Florida Gov. drafts bill allowing citizens to shoot looters & rioters

I love our Governor. He has the right set of values. If that BLM and ANTIFA filth brings their terrorism here they are going to get more than they bargained for.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 'to allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters and rioters' who target businesses in an expansion of the state's Stand Your Ground law
  • Gov Ron DeSantis drafted 'anti-mob' legislation that would expand Florida's Stand Your Ground law
  • It would allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters or anyone engaged in 'criminal mischief' that disrupts a business
  • The proposal came in response to months of protests against police brutality which have sometimes been accompanied by violence and looting
  • It would also make it a third-degree felony to block traffic during a protest
  • Drivers who claim to have unintentionally killed or injured protesters who block traffic would be immune from prosecution
  • DeSantis pledged in September to crack down on 'violent and disorderly assemblies' that occurred after the death of George Floyd killed by a white cop
  • His proposal sparked outcry from critics who called it dangerous, unconstitutional and 'clearly political'
Such is the authoritarian right and conservatives’ contempt for the First Amendment; and yet another reprehensible example of Republicans seeking to compel conformity and silence dissent.

You loot, we shoot.

If you don't want to get shot then don't loot.

Excellent policy.
They are allowed to be shot at even if they themselves are not armed with anything life threatening?

God bless you always!!!

It's pretty much that way in most all states. I am legally allowed use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. No mention of my attacker having a weapon anywhere in the law.

They are allowed to be shot at even if they themselves are not armed with anything life threatening?

God bless you always!!!

Some folks can kill you with their bare hands or feet.
Thank you for the responses.

God bless you two always!!!

More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

I live in Florida. Our Governor is outstanding. :thup:
We came so close to getting the Prog. What a waste.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Florida is a big gun rights state and we dont care much for morons who riot and loot. Ron did a lot of things I approve of.
One being approving the use of real marijuana for certain sickness.
I dont use it and dont plan on it, but I do support medical POT .

support the police .
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

DeSantis can do anything he wants. After his handling of the virus and the number of deaths in the state, his political career is OVER.
And a bill like this has NO chance of passing. Rotsa ruck, Ron!
he will be elected again hes very popular in florida
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

I live in Florida. Our Governor is outstanding. :thup:

Flor-I-DUH. America's largest trailer park/retirement community with a beach. Horrible, dumb people.
There are limits in Texas too.

after dark no biden voter is safe trying to break, enter and steal

no weapon is required

during the day its a little more iffy

recently two teenage Dreamers were shot and killed in daylight trying to break onto a house

a shotgun took them out

Not even the pinko lib DA could bring charges against them

And that's the way it should be around the entire country. You'd see how fast theft would go down, especially where I live. People are constantly breaking into homes and cars here because there is nothing to fear. However death is a huge thing to fear.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

I live in Florida. Our Governor is outstanding. :thup:

Flor-I-DUH. America's largest trailer park/retirement community with a beach. Horrible, dumb people.
you left out the multi million dollar mansions , and most of the people are from other places
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses
Sounds like an authoritarian regime taking away first amendment rights to protest. You are going to see a lot of murder charges going down now.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

DeSantis can do anything he wants. After his handling of the virus and the number of deaths in the state, his political career is OVER.
And a bill like this has NO chance of passing. Rotsa ruck, Ron!
That bill is for murder.
More winning from the Sunshine State. It must be nice to have a Governor who isn't a nutless POS like the one we got stuck with.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting...."

"It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime..."

"The draft legislation also includes measures that would make protesting which disrupts the public by blocking traffic, a third degree felony..."

"Additionally the law would allow the state to withhold funds from local governments that cut police budgets..."

Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses

I live in Florida. Our Governor is outstanding. :thup:

Flor-I-DUH. America's largest trailer park/retirement community with a beach. Horrible, dumb people.
you left out the multi million dollar mansions , and most of the people are from other places

Neat. Flo-ri-DUH sucks.
We keep arming them?
Interesting theory. Absolutely retarded, but interesting.
Tell me, it is illegal for felons to possess a firearm, right?
So they aren’t buying them from gun stores. They can’t get them online. And I’ve never known a single person who has sold a gun to somebody shady.
Most funded by felons are stolen or smuggled.
Why would hun owners, probably the most law abiding group of people you can find, “arm” criminals?
Who gives us thousands of unenforceable gun laws? Nation`s Real Assholes.

Look Sweetie ... This may be a surprise to you, but gun owners know it.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is currently approving in excess of 2 million Federal Background Checks for new firearm purchases a Month.
They have been doing that all through this year, and to a similar degree for the last decade.

In light of current circumstances, the line of people showing up to buy a firearm is just getting longer every day.
We are not hiding what we are doing, and the Federal Government knows what we are doing.

If the gun control laws are unenforceable, it's because they are only there to try and make you feel safer because you don't have a gun ... :thup:

I'm good with looters and rioters taking a round in the throat so they can contemplate their demise for a minute or two and realize that they will be scraped off the pavement like dogshit and disposed of similarly.

The family should be billed $4 for the bullet and then the debt should be considered paid in full.

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