Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Do you really believe that making Disney obey the same laws and regulations as every other large company in the state punishing them? It looks to me like the state is finally treating Disney fairly.

Then what the State should've done is say that. Come out and say that the agreement is being done away with because it's not fair. I would respect that. But the State has said they're doing it because of Disney's opposition to the new law, and I just have a hard time swallowing that particular pill...

Walt worked out a great deal when he negotiated placing Disney World there. He could just as easily put it in Arizona or Texas which also have good year-round weather.

Disneyland was already in California. No way he would've put Disney World in Arizona.

The idea was to have a theme park on each coast...
Which is why you never use government to dole out favors, because strings are attached....ALWAYS....and the government ALWAYS wins.
Walt didn't get favors from Florida and the local governments, he extorted special privileges from them which are now being revoked, Walt would be horrified with what his company has been turned into. He was ultra conservative to the point that in the seventies and eighties facial hair was banned from employees.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Disney should shut down for a few weeks and just lay off all their Florida workers, pointing out that Governor DeathSantis is causing them to reevaluate their FLorida park.
Just heard it on the radio. There are estimates that this will cost Disney up to $200 million per year.

Not to mention they're going to have to apply for a permit for absolutely everything now. Bye-bye to the days where they can just pop up a building or add a bunch of wild animals to a property without a permit. Nightly fireworks? They're going to be paying out the ass for that permit.
If Disney goes elsewhere (and I'm sure lots of other states would welcome them) how much would it cost Florida per year?
Disney should shut down for a few weeks and just lay off all their Florida workers, pointing out that Governor DeathSantis is causing them to reevaluate their FLorida park.
Great idea, pushing the working folks to throw a temper tantrum.

Typical Dimtard reaction.
If Disney goes elsewhere (and I'm sure lots of other states would welcome them) how much would it cost Florida per year?

Difficult to say ... :dunno:

Is Disney going to take everything on site with them?
Is Disney going to sell the park to other investors?

Will the State of Florida join with a private entity and split the profits
with whoever buys what Disney may want to sell when they move?

That's just three questions and I can assure you that many more have been asked with a plethora of outcomes.
For all anyone knows for sure ... Elon Musk may come in, bulldoze the whole place and build a facility there.

Read up on this. Accelerated Learning owned by Carlisle group only books accepted. Younkin worked for Carlisle group for approximately 28 years before he resigned to run for Governor of VA. Anything there? Maybe or maybe not.
Jeebus. That's a tiny little electron in a tiny little atom in the huge mass of water that constitutes the tip of the iceberg.

Our educational system is CORRUPT, it's full of nepotism, pay to play, graft... don't even start me, it'll be a long rant.

Look, I'm a parent, I never paid "much" attention to school curriculum until a few years ago, because of some unrelated circumstances. I just kind of trusted the schools to do the right thing, after all, they teach to standards and etc

I tell you, I was shocked - SHOCKED! - to learn the truth. Our educational system is a cesspool of every form of special interest there is, trying to feed off public money.
Disney should shut down for a few weeks and just lay off all their Florida workers, pointing out that Governor DeathSantis is causing them to reevaluate their FLorida park.

That would likely get the point across.

Disney World is the largest single site employer in the country. They employ over 77,000 people in the Orlando area. Any protracted shutdown there would have severe ramifications...
Disney should shut down for a few weeks and just lay off all their Florida workers, pointing out that Governor DeathSantis is causing them to reevaluate their FLorida park.

You do realize Disney is very authoritarian in their hiring practices, don't you?

You can be gay, that's okay.

But you "may not" have facial hair.

Because children don't like facial hair.

That's been their excuse for at least SIXTY years
Disney should shut down for a few weeks and just lay off all their Florida workers, pointing out that Governor DeathSantis is causing them to reevaluate their FLorida park.

Trying to pick a fight with the Florida State Legislature over Legislation is what landed them in this mess to start with.
Your idea that Disney should screw over a few more people in the process of playing games is interesting though.

Disney is a company and can make their own call based on their business model. You want BIG government con-trolling them, don't you?
Never said they couldn't make decisions, just pointing out you are advocating punishing the working folks over a temper tantrum, Dumbass.

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