Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public offici


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.
I'd get claustrophobia with one of those hoods over my face...I had one MRI scan, never again.

KKK invisible empire?
Wouldn't surprise me one iota...what with all the crimes against Whites in America today, and all the hate speech and discrimination against them.

Quite frankly, all those robes and hoods look stoopid today...relics from the past...oh so 'yesterday'.

The KKK needs to reinvent itself...and always obey the law.
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I'd get claustrophobia with one of those hoods over my face...I had one MRI scan, never again.

KKK invisible empire?
Wouldn't surprise me one iota...what with all the crimes against Whites in America today, and all the hate speech and discrimination against them.

Quite frankly, all those robes and hoods look stoopid today...relics from the past...oh so 'yesterday'.

What about all the crimes by whites?
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.
I know I've got sheets in my closet.

Where do liberals store theirs?
I don't doubt it OP. Thinking of the justice system down there (having spent time down there,) if you're white you're definitely better off than if not.

Best church service I ever attended was in Ft. Pierce, a small strip mall one-room sorta 'black Baptist' thing. Best minister ever. Most drone on in an obvious monotone having given the same dull sermon numerous itmes, but this guy has pep and vigor and was thoroughly enjoyable. Though Jewish, I figure a house of G-d is a house of G-d and will due in a pinch as when travelling. :)
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.

I thought this was common knowledge. An organization whose beginnings included the membership of well known public officials and had thousands within their ranks throughout numerous states does not just disappear.

They reinvent themselves.
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials.

Given that 90% of the membership is composed of undercover FBI, DEA, and ATF officers keeping tabs on the 19 or 20 remaining actual Klansmen, it is not surprising that their bosses are sympathetic to their employees.
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just wow, more hate spreading about the people in this country (the Tea party)

seeing someone's insane twilight zone reality is not a pretty thing
Hill Billies in clown suits. They always get the dumb hicks to do their dirty work. All they have to do is tell them that they are superior to Blacks and the Blacks are taking their jobs and off they go....as long as they have a numerical advantage.
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.

I thought this was common knowledge. An organization whose beginnings included the membership of well known public officials and had thousands within their ranks throughout numerous states does not just disappear.

They reinvent themselves.

One state senator in Central FL provides farmland for nighttime rallies.

If you are not lily white or are Jewish, a Klan rally is not funny or silly. It is very threatening.

Took a Cuban friend if mine 2 Tea Party meetings to get the hint he should not attend any more meetings.

It is almost common knowledge here that state officials wear hooded sheets.

Sanford is crawling with KKK. It is lousy with them. No surprise there, huh.

Regards from Rosie
Anyone up for a challenge?

Here it is.

I get the last 2 years of violent crimes by blacks against white people. You, get the last 50 years of crimes by the KKK against black people.

Ready? Set, Go!

I'll wait.
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Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.

I thought this was common knowledge. An organization whose beginnings included the membership of well known public officials and had thousands within their ranks throughout numerous states does not just disappear.

They reinvent themselves.
This bears repeating for those who think these groups have died out. This level of thinking and organization does not just go away. They find ways to keep their ideology intact and functioning.
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


Sounds more like Scientology.

I thought this was common knowledge. An organization whose beginnings included the membership of well known public officials and had thousands within their ranks throughout numerous states does not just disappear.

They reinvent themselves.
This bears repeating for those who think these groups have died out. This level of thinking and organization does not just go away. They find ways to keep their ideology intact and functioning.

I think their thinking has changed somewhat. The KKK is still segregationist and may still disparage minorities, but it no longer hangs Republicans and Republican sympathizers because it's less politically motivated. That is, it's shifted its political advocacy exclusively to social advocacy.
I thought this was common knowledge. An organization whose beginnings included the membership of well known public officials and had thousands within their ranks throughout numerous states does not just disappear.

They reinvent themselves.
This bears repeating for those who think these groups have died out. This level of thinking and organization does not just go away. They find ways to keep their ideology intact and functioning.

I think their thinking has changed somewhat. The KKK is still segregationist and may still disparage minorities, but it no longer hangs Republicans and Republican sympathizers because it's less politically motivated. That is, it's shifted its political advocacy exclusively to social advocacy.

Their thinking has changed only to acknowledge the fact that they are more likely to actually go to prison. They no longer hang repubs because they are probably all repubs. i thought everyone knew that after the democratic party supported Civil Rights all the people that were previously democratic became republican?

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