have probes on the moon. They don't need no damn "balloon" to do any flippin surveillance. And yes, why would they expend the political capital to fly a antiquated damn balloon over the US to spy on us? What the hell was it going to accomplish? What, they going to find our missile silos and target them? Seriously? They going to parachute in like in Red Dawn and invade us? LMAO. They could destroy every land based missle system we have, completely devastate the Air Force, I mean how, I don't know. Sink every single ship in the Navy, and even knock out one forth of our subs. The remaining subs could launch their nuclear missles and all of China would glow in the flippin dark for the next two centuries.

China has one thing, a whole bunch of cannon fodder. And make no mistake about it, that is all they are. We out class them on the land, the sea, and in the air. All this bluster about China is nothing more than a military state fishing for more damn money. If they were half as powerful as you damn sheeple thought they were they would have taken Tawain a long damn time ago. You people are fools. And that "balloon", it sits in about 90 feet of water, even a amateur diver could get to it. We will recover it, show that it was a weather balloon, as China stated, and that will be the end. Well, except for the countless threads about how that assessment was just showing Biden has been bought by the Chinese. Which begs the question, why the fawk would they need to send a balloon over here if Biden was already giving them everything they need. You morons really don't think things through do you?
Finally, Biden got off his arse and did something. Finally.
Wasn't it within this decade when we were instructed to
NOT use the word " Chinese ". Like it was deemed Verboten
to say Chinese Take-out.I distinctly remember.
Has our military sunk so low that it cannot pinpoint and take charge of such a spy satellite? I remember decades ago, the military (and media) being on site as the first space shuttle capsules arrived back on earth. Even then, they had no problems in locating and being at the ready as each one splashed down over the period of at first a few years, and then a few months. I also remember being amazed that they could find such an object in the big vast oceans.
We have been fed a major dose of b.s. from the beginning on this security encroachment on our nation. Everyone from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Biden, the pretend Commander in Chief should step down over such failures!
Our nation has never before been governed (controlled?) by such traitors within the Biden administration (not inept—for this is deliberate) as “leaders” since it’s founding. Even many of those who made policy mistakes before at least had the excuse of lack of knowledge or incorrect information for their mistakes. With this crew, you know it is pure evilness and their hate of America and all it stands for. We truly have traitors in our midst!
Space shuttles land on a runway. You are confusing the space capsules with the shuttles.
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For the geographically challenged.

The red circle is off the coast of North Carolina, the little blue arrow that is hard to see is from Norfolk, VA (main Navy East Coast Base) to the circle.

The big red lines are the Chinese going west or east to get to the same area.

Chinese getting there first?


The Chinese never use the Panama Canal?
I said it in another post and I'll say it again here.That ballon was allowed to surveil our military/nuclear installations. If not, it would have been shot down when it first entered our air space. Plenty of open sea and remote,unpopulated land mass there. Worrying about civilian casualties was just a cover.There is an end game here and I'm not quite sure what it is. But to say the Chinese may recover it before us just confirms it for me.

Some idiot told me that not wearing a mask attributed to the decline in Chinese/US relations.It appears to me our relationship with the Chicoms is a little more cozier than we are led to believe.
I think I see the sprouting of a new conspiracy theory seedling…
Has our military sunk so low that it cannot pinpoint and take charge of such a spy satellite? I remember decades ago, the military (and media) being on site as the first space shuttle capsules arrived back on earth. Even then, they had no problems in locating and being at the ready as each one splashed down over the period of at first a few years, and then a few months. I also remember being amazed that they could find such an object in the big vast oceans.
We have been fed a major dose of b.s. from the beginning on this security encroachment on our nation. Everyone from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Biden, the pretend Commander in Chief should step down over such failures!
Our nation has never before been governed (controlled?) by such traitors within the Biden administration (not inept—for this is deliberate) as “leaders” since it’s founding. Even many of those who made policy mistakes before at least had the excuse of lack of knowledge or incorrect information for their mistakes. With this crew, you know it is pure evilness and their hate of America and all it stands for. We truly have traitors in our midst!

Which space shuttle capsules would those be? Be specific!

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