Florida Bill Seeks to Stop Arrests Of Injured Illegal Workers

Foreign nationals?? You mean criminal invaders, don't you.??

Deport all illegals - no exceptions.
just right wing fantasy? Due Process applies. .

Due process??? They're illegal invaders and have no rights, you fool. Invade mexico and see how many rights they give you.
This is why nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law.

Persons have rights in the US. It says so in our Constitution.
American Citizens have rights in the US. Not illegal invaders.
Persons have rights. Due process applies.
THE BENEFITS THAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO: The new bill, introduced by state Sen. Gary Farmer, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat, would eliminate the false identity provision and clarify the statute so that it applies only to people who commit traditional workers' comp fraud, such as lying about injuries or eligibility for benefits.

As is the case in nearly every state, all Florida workers — including unauthorized immigrants — are entitled to medical care and lost wages through their employers' workers' comp insurance.

"We have a whole separate system to deal with immigration status," Farmer said. "All of that is neither here nor there. It comes down to the fact that these folks were doing their job, got hurt while they were doing their job, and the separate issue of immigration status shouldn't be used to take away the benefits that they're entitled to."
THE BENEFITS THAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO: The new bill, introduced by state Sen. Gary Farmer, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat, would eliminate the false identity provision and clarify the statute so that it applies only to people who commit traditional workers' comp fraud, such as lying about injuries or eligibility for benefits.

As is the case in nearly every state, all Florida workers — including unauthorized immigrants — are entitled to medical care and lost wages through their employers' workers' comp insurance.

"We have a whole separate system to deal with immigration status," Farmer said. "All of that is neither here nor there. It comes down to the fact that these folks were doing their job, got hurt while they were doing their job, and the separate issue of immigration status shouldn't be used to take away the benefits that they're entitled to."
American jobs should be for Americans only. Thus Emp comp should only be for citizens only.
"We have a whole separate system to deal with immigration status," Farmer said. "All of that is neither here nor there. It comes down to the fact that these folks were doing their job, got hurt while they were doing their job, and the separate issue of immigration status shouldn't be used to take away the benefits that they're entitled to."

That makes as much sense as letting bank robbers who get shot collect workmen's comp!! They were doing their job too.

Illegal workers are CRIMINALS. case closed
It doesn't say that. Our Constitutions recognize the concept of natural rights.
It does? Where does it say that.?
Technically, via the Due Process clause and State Constitutions.
Ideologically, from our Declaration of Independence.
So you admit the constitution never mentions the phrase "natural rights" even though you said it did. thank you
natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process.
"We have a whole separate system to deal with immigration status," Farmer said. "All of that is neither here nor there. It comes down to the fact that these folks were doing their job, got hurt while they were doing their job, and the separate issue of immigration status shouldn't be used to take away the benefits that they're entitled to."

That makes as much sense as letting bank robbers who get shot collect workmen's comp!! They were doing their job too.

Illegal workers are CRIMINALS. case closed
Junk bonds, not junk laws.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id; even if it requires a fee or a fine.

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