Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Disney was getting a sweetheart deal from Disney, make no mistake about that.
Again, I will say it, Actions have consequences.
Disney should have just kept the yaps under raps. Common sense should have prevailed, but in a 'woke' society
that wasn't the case.
Right. And this is where corporatist government is taking us. They want us all dependent on government for perks and benes so, when they say jump, all we say is "how high?"
If that was the case it would be illegal for income tax breaks for people with kids or homes or for going to college.
Yep. The whole mess smacks of it. People don't want to let go of it, because they usually manage to convince themselves that they're coming out ahead, that they're getting one over on the other guy. But that's delusional. We all suffer when equal protection of the law is undermined.
Just heard it on the radio. There are estimates that this will cost Disney up to $200 million per year.

Not to mention they're going to have to apply for a permit for absolutely everything now. Bye-bye to the days where they can just pop up a building or add a bunch of wild animals to a property without a permit. Nightly fireworks? They're going to be paying out the ass for that permit.
Might cost them a little but most of central Florida is going to suffer when they have to take over the 1 billion dollar bond of Disney not to mention the much higher taxes the population in that area are going to pay. They have a until mid 2023 to think about that, when the current agreement expires.
DeSantis is sending a message to everyone in the state, toe the line or be punished.
That is correct

It's a good message too

Keep your grubby paws off my kids or be punished.

It's the same message I've been putting on this forum during my brief tenure here.

Look um ... I like to make an impact when I first arrive. Bare some fangs if needed, so the message gets noted. Yesterday I saw a mod tearing his hair out though, and that's not the desired result, so I'm going to tone it down and be a better citizen. (Now that my message has been delivered lol).

But that doesn't change the message, it remains the same. Lefties are over the top pushing alternate lifestyles on children. And over the top actions sometimes require over the top reactions.

We've been working quietly for quite a while now, I'm the first one to go pseudo-public and it's for an unrelated reason

But this lefty BS about "it's hatred and bigotry" isn't going to fly anymore.

No. It's not. No one hates gays or trannies. But everyone loves children.

It's all about protecting the children.

It's not about bigotry, it's just about requiring that people adhere to "human" social norms. You don't mess with the kids, you don't do that.

I think de Santis is sending a good message. It:s about damn time someone did
Might cost them a little but most of central Florida is going to suffer when they have to take over the 1 billion dollar bond of Disney not to mention the much higher taxes the population in that area are going to pay. They have a until mid 2023 to think about that, when the current agreement expires.
Wrong. The state will now tax what Disney was taxing and spending.

Disney will now pay those taxes to the state instead of to Disney.
Right. And this is where corporatist government is taking us. They want us all dependent on government for perks and benes so, when they say jump, all we say is "how high?"

I would be happy to see them all go away, but as long as the rules are the way they are there is nothing illegal with it happening.
Wrong. The state will now tax what Disney was taxing and spending.

Disney will now pay those taxes to the state instead of to Disney.

And they will now have to provide all those services Disney was providing themselves.

What are the changes the state can do it as well as Disney?

First, I am in complete agreement with the legislation which keeps teachers from talking to young kids about sexual identity issues. That shouldn't happen.

I don't know how comfortable I am with the State punishing Disney for their opposition to that legislation, though. Unless there's something in Disney's current agreements with the State which would allow them to ignore that legislation (and I don't think there is), I just don't see the reason to punish them.

I'll admit to not being fully versed on this issue so, if I'm missing something, please tell me. But I just think it's wrong to punish someone simply because they have a different opinion...
There current agreement expires next year. But you are right.
Or not pay for shit but just collect more taxes from the sonofabitches.

Fuck Disney.
Nope, the money collected by Disney will just get reallocated. That's more than quarter BILLION dollars this year. Plus, now you will see tourism taxes tacked on just like Anaheim and Buena Park do for hotels and services around Disneyland.
There were no handouts, there was an arrangement that benefited both the state and the business. It was not stopped due to "handouts" it was stopped because the business had the audacity to publicly disagree with the governor of the state.

And the people who claim to be Conservatives fully support the government punishing peaceful dissent
What are you talking about?

Grooming is not dissent

Disney jumped in on the side of the groomers, because they suffer from the leftTARD delusion that not doing so indicates bigotry.

They were corrected. Slapped down for their stupidity.

Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status​

Does Disney pay for the highway upkeep, cops, firefighters, etc in their "Zone"?

Who takes over paying for all that now that Disney no longer has self-governing power?
Looks like they can petition the government for services, just like all the other good citizens in unincorporated areas.
Well, that's the question, isn't it. Buying the equipment from Disney is likely faster and cheaper than sourcing new. As far as the personnel, that remains to be seen. Depends on pay and bennies would be my guess. That's still a shit ton of money for the counties to absorb.

And it is still possible that Disney looks at the bottom line and decides they can make that money elsewhere and close the park, cratering Central Florida's economy.
Good luck on that one. A amusement park needs good year round weather. That means the Southwest, essentially Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. None of which don't have the water to spare for Disney to waste in an amusement park.
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What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

The reprehensible right’s war on gay and transgender Americans continues.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

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