Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

That comment didn’t make sense? You mean to the state? That is prime land and 1,500 persons are moving to Fla daily. They can easily build high end condos, homes, apartment buildings there and where would Disney go? Florida is a prime location due to weather. People are actually moving out of Cali and they already have a location there? The shareholders would not be happy if Disney moved and how does it make logical sense for their C-Level
Team and BOD to alienate half the country and lose that revenue potentially? Stupid business decision for some woke ideology.

I agree they wont move, but the idea that people want them to leave it ridiculous. Those people are as short sighted as those cheering for this bill. The sponsor of the bill admitted it was done because Disney criticized their law. That is a blatant attack on the 1st amendment and all the people on the right are cheering for it. You all should be careful what you ask for, once the door is open there is no closing it again.
I agree they wont move, but the idea that people want them to leave it ridiculous. Those people are as short sighted as those cheering for this bill. The sponsor of the bill admitted it was done because Disney criticized their law. That is a blatant attack on the 1st amendment and all the people on the right are cheering for it. You all should be careful what you ask for, once the door is open there is no closing it again.
I am not asking for anything other than asking you how it makes sense for their C-level team to potentially alienate half the country? When journalists asked Michael Jordan to take a political stance, he famously said that “Republicans buy sneakers too”. Well Republicans and right leaning Independents like theme parks too but if Disney wants to alienate them then they lose out on that revenue and that to me is a stupid business decision. Do you agree or disagree?
I am not asking for anything other than asking you how it makes sense for their C-level team to potentially alienate half the country? When journalists asked Michael Jordan to take a political stance, he famously said that “Republicans buy sneakers too”. Well Republicans and right leaning Independents like theme parks too but if Disney wants to alienate them then they lose out on that revenue and that to me is a stupid business decision. Do you agree or disagree?

I do agree, but I also think they should be free to do this if they wish. This thread is not about them making a bad business decision, it is about the state openly and proudly punishing them for disagreeing with a new law.

But you will not address that part, almost as if you do not want to risk the ire of those on your side of the aisle.
Ya know, normally I'd say it's their right to have their opinion, it's what free speech is about, but:

The company also wields considerable influence in the state legislature, the Tallahassee Democrat reports, through its significant economic impact on the state through Walt Disney World and an extensive lobbying operation, which it’s likely to flex if Republicans start taking action against it.

Considering that if Disney does indeed have considerable influence on the state legislatures, then that changes things.

Imagine if "conservative mega Corp" had that kind of influence over a state government, and they decided to take a stance on an abortion bill, there would be a many irate democrats, right?
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Time to throw them out. The property is worth Billions and there are at least three other major amusement venues that could possibly take it over to run it or turn it into affordable housing complexes....lefty is always stumping for the homeless no? Here's their chance to make it real.

Poor little stolen valor bitch gets mad when his bullshit is called out. Cry harder.

Mad? Silly little child, you are good entertainment in the mornings. I have not had a puppy following me around in a while.
Ya know, normally I'd say it's their right to have their opinion, it's what free speech is about, but:

Considering that if Disney does indeed have considerable influence on the state legislatures, then that changes things.

Imagine if "conservative mega Corp" had that kind of influence over a state government, and they decided to take a stance on an abortion bill, there would be a many irate democrats, right?

If a state punished a Corp for their opinion of an abortion bill, would you be on board with that?
Time to throw them out. The property is worth Billions and there are at least three other major amusement venues that could possibly take it over to run it or turn it into affordable housing complexes....lefty is always stumping for the homeless no? Here's their chance to make it real.

Eh, I wouldn't go that far. Maybe take away some of their power and influence, but Disney is the driving force of tourism in the area.
Eh, I wouldn't go that far. Maybe take away some of their power and influence, but Disney is the driving force of tourism in the area.

400,000 jobs and 75 billion in revenue is tied to Disney.
I do agree, but I also think they should be free to do this if they wish. This thread is not about them making a bad business decision, it is about the state openly and proudly punishing them for disagreeing with a new law.

But you will not address that part, almost as if you do not want to risk the ire of those on your side of the aisle.
Who is “them”? The C level executives? The shareholders? The employees? Who is the State punishing? Please elaborate.
Mad? Silly little child, you are good entertainment in the mornings. I have not had a puppy following me around in a while.
Keep your perverted fantasies to yourself asshole. Nobody wants to hear about your weird fantasies. Then again, you’re crying about not teaching kids sexual stuff at age 5.....
Who is “them”? The C level executives? The shareholders? The employees? Who is the State punishing? Please elaborate.

The company. This is not hard, but I get why you cannot answer. Cannot piss off your tribe.
If a state punished a Corp for their opinion of an abortion bill, would you be on board with that?
I'm not agreeing with Florida using laws to punishDisney, If that Corp had massive influence and lobbying ability to affect the laws of the state, then id be for removing that power.

Disney is apparently already stating they plan to weild that influence to change state laws. That's not acceptable, nor would it be if any right wing company did it.

FYI, I'm against lobbying of all sorts. I don't think people or corporations should be able to throw influence (money) at officials to sway their vote.
It's no big mystery:


Definition of thwart:

transitive verb

1a: to oppose successfully : defeat the hopes or aspirations of

b: to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or baffle : contravene

Disney's not in a position to do either of those...

To thwart someone does not mean that you have to achieve success ( at any level)

Disney has promised to try to thwart them with their extensive money and muscle - per their CEO.

They originally didn't express a public position (which was the correct thing to do, but it seems that Disney attracts a spectacularly high number of adults that are attracted to deviant sexual behavior and they were forced to pander.)

Recap - Disney agrees with me that they want o stop this legislation and other ones.

It is not necessary that you agree with us.
If a state punished a Corp for their opinion of an abortion bill, would you be on board with that?
How did the “state” punish a “corp”? That statement doesn’t make any sense. You mean legislators who were voted in by the people as they didn’t elect themselves decided to pass a law/rule? And how was a “corp” punished? You mean shareholders of that corp may see a drop in the value of their shares? Correct? So then the shareholders may decide if the BOD and the C-Level team is who they want running Disney. Fair or unfair? Your posts don’t make any logical sense and instead of being a grown up you ll ignore this post and give me a laughing emoji. Pretty sad.
Eh, I wouldn't go that far. Maybe take away some of their power and influence, but Disney is the driving force of tourism in the area.
Yeah I don't know too much about that.....I can see where that would be true though. Still they need to remember that they are a service for hire....not an elected body. Florida has an massive economy...the loss of Disney is not going to sink them. Let's see if Disney puts up a real stink and decides to close down.....since they are hiding behind some kind of pretend moral shield....let's see if money is more powerful than their beliefs.


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