Florida OG's Say "We Need A New Guy"

Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.
i don't lie.
In this case you do

along with sophomoric comparisons between American a nai germany symbols

lol... okey dokey.

so uh ... why do torch bearers endorse trump & have been since 2015?

that ' amerikan' eagle isn't quite drawn like it usually is ... & why isn't it holding olive branches & arrows like it usually does?

yaaaaaaaaa.................. can you hear that?

it's a dog whistle not very well camouflaged.
i don't lie.
In this case you do

along with sophomoric comparisons between American a nai germany symbols

lol... okey dokey.

so uh ... why do torch bearers endorse trump & have been since 2015?

that ' amerikan' eagle isn't quite drawn like it usually is ... & why isn't it holding olive branches & arrows like it usually does?

yaaaaaaaaa.................. can you hear that?

it's a dog whistle not very well camouflaged.

Still waiting for you to give me the Obama economic policy that grew the economy and created jobs, Playtime. You "disagreed" with my post...now back that up!
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

The best you can come up with are his "shovel ready" jobs? Did you forget that even Barry himself admitted that was a huge failure? Come on, Playtime! You claim Obama was a success with the economy! Show me HOW!
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

The best you can come up with are his "shovel ready" jobs? Did you forget that even Barry himself admitted that was a huge failure? Come on, Playtime! You claim Obama was a success with the economy! Show me HOW!

lol ... i am not an expert, sweety. stop deflecting.

facts be facts & i can't help you if you refuse to accept truth. most deplorables can't. anyhoo, will you be saying that obama is coming for yer guns too?


No President Trump, Obama’s Economic Recovery Was Not A Con Job

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider
so uh ... why do torch bearers endorse trump & have been since 2015?
I dont have to apologize or answer for fringe groups any more than you are willing to endorse wackos like the North American Man Boy Love Group
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

a 43 sec sound bite from a biased site?

fox nation???????????

oh please.

where's diamond & silk?
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

The best you can come up with are his "shovel ready" jobs? Did you forget that even Barry himself admitted that was a huge failure? Come on, Playtime! You claim Obama was a success with the economy! Show me HOW!

lol ... i am not an expert, sweety. stop deflecting.

facts be facts & i can't help you if you refuse to accept truth. most deplorables can't. anyhoo, will you be saying that obama is coming for yer guns too?


No President Trump, Obama’s Economic Recovery Was Not A Con Job

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider

Let's try this again, Playtime! It was a simple question. What Obama economic policy was it that grew the economy and created jobs? Why are you struggling so mightily to answer?
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

a 43 sec sound bite from a biased site?

fox nation???????????

oh please.

where's diamond & silk?

A 43 second sound bite of Barack Obama sheepishly admitting that his promises of shovel ready jobs failed miserably! Did you want to claim otherwise?
so uh ... why do torch bearers endorse trump & have been since 2015?
I dont have to apologize or answer for fringe groups any more than you are willing to endorse wackos like the North American Man Boy Love Group

NAMBLA? really? what a ridiiculous false equivalency. did THEY ever endorse a candidate? holy cow - that's a stretch.

btw- silly ridiculous poster that you are .... i am female. that makes you extra special for coming up with that.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

The best you can come up with are his "shovel ready" jobs? Did you forget that even Barry himself admitted that was a huge failure? Come on, Playtime! You claim Obama was a success with the economy! Show me HOW!

lol ... i am not an expert, sweety. stop deflecting.

facts be facts & i can't help you if you refuse to accept truth. most deplorables can't. anyhoo, will you be saying that obama is coming for yer guns too?


No President Trump, Obama’s Economic Recovery Was Not A Con Job

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider

Let's try this again, Playtime! It was a simple question. What Obama economic policy was it that grew the economy and created jobs? Why are you struggling so mightily to answer?

i'm not struggling - i am giving you facts & you are deflecting. you seem to be losing bigley & are flailing.

obama's economy would have been even better had he not had the assholes in congress. the tea party slithered in because the ACA didn't move fast enough.

donny's 3.5% rate was piggybacked & you just can't accept what the financial experts say. oh well.

so where's diamond & silk? they can tout that donny has done more for
'the blacks'

than anyone has ever done & like nobody has ever seen.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

a 43 sec sound bite from a biased site?

fox nation???????????

oh please.

where's diamond & silk?

A 43 second sound bite of Barack Obama sheepishly admitting that his promises of shovel ready jobs failed miserably! Did you want to claim otherwise?

what came b4 that & what was said after? CONtext means everything.
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

a 43 sec sound bite from a biased site?

fox nation???????????

oh please.

where's diamond & silk?

A 43 second sound bite of Barack Obama sheepishly admitting that his promises of shovel ready jobs failed miserably! Did you want to claim otherwise?

what came b4 that & what was said after? CONtext means everything.

Did you want to show how what came before or after that Obama comment in any way changes what he admitted?

I'm still waiting for just ONE Obama economic policy that grew the economy, Playtime and you've failed to provide it! Instead you're blathering about "diamond & silk"? You really can't come up with one...can you?
See that right there is the problem with trolls like Playtime! When you really hold their feet to the fire and ask them to back up their propaganda with real facts...they don't have a response other than to hurl insults and then run.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

The best you can come up with are his "shovel ready" jobs? Did you forget that even Barry himself admitted that was a huge failure? Come on, Playtime! You claim Obama was a success with the economy! Show me HOW!

lol ... i am not an expert, sweety. stop deflecting.

facts be facts & i can't help you if you refuse to accept truth. most deplorables can't. anyhoo, will you be saying that obama is coming for yer guns too?


No President Trump, Obama’s Economic Recovery Was Not A Con Job

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider
Trump policies are better for the economy short term and long term

and not depending on china for our drug supply is a no-brainer

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