Florida OG's Say "We Need A New Guy"

well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Playtime? If Trump does win...then you lose. If Biden wins...then you lose AGAIN because the Democrats have zero solutions to fixing economies...improving race relations...insuring law and order and solving the immigration problem...something that will quickly become apparent!

So have "fun" watching either of those scenarios play out!

biden isn't the best choice, no arguement there. BUT trump has proven that he is as incompetent as many feared. he can't hang onto anybody worth a damn & hasta keep recycling the same old anklegrabbers with no soul & place them into positions they are not qualified for.

AND biden isn't a sociopathatic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development & a syphilitic brain, in posession of the nuclear code.

donny is also doing ZERO in the way of finding out about putin's bounty on our troops. you do know, we have a name - a dollar amt ($100K per dead troop) & hard copy wire transfers to an afghani bank.

all donny does is cry 'hoax' instead of stepping up & doing what he is supposta do.

hmmmm... why is that?

Your buddy Shifty Shit knew about the bounties back in February yet chose to keep his mouth shut about em.

lol!!!!!!!!!! an article by the federalist does not equate to unbiased facts.

uh - do you know what PDB means?

PRESIDENTIAL daily briefings.

oh yaaaaaaa.............. adam schiff is not the PRESIDENT, thereby can NOT do anything no matter what.

doy doy doy. stop trying to shift blame -the buck stops at yer chosen one's cheeto dusted finger tips; where he had the RESPONSIBILITY & the 'power' to do what needs to be done. not the chair of the house intel committee.

your reply to justify donny's incompetency & spewing that it's a 'hoax':

View attachment 360002

The house intelligence committee withheld the information.

Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?

Yeah part time jobs really boosted Americans.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Playtime? If Trump does win...then you lose. If Biden wins...then you lose AGAIN because the Democrats have zero solutions to fixing economies...improving race relations...insuring law and order and solving the immigration problem...something that will quickly become apparent!

So have "fun" watching either of those scenarios play out!

biden isn't the best choice, no arguement there. BUT trump has proven that he is as incompetent as many feared. he can't hang onto anybody worth a damn & hasta keep recycling the same old anklegrabbers with no soul & place them into positions they are not qualified for.

AND biden isn't a sociopathatic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development & a syphilitic brain, in posession of the nuclear code.

donny is also doing ZERO in the way of finding out about putin's bounty on our troops. you do know, we have a name - a dollar amt ($100K per dead troop) & hard copy wire transfers to an afghani bank.

all donny does is cry 'hoax' instead of stepping up & doing what he is supposta do.

hmmmm... why is that?

Your buddy Shifty Shit knew about the bounties back in February yet chose to keep his mouth shut about em.

& whatever intel he DID know about - - - he had to keep his mouth shut because

A) he is sworn to keep classified materials secret.

B) has zero authority to DO anything.

doy doy fucking DOY.

So he was hiding intel from the president just as I said.
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must eat one heck of big breakfast, Playtime...I just played a round of golf and you're STILL hiding? It's pathetic that when challenged to name just one Obama economic policy that grew the economy that you can't respond! Yet you want the number 2 guy in the most economics challenged administration I've ever seen run the country at this crucial point?
Last edited:
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

a 43 sec sound bite from a biased site?

fox nation???????????

oh please.

where's diamond & silk?

A 43 second sound bite of Barack Obama sheepishly admitting that his promises of shovel ready jobs failed miserably! Did you want to claim otherwise?

what came b4 that & what was said after? CONtext means everything.

Did you want to show how what came before or after that Obama comment in any way changes what he admitted?

I'm still waiting for just ONE Obama economic policy that grew the economy, Playtime and you've failed to provide it! Instead you're blathering about "diamond & silk"? You really can't come up with one...can you?

i do wanna hear what was said before that 43 seconds AND after. like i said & read very slowly............

CONTEXT is everything. but the onus of linking the unedited video is on YOU.

of course i'll bring up diamond & silk - because any 'news' station/program/network that features them is not worthy of consideration as being credible. you are giving me a teeny snippet of a video when i just got thru saying that i don't believe anything that comes from an edited video or sound bite without context.

why you do says more about -y-o-u than you know. obama made mistakes, & i said the shovel ready jobs helped somewhat - but didn't go far enough. of course with a (R) CONgress & its leader saying their #1 job was to make obama a one term prez didn't help the country much.

my family faired really well thru obama's presidency, much much better than donny's. so there is that.
Last edited:
See that right there is the problem with trolls like Playtime! When you really hold their feet to the fire and ask them to back up their propaganda with real facts...they don't have a response other than to hurl insults and then run.

uh-huh ... you learned the art of projection from yer chosen one quite well, grasshoppa!

trolls give 43 second video soundbites with no context to try to seal the deal on their point.

real posters give credible unbiased links stating facts & figures AND with proper sourcing.

lol... we know who the troll is alright.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?
Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His lack of a coherent policy to grow the economy and create jobs was so bad that two years into his first term in office his Administration basically stopped trying! The only things that kept his economic numbers from being historically bad was the GOP taking back control of the Senate so that he couldn't pass more jobs killing legislation like Cap & Trade and an oil and natural gas boom created by fracking advances that he actively opposed!

Obama’s Final Numbers

Statistical indicators of President Obama's eight years in office.

By Brooks Jackson
Posted on September 29, 2017 | Updated on May 22, 2020

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.2 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at the same rate as when Obama took office.


Gathering statistics is a painstaking and time-consuming job. Figures on crime, household incomes and poverty in 2016 weren’t released until September 2017, for example.
But now we have a reasonably complete statistical picture of the Obama years, which began in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and ended with the highest level of household income ever recorded.
These facts often turn out to be at odds with the impressions created by candidates who, for example, claimed wages and incomes were stagnant when in fact they were rising. The facts also can conflict with impressions created by news media reporting dramatic but untypical events. Despite nonstop coverage of several mass shootings, for example, the murder rate was going down for most of the Obama years, hitting the lowest ever recorded in 2014.
Obama's Final Numbers

Did you want to take a crack at telling us what Obama economic policy it was that caused the great economic "surge" that you credit him with, Playtime? Or are you going to quote misleading statistics? The FACT is that the American economy rebounded despite having a President that was awful when it came to the economy and job creation! The FACT is that after Larry Summer's foray into Keynesian policy at the start of the Obama Administration failed so miserably most Americans can't name who Barack Obama's economic advisors were from that point on because they took such a back seat in policy priority! You use statistics to hide the truth, Playtime! Then when someone asks you to back up those statistics you always run away.

them thar stats are facts deary. we were bleeding hundreds of thousands of jobs for months b4 obama got into office. his shovel ready jobs helped somewhat. but lest ye ferget - the (R) congress wanted the 'job creaters' to also a tax break along with allowing further unemployment bennies to be extended & they did nothing that they said they needed to do to get people back to work.

but hey! donny's bigcorp tax cut helped right??????????? a permanent cut whilst worker bees got a temporary one. that's gonna come back & bite all of us in the butt.

their one time bonus' didn't mean much when prices have risen & the vast majority of that cut went to stock buybacks.

i also see where you are deflecting to obama to take the heat off of donny.

you fail.

The best you can come up with are his "shovel ready" jobs? Did you forget that even Barry himself admitted that was a huge failure? Come on, Playtime! You claim Obama was a success with the economy! Show me HOW!

lol ... i am not an expert, sweety. stop deflecting.

facts be facts & i can't help you if you refuse to accept truth. most deplorables can't. anyhoo, will you be saying that obama is coming for yer guns too?


No President Trump, Obama’s Economic Recovery Was Not A Con Job

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies. | Markets Insider
Trump policies are better for the economy short term and long term

and not depending on china for our drug supply is a no-brainer


wanting to strip 20 millon people of their healthcare in the middle of a fucking pandemic?

stripping environmental protections for clean air, water, & soil?
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must eat one heck of big breakfast, Playtime...I just played a round of golf and you're STILL hiding? It's pathetic that when challenged to name just one Obama economic policy that grew the economy that you can't respond! Yet you want the number 2 guy in the most economics challenged administration I've ever seen run the country at this crucial point?

uh - i have a life. i had breakfast... took a shower ... did some housework ... went grocery shopping ... went for a walk in the forest that abuts my property...

lol. btw, anyway you slice it & dice it, obama brought the numbers down. you can't lie yer way outa that.

here's some more reading, troll.

Editors' Pick|Feb 17, 2020,04:23pm EST
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth
Chuck JonesSenior Contributor
I cover technology companies, worldwide economies and the stock market

Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Playtime? If Trump does win...then you lose. If Biden wins...then you lose AGAIN because the Democrats have zero solutions to fixing economies...improving race relations...insuring law and order and solving the immigration problem...something that will quickly become apparent!

So have "fun" watching either of those scenarios play out!

biden isn't the best choice, no arguement there. BUT trump has proven that he is as incompetent as many feared. he can't hang onto anybody worth a damn & hasta keep recycling the same old anklegrabbers with no soul & place them into positions they are not qualified for.

AND biden isn't a sociopathatic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development & a syphilitic brain, in posession of the nuclear code.

donny is also doing ZERO in the way of finding out about putin's bounty on our troops. you do know, we have a name - a dollar amt ($100K per dead troop) & hard copy wire transfers to an afghani bank.

all donny does is cry 'hoax' instead of stepping up & doing what he is supposta do.

hmmmm... why is that?

Your buddy Shifty Shit knew about the bounties back in February yet chose to keep his mouth shut about em.

lol!!!!!!!!!! an article by the federalist does not equate to unbiased facts.

uh - do you know what PDB means?

PRESIDENTIAL daily briefings.

oh yaaaaaaa.............. adam schiff is not the PRESIDENT, thereby can NOT do anything no matter what.

doy doy doy. stop trying to shift blame -the buck stops at yer chosen one's cheeto dusted finger tips; where he had the RESPONSIBILITY & the 'power' to do what needs to be done. not the chair of the house intel committee.

your reply to justify donny's incompetency & spewing that it's a 'hoax':

View attachment 360002

The house intelligence committee withheld the information.

uh - your links really aren't helping you. whatever intel was received in febuary, it was sketchy, had no back up evidence & the white house also had the same intel at the same time. adam schiff has no authority to do anything in that regard & the congress critters from the respective intel chairs - including (R) senator burr also didn't 'do anything' or share that intel.

but you seem to be distracted from the real point.

donny knew. & he's not doing a damn thing about it.
Best unemployment #'s in decades and a rising economy.
Yeah that sure sucks.
This is why I dont take you clowns seriously.

you mean the 10% unemployment rate that obama inherited from another incompetent president, & cut it in 1/2 to 5% despite having a (R) majority CONgress for 6 of the 8 years of his administration - - - then donny piggybacked off of that & only reuced it by +/- 1.5% despite having a (R) CONgress for 1/2 the time he was in office?

Yeah part time jobs really boosted Americans.

blame bigcorp. THEY are the ( as paul ryan called them ) job creators. they were supposta do just that after whining that their bush tax cuts were gonna sunset... & in order to get an 18 month extension of unemployment bennies for those whose jobs were gone thanx to W..... they got to get 2 more years of cuts. & why the real welfare queens hire full time workers - paying a decent wage & providing health ins. when the gov'ment will do it for them?
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Playtime? If Trump does win...then you lose. If Biden wins...then you lose AGAIN because the Democrats have zero solutions to fixing economies...improving race relations...insuring law and order and solving the immigration problem...something that will quickly become apparent!

So have "fun" watching either of those scenarios play out!

biden isn't the best choice, no arguement there. BUT trump has proven that he is as incompetent as many feared. he can't hang onto anybody worth a damn & hasta keep recycling the same old anklegrabbers with no soul & place them into positions they are not qualified for.

AND biden isn't a sociopathatic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development & a syphilitic brain, in posession of the nuclear code.

donny is also doing ZERO in the way of finding out about putin's bounty on our troops. you do know, we have a name - a dollar amt ($100K per dead troop) & hard copy wire transfers to an afghani bank.

all donny does is cry 'hoax' instead of stepping up & doing what he is supposta do.

hmmmm... why is that?

Your buddy Shifty Shit knew about the bounties back in February yet chose to keep his mouth shut about em.

& whatever intel he DID know about - - - he had to keep his mouth shut because

A) he is sworn to keep classified materials secret.

B) has zero authority to DO anything.

doy doy fucking DOY.

So he was hiding intel from the president just as I said.

did you even read yer own links? the WHITEHOUSE & NSC also knew back in feb.

but THEY are donny's underlings tasked with giving him the intel. not adam schiff or anybody from congress. god damn how stupid can you be?
When those that voted For Trump in 2016 say they won't vote for him again it spreads like fire.
Especially in Florida.

Voters will check for the other guy. Joe Biden.
I guess they took a chance and all went to hell. At least they say it.
I believe that's called coming to your senses.

“We’ve got to get a new guy. Our President is erratic,” he explained, adding, “All he’s succeeded in doing is juicing up the stock market. Now that’s gone to pot because of the coronavirus.”

"The retired banker’s comments were echoed by Marsha Lundh, 77., who said she plans to vote for former Vice President Joe Biden."
“I hoped that I would be wrong in not voting for him and that he would turn out to be a great president, but it didn’t happen,” she explained. “Everything could have been handled better and should have been handled better. Now is a chance to change things.”

Yep, in 2016 those people voted to fuck wetbacks over, they voted for deregulation, lower taxes, for America First, against an illegal healthcare mandate etc etc and in 2020 they will vote for....free shit for Mexico’s rejects, Make America California / Mexico, hate whitey, higher taxes, lawlessness, George Floyd was an amazing human being, Blacks are America’s greatest asset, glamorization of pole puffing and rug munching, normalization of chicks with dicks...etc etc
There was a time when the duopoly had very similar platforms, they were separated by minor issues and policies....Not the case anymore.
Face it, you twisted pukes are FUCKED again.
well, there is the

Lincoln Project
Republican Voters Against Trump

so why not them? if FLA goes to biden, then that will be icing on the cake.

How many times do you have to be told!!!
We hate RINO's as much as we hate the left.

how many times do YOU hafta be told that being a
partisan stooge,
towing the party line,
putting party over country is no way to go thru life, son.
Notice how angry he is. Pent up anger. Losing is hard to do.

they are either seeing the writing on the wall - or in such denial, they refuse to even fathom donny losing.

either way - it's fun to watch.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Playtime? If Trump does win...then you lose. If Biden wins...then you lose AGAIN because the Democrats have zero solutions to fixing economies...improving race relations...insuring law and order and solving the immigration problem...something that will quickly become apparent!

So have "fun" watching either of those scenarios play out!

biden isn't the best choice, no arguement there. BUT trump has proven that he is as incompetent as many feared. he can't hang onto anybody worth a damn & hasta keep recycling the same old anklegrabbers with no soul & place them into positions they are not qualified for.

AND biden isn't a sociopathatic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development & a syphilitic brain, in posession of the nuclear code.

donny is also doing ZERO in the way of finding out about putin's bounty on our troops. you do know, we have a name - a dollar amt ($100K per dead troop) & hard copy wire transfers to an afghani bank.

all donny does is cry 'hoax' instead of stepping up & doing what he is supposta do.

hmmmm... why is that?

Your buddy Shifty Shit knew about the bounties back in February yet chose to keep his mouth shut about em.

lol!!!!!!!!!! an article by the federalist does not equate to unbiased facts.

uh - do you know what PDB means?

PRESIDENTIAL daily briefings.

oh yaaaaaaa.............. adam schiff is not the PRESIDENT, thereby can NOT do anything no matter what.

doy doy doy. stop trying to shift blame -the buck stops at yer chosen one's cheeto dusted finger tips; where he had the RESPONSIBILITY & the 'power' to do what needs to be done. not the chair of the house intel committee.

your reply to justify donny's incompetency & spewing that it's a 'hoax':

View attachment 360002

The house intelligence committee withheld the information.

uh - your links really aren't helping you. whatever intel was received in febuary, it was sketchy, had no back up evidence & the white house also had the same intel at the same time. adam schiff has no authority to do anything in that regard & the congress critters from the respective intel chairs - including (R) senator burr also didn't 'do anything' or share that intel.

but you seem to be distracted from the real point.

donny knew. & he's not doing a damn thing about it.

Yet the House intelligence committee decided it was their call as to whether to tell the president.
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must eat one heck of big breakfast, Playtime...I just played a round of golf and you're STILL hiding? It's pathetic that when challenged to name just one Obama economic policy that grew the economy that you can't respond! Yet you want the number 2 guy in the most economics challenged administration I've ever seen run the country at this crucial point?

uh - i have a life. i had breakfast... took a shower ... did some housework ... went grocery shopping ... went for a walk in the forest that abuts my property...

lol. btw, anyway you slice it & dice it, obama brought the numbers down. you can't lie yer way outa that.

here's some more reading, troll.

Editors' Pick|Feb 17, 2020,04:23pm EST
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth
Chuck JonesSenior Contributor
I cover technology companies, worldwide economies and the stock market

Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth

You keep making that claim, Playtime...but whenever I ask you what Obama economic policy it was that grew the economy and created jobs...you can't answer me. Admit it...the reason you CAN'T is because Barry was terrible when it came to economics! Once Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs at Berkeley and Harvard the Obama Administration basically stopped trying to come up with economic stimulus. Their little experiment in Keynesian government spending did so badly at creating jobs that Obama couldn't even get Democrats to back another huge stimulus patterned after the first!
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must eat one heck of big breakfast, Playtime...I just played a round of golf and you're STILL hiding? It's pathetic that when challenged to name just one Obama economic policy that grew the economy that you can't respond! Yet you want the number 2 guy in the most economics challenged administration I've ever seen run the country at this crucial point?

uh - i have a life. i had breakfast... took a shower ... did some housework ... went grocery shopping ... went for a walk in the forest that abuts my property...

lol. btw, anyway you slice it & dice it, obama brought the numbers down. you can't lie yer way outa that.

here's some more reading, troll.

Editors' Pick|Feb 17, 2020,04:23pm EST
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth
Chuck JonesSenior Contributor
I cover technology companies, worldwide economies and the stock market

Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth

You keep making that claim, Playtime...but whenever I ask you what Obama economic policy it was that grew the economy and created jobs...you can't answer me. Admit it...the reason you CAN'T is because Barry was terrible when it came to economics! Once Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs at Berkeley and Harvard the Obama Administration basically stopped trying to come up with economic stimulus. Their little experiment in Keynesian government spending did so badly at creating jobs that Obama couldn't even get Democrats to back another huge stimulus patterned after the first!

i am not an economics expert - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... every credible link i gave you says otherwise. i refer to those who actually know wtf they are talking about.

unlike yer chosen one - who had several bankruptcies & many failed biz'nez's - but because he has made boku bucks from ripping people off & selling snake oil, thinks that his 1.5% reduction in the unemployment rate actually means more than what the experts have said & uh - figures & stats don't lie.

good god man - you are in deep with your belief that donny is da man.
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oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must eat one heck of big breakfast, Playtime...I just played a round of golf and you're STILL hiding? It's pathetic that when challenged to name just one Obama economic policy that grew the economy that you can't respond! Yet you want the number 2 guy in the most economics challenged administration I've ever seen run the country at this crucial point?

uh - i have a life. i had breakfast... took a shower ... did some housework ... went grocery shopping ... went for a walk in the forest that abuts my property...

lol. btw, anyway you slice it & dice it, obama brought the numbers down. you can't lie yer way outa that.

here's some more reading, troll.

Editors' Pick|Feb 17, 2020,04:23pm EST
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth
Chuck JonesSenior Contributor
I cover technology companies, worldwide economies and the stock market

Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth

You keep making that claim, Playtime...but whenever I ask you what Obama economic policy it was that grew the economy and created jobs...you can't answer me. Admit it...the reason you CAN'T is because Barry was terrible when it came to economics! Once Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs at Berkeley and Harvard the Obama Administration basically stopped trying to come up with economic stimulus. Their little experiment in Keynesian government spending did so badly at creating jobs that Obama couldn't even get Democrats to back another huge stimulus patterned after the first!

i am not an economics expert - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... every credible link i gave you says otherwise. i refer to those who actually know wtf they are talking about/

unlike yer chosen one - who had several bankruptcies & , many failed biz'nez's - but has made boku bucks from ripping people off & selling snake oil, thinks that his 1.5% reduction in the unemployment rate actually means more than what the experts are saying & uh - figures & stats don't lie.

good god man - you are in deep with your belief that donny is da man.

You keep giving me the same thing, Playfair! I ask you to name an Obama economic policy that grew the economy and created jobs and you give me statistics that DO lie! Yes, the US economy did grow during the Obama Administration but that growth had nothing to do with Barry's stewardship any more than the increase in oil and natural gas production during his administration was due to his policies regarding fossil fuels! Once again...NAME AN OBAMA ECONOMY POLICY THAT GREW THE ECONOMY AND CREATED JOBS!!!

You are right about one thing...you're NOT an economics expert! You have that in common with Barrack Obama, Joe Biden and most Democrats! Donald Trump actually is. It was his major in college. Growing businesses and creating jobs is what he's done his entire life. The reason that the US economy was record breaking BEFORE the Covid 19 virus shut everything down is because of the Trump policies that spurred growth and created jobs!
oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna go have my breakfast now - it must be from running away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must eat one heck of big breakfast, Playtime...I just played a round of golf and you're STILL hiding? It's pathetic that when challenged to name just one Obama economic policy that grew the economy that you can't respond! Yet you want the number 2 guy in the most economics challenged administration I've ever seen run the country at this crucial point?

uh - i have a life. i had breakfast... took a shower ... did some housework ... went grocery shopping ... went for a walk in the forest that abuts my property...

lol. btw, anyway you slice it & dice it, obama brought the numbers down. you can't lie yer way outa that.

here's some more reading, troll.

Editors' Pick|Feb 17, 2020,04:23pm EST
Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth
Chuck JonesSenior Contributor
I cover technology companies, worldwide economies and the stock market

Obama’s 2009 Recovery Act Kicked Off Over 10 Years Of Economic Growth

You keep making that claim, Playtime...but whenever I ask you what Obama economic policy it was that grew the economy and created jobs...you can't answer me. Admit it...the reason you CAN'T is because Barry was terrible when it came to economics! Once Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship and ran back to their tenured jobs at Berkeley and Harvard the Obama Administration basically stopped trying to come up with economic stimulus. Their little experiment in Keynesian government spending did so badly at creating jobs that Obama couldn't even get Democrats to back another huge stimulus patterned after the first!

i am not an economics expert - howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... every credible link i gave you says otherwise. i refer to those who actually know wtf they are talking about/

unlike yer chosen one - who had several bankruptcies & , many failed biz'nez's - but has made boku bucks from ripping people off & selling snake oil, thinks that his 1.5% reduction in the unemployment rate actually means more than what the experts are saying & uh - figures & stats don't lie.

good god man - you are in deep with your belief that donny is da man.

You keep giving me the same thing, Playfair! I ask you to name an Obama economic policy that grew the economy and created jobs and you give me statistics that DO lie! Yes, the US economy did grow during the Obama Administration but that growth had nothing to do with Barry's stewardship any more than the increase in oil and natural gas production during his administration was due to his policies regarding fossil fuels! Once again...NAME AN OBAMA ECONOMY POLICY THAT GREW THE ECONOMY AND CREATED JOBS!!!

You are right about one thing...you're NOT an economics expert! You have that in common with Barrack Obama, Joe Biden and most Democrats! Donald Trump actually is. It was his major in college. Growing businesses and creating jobs is what he's done his entire life. The reason that the US economy was record breaking BEFORE the Covid 19 virus shut everything down is because of the Trump policies that spurred growth and created jobs!

So now your only response to that question is to award me "Funny" icons? How pathetic...

If you don't have the chops to argue your viewpoints...why make them?

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