Florida Gov. DeSantis Has Just Signed A Bill Into Law That Would Allow Everyday Floridians To Sue Big Tech Platforms For Monetary Damages

So, Facebook is not an "Interactive Computer Service" but an "Information Content Provider" for purposes of Section 230?
Technically they’re both at different times.

When they publish your post, their an interactive computer service. When they publish their own content, they’re an information content provider.
Spin that.
You can and always have been able to sue Twitter for the content of that specific box. Twitter wrote that language, published it. They developed it.

What they didn’t develop is whatever dumb shit Trump said that appears beneath that label.
So, Facebook is not an "Interactive Computer Service" but an "Information Content Provider" for purposes of Section 230?
Technically they’re both at different times.

When they publish your post, their an interactive computer service. When they publish their own content, they’re an information content provider.
So, they get to meander back and forth from Computer Service to Content Provider whenever it suits them?

So, when they are sued under this Florida law, they are being sued as a Content Provider, for purposes of Section 230, and therefore, Fed law is not preempting this state law.
The 1st amendment protects your freedom of speech from the gov't. It does not have any effect on what happens on private property.
It is important to note that this distinction does not mean that suppressing speech is not suppression of speech though. Lefties are always quick to point out that it is legal for the private sector to suppress speech, but they never want to accept that suppressing speech is the same thing, regardless of if the government does it or if the private sector does it, or if the private sector does it on behalf of the government. When lefties point out that the private sector can legally suppress speech, it is almost always a strawman argument .
The 1st amendment protects your freedom of speech from the gov't. It does not have any effect on what happens on private property.
It is important to note that this distinction does not mean that suppressing speech is not suppression of speech though. Lefties are always quick to point out that it is legal for the private sector to suppress speech, but they never want to accept that suppressing speech is the same thing, regardless of if the government does it or if the private sector does it, or if the private sector does it on behalf of the government. When lefties point out that the private sector can legally suppress speech, it is almost always a strawman argument .

I did not post that as a strawman. I posted it as a factual reason why the law will be challenged.
So you want freedom of speech restricted.
Restricting freedom of speech is exactly what this bill does.
Ain't it a great bill?

No, it isn't. It tries to meddle in the affairs of a private entity.
Nothing new there as the government already restricts what you can say. Try posting military plans here, or the video of Hunter Biden jerking off his own cock on the White House web page

So you agree with limitations or regulations on constitutional rights?
When constitutional rights allow for idiots to get elected and rewrite the constitution then the constitution is a farce.

See you actually have no rights, you never did or do. This is what the people of color figured out and they are technically correct

So you think an individual can rewrite the US Constitution?
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Actually I know that changes to the constitution happen too frequently and that they are called amendments, and that an amendment saying that no internet post can be made by any individual without government approval is possible. So as I said the constitution has no meaning. Gun owners have the right to own the gun that the government allows, so they have no right to bear arms of their choice. Almost never did as the constitution became nothing soon after being written

In 232 years there have been only 27 amendments. That is hardly "too frequently".

But please tell us, which of the 27 amendments would you remove if you could?
The number of amendments is not the issue, as freedom of speech has already been restricted so the first amendment already has no meaning, neither does the second amendment. The problem is fools like you that can not comprehend reality but that just choose to believe in childish words written on paper that have no meaning.
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The U.S. Constitution is broken. The Constitution no longer binds the federal government. Agencies like the CIA, the NSA, and others, ignore the Constitution. The United States now invades other countries for little or no reason. The President is becoming a sort of military conqueror; the Congress is utterly powerless and corrupt; and the Supreme Court issues one terrible decision after another.

How did it all happen? Americans have lost the system the Founding Fathers invented. Most do not realize, for example, that many of the liberties they take for granted have not come from the Constitution, but from a little-known Supreme Court legal maneuver known as incorporation. The individual right to bear arms was granted only in 2010. Other rights have been granted here and there only at the discretion of the Supreme Court.

Everything You Know about the Constitution is Wrong tells the untold story of the United States Constitution. It debunks the popular myth that the United States Constitution was written to give Americans individual rights. It shows how the so-called Bill of Rights was a list of restrictions on the federal government to protect the States, not a list of individual rights for citizens. It shows how after the Civil War, politicians who were incapable of writing a new Constitution chose instead to transform the federal system into a national one through a single amendment. This turned the Constitution inside out, forcing words that meant one thing (federal limits) now to mean something else (individual rights).

From Alex Jones and the so-called alt-right to today's social justice warriors and cosmopolitan elites, the Constitution is today completely misunderstood. A new constitution was needed after the Civil War, and it is no less needed today. Everything You Know about the Constitution is Wrong takes the reader through the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, and other key texts in understanding the American system of government.


When you signed on to this forum, you agreed to abide by the rules of the forum.

If you are held accountable for breaking the rules, there is nothing you can sue over.

From your linked article:
"The law requires companies to detail how they reach conclusions about content moderation and stick to those standards consistently, DeSantis said during a press conference on Monday."

As long as the moderators follow the rules and stick to the standards, you have no complaint. This is not a free speech issue. The 1st amendment is there to prevent the gov't from silencing you. It does not apply to private property. It also does not apply when you have agreed to follow the rules set forth by the forums.
We've only been telling these fools that since tRump started whining about it.


When you signed on to this forum, you agreed to abide by the rules of the forum.

If you are held accountable for breaking the rules, there is nothing you can sue over.

From your linked article:
"The law requires companies to detail how they reach conclusions about content moderation and stick to those standards consistently, DeSantis said during a press conference on Monday."

As long as the moderators follow the rules and stick to the standards, you have no complaint. This is not a free speech issue. The 1st amendment is there to prevent the gov't from silencing you. It does not apply to private property. It also does not apply when you have agreed to follow the rules set forth by the forums.
Yes. Yes you are.


When you signed on to this forum, you agreed to abide by the rules of the forum.

If you are held accountable for breaking the rules, there is nothing you can sue over.

From your linked article:
"The law requires companies to detail how they reach conclusions about content moderation and stick to those standards consistently, DeSantis said during a press conference on Monday."

As long as the moderators follow the rules and stick to the standards, you have no complaint. This is not a free speech issue. The 1st amendment is there to prevent the gov't from silencing you. It does not apply to private property. It also does not apply when you have agreed to follow the rules set forth by the forums.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :up: That’s always the norm for him.
And you're a suckup.
Let Freedom Ring ....

Down with all who HATE the US Constitution.
Amen to that.:thup: I keep saying Desantis would be a great president,If he got elected,this would feel like America again instead of a communist dictatership as we have seen from the likes of Bush,Obama and now Biden and the previous five administrations from 1981 all the way up to 2016.
Your "great president" just shattered the first amendment.
The 1st amendment protects your freedom of speech from the gov't. It does not have any effect on what happens on private property.
It is important to note that this distinction does not mean that suppressing speech is not suppression of speech though. Lefties are always quick to point out that it is legal for the private sector to suppress speech, but they never want to accept that suppressing speech is the same thing, regardless of if the government does it or if the private sector does it, or if the private sector does it on behalf of the government. When lefties point out that the private sector can legally suppress speech, it is almost always a strawman argument .
You're utterly confused. The First Amendment restricts the government's ability to suppress free speech of private citizens. So while private companies have the right to suppress free speech as long as they don't discriminate against a protected class, the government has no such right. And since politicians are not a protected class, this bill will be killed after it's hit with its very first lawsuit.
Amen to that.:thup: I keep saying Desantis would be a great president,If he got elected,this would feel like America again instead of a communist dictatership as we have seen from the likes of Bush,Obama and now Biden and the previous five administrations from 1981 all the way up to 2016.
I am watching him closely ....

But, you know Free and Secure Elections are now a thing of the past.
You've been well groomed, even before the 2020 election, to believe that so that you can be easily manipulated.

Yes, but wait for the unintended consequences.
Like DeSantes being cancelled from reality.
I don't know, but seems like they always overlook something that comes back and bites them.

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