Florida Bans Christian School Teams from Praying Before Games

You're like so many, quoting Jesus on your way to hell. Jesus wasn't teaching against public prayer, which was practiced repeatedly by the early church, he was teaching against prayers done only for show. And you're in no position to judge the intents of each heart at that event, but you'll surely fall under judgment yourself for thinking you could turn Christ's words against his followers.
Isn't it God's place to judge, not human assholes who hate people who disagree with them?
It's up to the people of God to pronounce the judgments of God, which the people of God have done throughout the Bible, which you also never have read. God is not fooled and God is not mocked by you Leftists looking for clever ways to pervert the Holy Scriptures to serve your demonic ends.
It's up to the people of God to pronounce the judgments of God, which the people of God have done throughout the Bible, which you also never have read. God is not fooled and God is not mocked by you Leftists looking for clever ways to pervert the Holy Scriptures to serve your demonic ends.
Looks like the standard justification for slaughtering a village of non-believers. You and the Taliban have a lot in common. Have you shot any little girls in the face? Threw acid on them for their sins?
The left have gone full NAZI mode.

When two private Christian schools convened to compete for the state championship, Florida officials denied their request to pray.

One of the schools — Cambridge Christian — is now suing the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA), claiming the decision to deny students the ability to pray violates both the state and federal constitutions, as well as the Florida Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Prior to the game, students at each school, Cambridge Christian and University Christian, agreed to a joint religious observance before the game began. The size of the venue required the use of the stadium PA system. The FHSAA denied their request, telling the schools that state assets could not be used for religious speech. (RELATED: Christian Coach Suing School That Demanded He Stop Praying)

“First is the fact that the facility is a public facility, predominantly paid for with public tax dollars, makes the facility ‘off limits’ under federal guidelines and precedent court cases,” FHSAA director Roger Dearing wrote. “Second, is the fact that in Florida Statutes, the FHSAA (host and coordinator of the event) is legally a ‘State Actor’, we cannot legally permit or grant permission for such an activity.”

Though the U.S. Supreme Court bans school officials from organizing prayer at such events, students may lead and coordinate such a religious observance. Members of both teams said a prayer before the game began, but onlookers in the crowd did not participate due to the logistical challenges.

“By rejecting Cambridge Christian’s request for pre-game prayer over the loudspeaker on the basis of its religious character and viewpoint, the FHSAA unlawfully prohibited Cambridge Christian’s private religious speech and unreasonably burdened its right to freedom of speech and free exercise of religion,” the suit reads.

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Good. They need to practice more and pray less

"Florida Bans Christian School Teams from Praying Before Games"

That doesn't seem to be an accurate title, Shouldn't it be "Florida does not allow prayer to be broadcast over State funded PA Sys"

Were the teams stopped ("banned") from praying = No.

Were the teams not allowed to use the Public Address system to broadcast the prayer.

BTW - Your "Keep Reading..." link takes me to a story about a woman carrying intestines through customs.

IF allowing a prayer to be said over a loudspeaker is an endorsement of religion, could it then be considered an endorsement of atheism for the dead air over that loudspeaker to be heard instead?
It's up to the people of God to pronounce the judgments of God, which the people of God have done throughout the Bible, which you also never have read. God is not fooled and God is not mocked by you Leftists looking for clever ways to pervert the Holy Scriptures to serve your demonic ends.
Looks like the standard justification for slaughtering a village of non-believers. You and the Taliban have a lot in common. Have you shot any little girls in the face? Threw acid on them for their sins?
Christians pronounce God's justice upon the wicked frequently without any violence. Perhaps you are mentally ill, a schizophrenic off her meds, drawing a line that can't be remotely substantiated by real life abstracts. That's what paranoid schizophrenics like you do.
IF allowing a prayer to be said over a loudspeaker is an endorsement of religion, could it then be considered an endorsement of atheism for the dead air over that loudspeaker to be heard instead?
Funny, but no. OTOH, people denouncing believers as fools, children, cowards praying to a "Sky Daddy" and the like is certainly a promotion of atheism, which in this case should be treated as a religious belief.
Christians pronounce God's justice upon the wicked frequently without any violence. Perhaps you are mentally ill, a schizophrenic off her meds, drawing a line that can't be remotely substantiated by real life abstracts. That's what paranoid schizophrenics like you do.
Only those self-serving assholes who call themselves Christians but don't actually walk in Christ's footsteps. Assholes who don't abide by such wise words as "judge not, lest thee be judged".

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 7:1-3 - King James Version
You're like so many, quoting Jesus on your way to hell. Jesus wasn't teaching against public prayer, which was practiced repeatedly by the early church, he was teaching against prayers done only for show. And you're in no position to judge the intents of each heart at that event, but you'll surely fall under judgment yourself for thinking you could turn Christ's words against his followers.
Isn't it God's place to judge, not human assholes who hate people who disagree with them?
It's up to the people of God to pronounce the judgments of God, which the people of God have done throughout the Bible, which you also never have read. God is not fooled and God is not mocked by you Leftists looking for clever ways to pervert the Holy Scriptures to serve your demonic ends.

No its not. God did not leave judgement up to the likes of you.
So...have we established yet which religion has "loudspeaker prayers" in their canon?
So...have we established yet which religion has "loudspeaker prayers" in their canon?
Obviouslly none do.

Have we established the double standard of LWers supporting sports players making certain political statements /actions on the field but admonishing those who make LW-opposed political statements/actions?

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