Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

I said the state would come out worse off, not that they would go without.

I do not have faith in the state Govt to be able to do the things Disney did as effectively for the same price as Disney did them.
And you have failed to provide evidence of how the state would come out worse. Your opinion means nothing.

Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status​

Does Disney pay for the highway upkeep, cops, firefighters, etc in their "Zone"?

Who takes over paying for all that now that Disney no longer has self-governing power?
Orange County and they will tax the shit out of Disney to get the money.

Disney is fucked and they know it. Estimates is that it will cost them over $200 million a year.
I see it less about silencing dissent generally, and more a matter of pure political retribution. Just like Trump "going after" the social media companies that refused to host him. There's no ideology at work here. Nothing to do with rights or justice. Just payback. Disney talked back to Desantis and he's slapping them down.
Orange County and they will tax the shit out of Disney to get the money.

Disney is fucked and they know it. Estimates is that it will cost them over $200 million a year.

So odd that you think they were not already taxing the shit out of Disney.

So they will rise the price of their tickets by 5 bucks and come out ahead.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield


DeSantis is AWESOME!

He's another Trump


Orange County and they will tax the shit out of Disney to get the money.

Disney is fucked and they know it. Estimates is that it will cost them over $200 million a year.
I think just the first two words of your post was fine. I asked who is picking up the tab? You said "Orange County". I got my answer.

Sucks for the folks who live in Orange County I guess.
I do not have a side of the isle and I am pissed when both sides do it.

Why are you not the same? Why is silencing dissent good in your world?

Then let the parents punish Disney, let them punish Disney by not giving them their money. If enough parents truly care then Disney will get the message.
I do not have a side of the isle

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Is there any logical reason in the world for a multi billion dollar corporation like Disney to have a special tax privilege not to mention self governing like a separate state? Florida should have done it a long time ago.
Is there any logical reason in the world for a multi billion dollar corporation like Disney to have a special tax privilege not to mention self governing like a separate state? Florida should have done it a long time ago.

And why didn't they, do you suppose? Why now?
Actions has consequences, GG.
It's a very simple concept.

I guess DeSantis is pissed at all the perks that were afforded to Disney, and then Disney pulls
a hot topic stunt as they did.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Disney was expressing an opinion…as it had every right to. That did not used to get political retaliation. Boycotts? Sure. That is the American way. But legislative vengeance or punishment…don’t you think that is a dangerous precedent?

…in terms of biting the hand that feeds you…Disney is Florida’s biggest employer and provided 5 billion in tax revenue to Florida. It is the biggest driver of tourism in that state. Who is feeding whom?
On the flip side they could drag this through court for years, in the interim, taking a very strong interest in insuring none of the politicians are re-elected.

Additionally this sends a strong signal to business. Don't come to Florida.
On what grounds will it go to court?

Florida granted special privileges to Disney at the discretion of Florida. Florida just ended those privileges.
Is there any logical reason in the world for a multi billion dollar corporation like Disney to have a special tax privilege not to mention self governing like a separate state? Florida should have done it a long time ago.

It is an arrangement that benefits both the state and the business. Same reason there are these same types of areas all over the country.
It is about more than just Disney.

It is a message to every business, never disagree with the state or be punished.
Or maybe, don't side with perverts who want to teach kindergartners about sex when you have a sweetheart deal from the state you are attacking.

Now Disney will be treated like every other corporation in Florida. Seems fair to me.

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