Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally


just needs to shut up and go home, and weep till there are no more tears, because America, the Country y'all are FIRST TO HATE, succeeded and knew exactly what they were doing and why.
haha wow so much projection ans whining

it must make you feel really stupid to know your cult is actually a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP and openly allows the Chinese to spy. You were played
Biden made the decision to shoot it down on Wednesday, pentagon advisors said not now,.

Meaning Miley is the ACTUAL Commander and Chief?!

If the Commander and Chief gives an order military members do mot say 'No'.

Biden also said Chinese spy balloons flew across the US during the Trump administration ... we just coincidently and conveniently did not know about them until AFTER Biden took office ... and in time to release this info as an attempted distraction from his recent ChiCom spy balloon disaster.


just needs to shut up and go home, and weep till there are no more tears, because America, the Country y'all are FIRST TO HATE, succeeded and knew exactly what they were doing and why.
they wanted to..xiden wouldn’t order it because he didn’t want to upset his CCP masters…he only ordered it shot down on wednesday after Americans saw it spying in Montana…and it was in the press.

By then the DoD had to step in and tell him it could hurt Americans when it fell (xiden apparently didn’t think. about American lives)…
Meaning Miley is the ACTUAL Commander and Chief?!

If the Commander and Chief gives an order military members do mot say 'No'.

Biden also said Chinese spy balloons flew across the US during the Trump administration ... we just coincidently and conveniently did not know about them until AFTER Biden took office ... and in time to release this info as an attempted distraction from his recent ChiCom spy balloon disaster.

how childish does the xiden admin sound with the “ir happened three times during the trump admin!” line?

haha people are like what? when?

and the responds? “well it happened it’s just nobody but us knew it happened!” hahaha

just needs to shut up and go home, and weep till there are no more tears, because America, the Country y'all are FIRST TO HATE, succeeded and knew exactly what they were doing and why.


They mitigated, jammed its capabilities.

Other than their own claim they did this, do you have any evidrnce they did so...or did they tell yiu this, and it is what you want / choose to believe?

How exactly did they do it?

Where was the jammer that did this?
- Was it ground-based or was it mobile and followed the balloon from one side of the country to the other?

What signals did they block?

Since the balloon was up at 60K feet, above airline traffic altitude, did tgey coordinate with FAA on the spectrum of signals / bands rhey were jamming?
- Has anyone confirmed this with the FAA?

Oh wait - YOU said they did all this, so they must have.

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