Floating a Trial Balloon….Literally


Aha. You "disagree". And what means this in the US-American culture? Are you able to explain this to me?

Question 1: What exactly did do this balloon?
Question 2: If you don't know what: Why did you not try find out what this balloon was sending?
Question 3: if you had to eliminate it on whatever reason: Why did you not immediatelly afterwards search for a memory of the electronic of this balloon? ...

Question n: Why for heavens sake are doing US-Americans what they are doing?
Question n+1: Was it the will of Mr. Blinken not to drive to China and so you shot down this balloon or was it the intention of anyone else that Mr. Blinken had not to drive to China and that's why someone shot not only down this balloon but published also this action?
Question n+2: Why manipulates the military of the USA the government of the USA? Or did the government of the USA misuse the military of the USA for a very special party politics which is perhaps not in the center of the interest of the whole USA?
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This baloon is totally unimportant.

Regarding Intel Collection, etc...We don't know that yet.

Diplomatically, this was a score by Xi on the US, and, yes, diplomatically, it matters....more than it should.

Xi made Biden / the US look weak. Weakness invites hostility / challenge.

China could be telling Taiwan right now:

'The US can't stop a balloon from flying over their own country. How are they going to protect you in OUR 'back yard'?

Aha. You "disagree". And what means this in the US-American culture? Are you able to explain this to me?
I just did.

'Totally unimportant' is a subjective term used in your opinion.

I have no problem with your opinion and am not trying to attack / mock it.

Respectfully, I just disagree at this point.
I don't think you know how high altitude balloons work...

There is very little direction in them...

This is just a joke... If China did it, they were just seeing what crap they could cause, very poor intel

Well you can control them to a certain extent as prevailing winds vary depending on your altitude. At 9000 feet the wind is blowing a different direction than at 11000 feet. If you know which ways the wind is blowing you can guide it by altering it's altitude.

A weather balloon is a stratospheric balloon and goes much higher than a commercial plane does so that gives them a lot of play in possibilities.

True you can't steer one, but you can guide one along.
Regarding Intel Collection, etc...We don't know that yet.

Diplomatically, this was a score by Xi on the US, and, yes, diplomatically, it matters....more than it should.

Xi made Biden / the US look weak. Weakness invites hostility / challenge.

China could be telling Taiwan right now:

'The US can't stop a balloon from flying over their own country. How are they going to protect you in OUR 'back yard'?

That's nonsense. You had much more possibilities than to shoot down this balloon and to publish this.
I agree with this, after all, we did elect Joe Biden. Democrats are European wannabes and are just as gullible and naive.

I do not see in Mr. president Joe Biden any big problem. I see the problem that a totally unqualified man like Donald Trump - better to say: a totally anti-qualified man like Donald Trump - got more than only one vote.

And you are by the way an European nation basing on the philosophy of the European enlightenment. Your anti-European attitude shows only a bad self-respect.
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Well you can control them to a certain extent as prevailing winds vary depending on your altitude. At 9000 feet the wind is blowing a different direction than at 11000 feet. If you know which ways the wind is blowing you can guide it by altering it's altitude.

A weather balloon is a stratospheric balloon and goes much higher than a commercial plane does so that gives them a lot of play in possibilities.

True you can't steer one, but you can guide one along.
You are right but you can't direct over a IBCM Missile site.. And you are definitely not stopping...

The military would find it easy to shoot down but capture is good deal trickier.

This could be a screw up by the Chinese trying something out that got way out of hand... Incompetence is always an option...
I do not see in Mr. president Joe Biden any big problem. I see the problem that a totally unqualified man like Donald Trump - better to say: a totally anti-qualified man like Donald Trump - got more than only one vote.

And you are by the way an European nation basing on the philosophy of the European enlightenment. Your anti-European attitude shows only a bad self-respect.

Of course you don’t see a problem and of course you like Biden and hate Trump. Trump asked EU nations to pay their fair share into NATO. Like children, many European countries want to spend their money on toys instead of food and when then rely on their parents(the US) to feed them when they are starving.

Sorry, but the US is absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, THE most powerful country in the world. Why on earth would we choose to emulate countries, who by all accounts, are less successful than us? Biden and the sheeple Democrats that vote for them, are doing just that. Kind of makes you wonder what their real motive is.(not the sheeple, they don’t know what is going on, but the Democratic administration’s motive)

By the way, “European enlightenment” is an absolute joke. They are lost and not in touch with reality, not enlightened.
Your the one talking about licking ass traitor ass munch.
Actually, dumbass - as EVERYONE can clearly read / see - YOU were the one who mentioned that. (Did you forget the words you post actually stay up for everyone to read?)

You're a very special kind of 'stupid', snowflake.

laughing hilariously.jpg
Actually, dumbass - as EVERYONE can clearly read / see - YOU were the one who mentioned that. (Did you forget the words you post actually stay up for everyone to read?)

You're a very special kind of 'stupid', snowflake.

View attachment 754435

Says a traitor ass munch that believes in "stolen election." I mean you just can't make this shit up! Do you forget people can see how fucking dumb you are on numerous (every) thread you post in?
I mean you just can't make this shit up!

No, YOU can't make shit up.

Your post is STILL up for people to read, proving you are a pathetic, low-IQ, Zero-credibility loser who posts things then lies about posting it 2 minutes later.

At least have the intelligence to delete it so you have a shot at claiming you never said it.

No, YOU can't make shit up.

Your post is STILL up for people to read, proving you are a pathetic, low-IQ, Zero-credibility loser who posts things then lies about posting it 2 minutes later.

At least have the intelligence to delete it so you have a shot at claiming you never said it.


You have actually deleted the several thousand times you have posted about "stolen election?" So not only a traitor but a liar on par with The Fat Orange Shit Giblet and George Anthony DeVolder Santos. Thank you for letting us all know ass munch!
You have actually deleted the several thousand times you have posted about "stolen election?" So not only a traitor but a liar on par with The Fat Orange Shit Giblet and George Anthony DeVolder Santos. Thank you for letting us all know ass munch!

You know you really suck at trying to gaslight...you're too stupid, make too many mistakes, and your lies are self-evident.

What was your previous job in Moscow?

Were you good at it?
-- Should have stuck with it.


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