Florida Gov. drafts bill allowing citizens to shoot looters & rioters

Whoopee. You mean, don't ever go there... Again? I've been several times, so what?

So what is you visited a state multiple times with horrible dumb people who live in trailer parks by the beach. If I felt that way about anyplace, it would be hypocritical of me to go there.
I'm good with looters and rioters taking a round in the throat so they can contemplate their demise for a minute or two and realize that they will be scraped off the pavement like dogshit and disposed of similarly.

The family should be billed $4 for the bullet and then the debt should be considered paid in full.

IMO the law isn't designed so it actually happens, it's designed to stop people from blocking streets and rioting. It's one thing if you bust windows of a store, loot it, and if caught, pay a fine and spend 10 days in jail. It's quite another if rioting and looting could cost you your life, or perhaps getting ran over by a motorist you are trying to block from going down the street.

Like I said, I don't know if this will get passed. Many might consider it too radial. If this does go into law, watch how those liberal cities get destroyed yet once again while in Florida people would just sooner stay home. Because let's face it, at some time in the near future a white cop will kill a black suspect, and the media will sensationalize it like they so often do.
Sounds like an authoritarian regime taking away first amendment rights to protest. You are going to see a lot of murder charges going down now.

Where in the first amendment does it say people have a right to block roads and highways, destroy public and private property, and steal goods? That's that this law applies to.
And this stupid state almost elected a guy who got caught smoking meth and naked with a gigolo in a hotel. :auiqs.jpg:

I love my governor.
They are allowed to be shot at even if they themselves are not armed with anything life threatening?

God bless you always!!!

People are beaten/raped/murdered by people who aren’t wielding a weapon. You know that, right?
Just so we are clear... people looting your store/house, and/or burning it down should be allowed to do their thing without you intervening unless they are armed with a gun or knife. That’s your position?

People are also killed because some nut thinks they "look threatening".
They are allowed to be shot at even if they themselves are not armed with anything life threatening?

God bless you always!!!

People are beaten/raped/murdered by people who aren’t wielding a weapon. You know that, right?
Just so we are clear... people looting your store/house, and/or burning it down should be allowed to do their thing without you intervening unless they are armed with a gun or knife. That’s your position?

People are also killed because some nut thinks they "look threatening".
I’m fairly certain shooting someone who “looks threatening” is not allowed in this or any other law.
The justification of “he Looked threatening” better also be accompanied by “as he threw a brick at me”, or “as they smashed in my front windows”, or “as they lit my car on fire”.

I’ll tell you up front, I am about as pro second amendment as it gets. But make no mistake, I sure as hell don’t take shooting someone lightly. I believe strongly in people’s individual rights, all of them. First and foremost they have the right to their lives. They also have a right to their free speech, even if I despise what they are saying.
Somebody “looking threatening” isn’t a reason or justification for someone else to punch that person. It certainly isn’t justification enough to shoot someone. Not in my opinion.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Florida is a big gun rights state and we dont care much for morons who riot and loot. Ron did a lot of things I approve of.
One being approving the use of real marijuana for certain sickness.
I dont use it and dont plan on it, but I do support medical POT .

support the police .

I had to check mine after reading that. My permit is only 5 years here in Wisconsin. But neither Illinois or Minnesota has reciprocity with us, so I have to unload and put it in the trunk if I go to those states.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
As long as we are tRumplings to that I'm fine with it.
They are allowed to be shot at even if they themselves are not armed with anything life threatening?

God bless you always!!!

People are beaten/raped/murdered by people who aren’t wielding a weapon. You know that, right?
Just so we are clear... people looting your store/house, and/or burning it down should be allowed to do their thing without you intervening unless they are armed with a gun or knife. That’s your position?

People are also killed because some nut thinks they "look threatening".

There is a sign out by where my driveway meets the Parish Road, and signs every 100 yards around the parameter of the property.
They better hope they can read, because if they cross that line ... They are in my world, and I don't care what they look like.

That doesn't mean I am just going to shoot someone if I see them, but if I didn't invite them, they are already in a bad spot.
Where I am, even if I just call the Sheriff, it's a felony on them.

Perhaps it is time we start focusing more on ensuring people understand the need to respect other peoples' Private Property.
If someone comes to visit wanting to start shit ... Well, I have something I can give them that will cure that.

Not even trying to be ugly about it ... They have a choice, and I have mine.

More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
As long as we are tRumplings to that I'm fine with it.

That made no sense at all.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Sounds like an authoritarian regime taking away first amendment rights to protest. You are going to see a lot of murder charges going down now.

I don't believe you. Please go to Florida and test your theory.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

I live in Florida. Our Governor is outstanding. :thup:

Flor-I-DUH. America's largest trailer park/retirement community with a beach. Horrible, dumb people.
you left out the multi million dollar mansions , and most of the people are from other places

Neat. Flo-ri-DUH sucks.

Sucks for commies, don't it? They don't seem to love commies very well in Florida.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::lmao:
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

I live in Florida. Our Governor is outstanding. :thup:

Flor-I-DUH. America's largest trailer park/retirement community with a beach. Horrible, dumb people.
you left out the multi million dollar mansions , and most of the people are from other places

Neat. Flo-ri-DUH sucks.

Sucks for commies, don't it? They don't seem to love commies very well in Florida.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::lmao:
no we do not, you have to go to cali Portland NYC AND MICHIGAN OR CHICAGO FOR THAT
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Florida is a big gun rights state and we dont care much for morons who riot and loot. Ron did a lot of things I approve of.
One being approving the use of real marijuana for certain sickness.
I dont use it and dont plan on it, but I do support medical POT .

support the police .

I had to check mine after reading that. My permit is only 5 years here in Wisconsin. But neither Illinois or Minnesota has reciprocity with us, so I have to unload and put it in the trunk if I go to those states.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Florida is a big gun rights state and we dont care much for morons who riot and loot. Ron did a lot of things I approve of.
One being approving the use of real marijuana for certain sickness.
I dont use it and dont plan on it, but I do support medical POT .

support the police .

I had to check mine after reading that. My permit is only 5 years here in Wisconsin. But neither Illinois or Minnesota has reciprocity with us, so I have to unload and put it in the trunk if I go to those states.

Illinois is one of the worst states. IL residents have to apply for a Firearms Owner's Identification Card (FOID) in order to even purchase ammunition.

And yet, the pavement apes and thugs who don't obey Illinois' firearms laws murder more people in Chicago, than any other city. And they either steal their firearms, or buy them stolen.

Year to date in Chicago there have been 3061 people shot and wounded, and 636 people shot and killed. You can bet everything you own that none of those shootings and murders were committed by law-abiding firearms owners.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
And this is EXACTLY what Bidet and Beto O'Rourke intend to do

Well said Comrade

You have to admit it is kind of odd though.

Every time they come up with more gun control restrictions ... It just ends up with a lot more guns being sold.
They keep trying to pile on restrictions ... And more and more new gun owners join the rest of us.

Florida Gov. drafts bill allowing citizens to shoot looters & rioters
Do they get to choose which ones they want to shoot?

No, they both get equal treatment. As well as protesters, panhandlers, mimes, scary clowns, carpetbaggers, and revenuers.

I don't discriminate.
What about Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, Scientologists, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Boy Scout Paper-Drive, Girls Scout cookies sellers, and S & H Green Stamp representatives?
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Florida is a big gun rights state and we dont care much for morons who riot and loot. Ron did a lot of things I approve of.
One being approving the use of real marijuana for certain sickness.
I dont use it and dont plan on it, but I do support medical POT .

support the police .

I had to check mine after reading that. My permit is only 5 years here in Wisconsin. But neither Illinois or Minnesota has reciprocity with us, so I have to unload and put it in the trunk if I go to those states.

Illinois is one of the worst states. IL residents have to apply for a Firearms Owner's Identification Card (FOID) in order to even purchase ammunition.

And yet, the pavement apes and thugs who don't obey Illinois' firearms laws murder more people in Chicago, than any other city. And they either steal their firearms, or buy them stolen.

Year to date in Chicago there have been 3061 people shot and wounded, and 636 people shot and killed. You can bet everything you own that none of those shootings and murders were committed by law-abiding firearms owners.

Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem | Criminal Infographics | HeyJackass!
Another great city run by democrats that don't know dooty from shinola.

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