Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

LOL wait until Florida has to start paying for all the Disney infrastructure. They will rue the day they went down this road. That is why they did this to begin with---to avoid those costs by making Disney pay them out of pocket themselves.
They have awoken the sleeping tourist loving, financially independent, global juggernaut mouse. It's a bold strategy: we'll see how the state ends up.
Bitch be spinning shit-----
For instance if one parent wants their kid to be taught by a mentally ill man in dress about how to wear makeup and dressup in your average street walker outfit, does not mean that this abusive parent has the right to tell other parents that they must allow their children to be indoctrinated and groomed as well.
The company is not speaking out. It’s some executives speaking for 1000s who disagree with them. Of course they may speak out but they have to accept pushback as well. The Left shamed Disney into this and now Disney has taken a certain stance that doesn’t sit well with many. They are never getting my business in the parks again. I am certain I am not the only person who feels that way. It doesn’t make any logical sense to alienate 50% of the country. Just remain non-political.
You think it is ok for a state to take punative measures against a company solely for speaking out against a law?
Really? Why is it you only complain when it’s Disney?
Uh. That's not even close to true. I rail about this at every opportunity. The board is littered with threads I've started on the topic.
I think the point is that if Disney wants Autonomy from Florida, they need to give the same back.
Not use their power to try to thwart a government, that they have exempted themselves from.
So, that is a “no” to free speech then.
Disney is a publically traded company----their obligation is first to shareholders not to be pushing woke bullshit to benefit the Disney families and push the gay agenda to give their hiding in the closet CEO a hard on need to globalize by indoctrinating. Their bullshit---has cost their shareholders and they should be financially responsible for their actions under SEC rules.
Disney is a publically traded company----their obligation is first to shareholders not to be pushing woke bullshit to benefit the Disney families and push the gay agenda to give their hiding in the closet CEO a hard on need to globalize by indoctrinating. Their bullshit---has cost their shareholders and they should be financially responsible for their actions under SEC rules.
They can push whatever they want, including treating gays like any other customer. It’s amazing you can’t understand that.
States rights, Dipshit.

Read the Constitution.
Which leaves open the question of where ya been all these years if Disney has been screwing over Florida.

Guess what? Millions of voters in Florida & accross this Country think more highly of Disney then that do that assclown DeSantis.

Watch & see who wins this. Like I said. Disney will be around long after Ronny Boy is out of office & he's running his piehole on Fox playng the victim of one of his scapegoats.
You think it is ok for a state to take punative measures against a company solely for speaking out against a law?
I think the State is standing up for many employees of Disney who don’t like the direction the Company is headed in. Do they have that right? I am not sure. I am not an attorney. But you didn’t address my point. How is alienating half the country good for the shareholders?
Which leaves open the question of where ya been all these years if Disney has been screwing over Florida.

Guess what? Millions of voters in Florida & accross this Country think more highly of Disney then that do that assclown DeSantis.

Watch & see who wins this. Like I said. Disney will be around long after Ronny Boy is out of office & he's running his piehole on Fox playng the victim of one of his scapegoats.
They do? And you have proof of this? And by millions do you mean more than the millions who agree with DeSantis and are flocking to Florida because of that?
Which leaves open the question of where ya been all these years if Disney has been screwing over Florida.

Guess what? Millions of voters in Florida & accross this Country think more highly of Disney then that do that assclown DeSantis.

Watch & see who wins this. Like I said. Disney will be around long after Ronny Boy is out of office & he's running his piehole on Fox playng the victim of one of his scapegoats.
I see you don't comprehend what "state's rights" means. Go get educated and then come back, Dumbass.
I think the State is standing up for many employees of Disney who don’t like the direction the Company is headed in. Do they have that right? I am not sure. I am not an attorney. But you didn’t address my point. How is alienating half the country good for the shareholders?
Any Disney employee who has a problem with their policies is free to voice their opinion with their feet & find another job.

As long as Disney isn't practisising discrimination or violating their civil rights it's none of Desantis' business. All Desantis is doing anyway is using Disney to score political points with his idiot base.
I think the State is standing up for many employees of Disney who don’t like the direction the Company is headed in. Do they have that right? I am not sure. I am not an attorney. But you didn’t address my point. How is alienating half the country good for the shareholders?
If it isn't, the shareholders will let them know.
Any Disney employee who has a problem with their policies is free to voice their opinion with their feet & find another job.

As long as Disney isn't practisising discrimination or violating their civil rights it's none of Desantis' business. All Desantis is doing anyway is using Disney to score political points with his idiot base.
And if Woke Disney doesn't like having their favored status taken away and be treated like every other corporation in Florida they are free to voice their opinion with their feet and find another state.
This has nothing to do with Disney's customers.

They pissed off DeSantis by daring to disagree with him and now he will punish for doing so. A very Conservative action on his part. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
People go for entertainment and not putrid social lectures. DeSantis is correct.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

While I support making Disney pay their friggin taxes, I don't support the reason they passed the law. It seems quite petty.
And if Woke Disney doesn't like having their favored status taken away and be treated like every other corporation in Florida they are free to voice their opinion with their feet and find another state.
So much for getting big gubmint off corporate America's back, right mouth breather?

If Disney ever decided to leave Florida DeSantis would be on his knees to Disney execs begging them to stay. Be careful what ya wish for. And the tourist industry within 100 miles of that place would have Desantis' ass in a sling beore you can say Cinderella.
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