Florida is falling apart.

Orlando is a liberal cesspool. I hate going there. I don't even like driving through it.

I read an article about Miami and from that article it seems that Miami is full of faggots.

The only other things I know about Florida is that it has oranges, Disneyland and a lot of Cubans.

I know about Old Florida as in the Florida Keys, this from one of my favourite films "Key Largo" made in 1948 and directed by John Huston and starring Humphrey Bogart, Edward G. Robinson, Lauren Bacall, Lionel Barrymore, Claire Trevor and two very brilliant character actors from Old Hollywood Thomas Gomez and Dan Seymour.

Key Largo (film) - Wikipedia
It is never too late to rediscover Florida. Come on over.....

"It is never too late to rediscover Florida. Come on over....."

Well :wink: :thup:

Come to the "red" area of Florida and you won't have to put up with the liberals.

What is the Red area of Florida? Is it North, it seems South Florida is all Leftist.
Look at the election map. I am afraid that I am in the blue area what I would have never thought just by living here.
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Hey fucko, Sweden used to be the safest country in the world. Now they are the rape capital per capita. Violent crime is exploding. There are Muslims no go zones that police won't enter even if chasing a suspect.

Take your head out of the sand and try not to be partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sweden is safer than Florida you dumb fuck. A lot safer. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honour.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Hey fucko, Sweden used to be the safest country in the world. Now they are the rape capital per capita. Violent crime is exploding. There are Muslims no go zones that police won't enter even if chasing a suspect.

Take your head out of the sand and try not to be partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sweden is safer than Florida you dumb fuck. A lot safer. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honour.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
I will miss you when you go on vacation again.
The point being that Trump cited crime in Sweden as a result of Muslim immigration.

Yet the crime in Florida has nothing to do with Muslim immigration.

And before one of you Trumpettes say it, the crime rate among illegals is lower than the crime rate among US citizens.

Trump is a lying asshole trying to get his Muslim ban because he is hates Muslims & considers them all terrorists.
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Orlando is a liberal cesspool. I hate going there. I don't even like driving through it.

Melbourne is not in Orange county. Melbourne (Where the rally was held) is in Brevard county.

The article is nothing but a dishonest hit/leftist spin propaganda piece.

See? People with a classical education can spot these things. :Boom2:
In order to understand crime in America you have to look at the various population groups...not geographical areas per se.

In a nutshell any area that has a large population of African Americans, mexicans and cubans aka Florida will have an extraordinary level of violence and crime.

But...wait...we are not supposed to reveal that.
In order to understand crime in America you have to look at the various population groups...not geographical areas per se.

In a nutshell any area that has a large population of African Americans, mexicans and cubans aka Florida will have an extraordinary level of violence and crime.

But...wait...we are not supposed to reveal that.

They are more concentrated in Jax, Miami, and Horlando, though.

Nothing screams OBT like a black Tranny in a purple chiffon dress.
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Hey fucko, Sweden used to be the safest country in the world. Now they are the rape capital per capita. Violent crime is exploding. There are Muslims no go zones that police won't enter even if chasing a suspect.

Take your head out of the sand and try not to be partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sweden is safer than Florida you dumb fuck. A lot safer. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honour.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Not from getting raped it isn't.

Sweden has the 3rd highest rape rate for women in the world. More than double the rate of the US.

Rape Statistics
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Hey fucko, Sweden used to be the safest country in the world. Now they are the rape capital per capita. Violent crime is exploding. There are Muslims no go zones that police won't enter even if chasing a suspect.

Take your head out of the sand and try not to be partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sweden is safer than Florida you dumb fuck. A lot safer. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honour.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Not from getting raped it isn't.

Sweden has the 3rd highest rape rate for women in the world. More than double the rate of the US.

Rape Statistics
Fake news. means nothing.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News
This explains it.
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Hey fucko, Sweden used to be the safest country in the world. Now they are the rape capital per capita. Violent crime is exploding. There are Muslims no go zones that police won't enter even if chasing a suspect.

Take your head out of the sand and try not to be partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sweden is safer than Florida you dumb fuck. A lot safer. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honour.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Not from getting raped it isn't.

Sweden has the 3rd highest rape rate for women in the world. More than double the rate of the US.

Rape Statistics
Fake news. means nothing.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News
This explains it.
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.

Hey fucko, Sweden used to be the safest country in the world. Now they are the rape capital per capita. Violent crime is exploding. There are Muslims no go zones that police won't enter even if chasing a suspect.

Take your head out of the sand and try not to be partisan!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Sweden is safer than Florida you dumb fuck. A lot safer. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honour.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Not from getting raped it isn't.

Sweden has the 3rd highest rape rate for women in the world. More than double the rate of the US.

Rape Statistics
Fake news. means nothing.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News
This explains it.

So statistics from the DOJ, CDC, and UN are "fake news" now?

I never knew they were news outlets.

Statistic Sources & References
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Justice , CDC, Koss, Gidycz & Wisniewski College Study, United Nations

Rape Statistics

:disagree: De Nile is a river in Egypt. ;)
Last edited:
The figures might be real but they cant be compared. Apples and oranges. Read the article , it explains it very well.
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.
so why only mention murder?

Is murder the only violent crime?

Is it possible for a country to have more violent crimes and a lower murder r ate than another country?
Joking apart the President has nothing to do with all the crimes they have in Florida... :(
The State of Florida has harsh laws against violent crimes what else should they do? Unfortunately crime is on the rise everywhere. Sometimes I think the laws were followed more 30 or 40 years ago.... :dunno:
My parents and granpas told me in the past crime was fought more and maybe they're right :(
Under the Obama presidency crime increased dramatically. His DOJ threatened local police departments with federal investigation of racism every time a negroid was arrested. Police was afraid to to their job. Now, hopefully law and order will be restored to a certain degree since those frivolous investigations are not looming over the local police's head like dark clouds.
You are, of course, a barefaced liar.

Careful with the Panic: Violent Crime and Gun Crime Are Both Dropping


Careful with the Panic: Violent Crime and Gun Crime Are Both Dropping


Since Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs, I have spoken to a number of people who have insisted earnestly that America is spiraling out of control. “This is just how we live now,” they have told me. And then they have asked the usual questions: “When are we going to do something about all the gun crime?”; “How bad will it have to get before Americans act?”; “Can the NRA see what it’s done to the country?”

In each and every case, I have responded gently that what happened was of course terrible, but that violent crime is actually on the way down and that we thus ought to be careful before taking the actions of a crazy person and spinning them into a “trend.” In the majority of cases, this view has been met with resistance. Put more bluntly, most people with whom I have spoken simply will not accept that things are better today than they were ten years ago — or, for that matter, that America is safer today than it has been for a long, long time. All told, this is rather strange, because the data are quite clear. Yes, America still has a host of problems, and violent crime and gun-related-crime are among them. But those problems are decreasing, not increasing.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this report, from the left-leaning Brookings Institute:

Today, the national crime rate is about half of what it was at its height in 1991. Violent crime has fallen by 51 percent since 1991, and property crime by 43 percent. In 2013 the violent crime rate was the lowest since 1970. And this holds true for unreported crimes as well. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, since 1993 the rate of violent crime has declined from 79.8 to 23.2 victimizations per 1,000 people.

Here’s the trend since 1960. As you will see, the lines go up and then the lines go down. This is A Good Thing.

Read more at: Careful with the Panic: Violent Crime and Gun Crime Are Both Dropping

So strange. When the 'Conservatives' speak of unlimited gun ownership, they talk of how the crime rate is going down. Yet, then they go right to saying that the crime rate is spirally up out of control, and it is all President Obama's fault. Now you are lying about one or the other. LOL
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.
so why only mention murder?

Is murder the only violent crime?

Is it possible for a country to have more violent crimes and a lower murder r ate than another country?
Crime rates* (2015)
United States

Violent crimes
Forcible rape 38.6
Robbery 101.9
Aggravated assault 237.8
Total violent crime 372.6
Property crimes
Larceny-theft 1,775.4
Motor vehicle theft 220.2
Total property crime 2487.0

*Number of reported crimes per 100,000 population.

Estimated total population: 321,418,820

Source: Crime in the United States by Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, 1996–2015 (Table 1)


Number of crimes reported per 100,000 population in Sweden, 1993-2013
Total Light Blue
Burglary Blue
Assault Yellow
Sexual offences (including rape) Green
Robbery Pink
Murder, homicide Red
There were 50% more murders in area where Trump held his rally than in Sweden

Orange County alone had 50% more murders than the whole of Sweden last year.

some of you bedwetters need to get out more and see what is happening in your own back yard rather than spout ignorance about places you have never seen.
so why only mention murder?

Is murder the only violent crime?

Is it possible for a country to have more violent crimes and a lower murder r ate than another country?
Crime rates* (2015)
United States

Violent crimes
Forcible rape 38.6
Robbery 101.9
Aggravated assault 237.8
Total violent crime 372.6
Property crimes
Larceny-theft 1,775.4
Motor vehicle theft 220.2
Total property crime 2487.0

*Number of reported crimes per 100,000 population.

Estimated total population: 321,418,820

Source: Crime in the United States by Volume and Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, 1996–2015 (Table 1)


Number of crimes reported per 100,000 population in Sweden, 1993-2013
Total Light Blue
Burglary Blue
Assault Yellow
Sexual offences (including rape) Green
Robbery Pink
Murder, homicide Red
Joking apart the President has nothing to do with all the crimes they have in Florida... :(
The State of Florida has harsh laws against violent crimes what else should they do? Unfortunately crime is on the rise everywhere. Sometimes I think the laws were followed more 30 or 40 years ago.... :dunno:
My parents and granpas told me in the past crime was fought more and maybe they're right :(
Under the Obama presidency crime increased dramatically. His DOJ threatened local police departments with federal investigation of racism every time a negroid was arrested. Police was afraid to to their job. Now, hopefully law and order will be restored to a certain degree since those frivolous investigations are not looming over the local police's head like dark clouds.
You are, of course, a barefaced liar.

Careful with the Panic: Violent Crime and Gun Crime Are Both Dropping


Careful with the Panic: Violent Crime and Gun Crime Are Both Dropping


Since Friday’s shooting in Colorado Springs, I have spoken to a number of people who have insisted earnestly that America is spiraling out of control. “This is just how we live now,” they have told me. And then they have asked the usual questions: “When are we going to do something about all the gun crime?”; “How bad will it have to get before Americans act?”; “Can the NRA see what it’s done to the country?”

In each and every case, I have responded gently that what happened was of course terrible, but that violent crime is actually on the way down and that we thus ought to be careful before taking the actions of a crazy person and spinning them into a “trend.” In the majority of cases, this view has been met with resistance. Put more bluntly, most people with whom I have spoken simply will not accept that things are better today than they were ten years ago — or, for that matter, that America is safer today than it has been for a long, long time. All told, this is rather strange, because the data are quite clear. Yes, America still has a host of problems, and violent crime and gun-related-crime are among them. But those problems are decreasing, not increasing.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this report, from the left-leaning Brookings Institute:

Today, the national crime rate is about half of what it was at its height in 1991. Violent crime has fallen by 51 percent since 1991, and property crime by 43 percent. In 2013 the violent crime rate was the lowest since 1970. And this holds true for unreported crimes as well. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, since 1993 the rate of violent crime has declined from 79.8 to 23.2 victimizations per 1,000 people.

Here’s the trend since 1960. As you will see, the lines go up and then the lines go down. This is A Good Thing.

Read more at: Careful with the Panic: Violent Crime and Gun Crime Are Both Dropping

So strange. When the 'Conservatives' speak of unlimited gun ownership, they talk of how the crime rate is going down. Yet, then they go right to saying that the crime rate is spirally up out of control, and it is all President Obama's fault. Now you are lying about one or the other. LOL
Well....isn't it interesting?? If you look at the scale of your chart it is extending to 2010-2011. Now let's get some more chart of your link.
Obama was sworn in as president in 2009. Your own link proves an increase/upward trend from 2009-2010. You are fucking imbecile. Crime rate increased during his Presidency. Idiots like you prove themselves wrong with their own proof trying to discredit others. Moron.
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