Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Crap yeah.... I work just a few miles from Brookline... the whole area has gone crazy. Can't get too specific unfortunately the company has rules about that stuff. I thought about picking up an in town apartment so I could take the edge off of the commuting during the winter season... Cheaper to just buy an AWD vehicle for that purpose. The rat holes I looked at for the money they wanted was insane.

Correct. Taxes were off the charts. Mask mandates were insane. We are still in MA but in a less leftist town.
Do you think that Fla has another way to make up the 75 billion dollars that is connected to Disney being there?

Do they have a way to replace the 400,000 jobs that are connected to Disney being there?

Those are zero sum gain questions and do not encompass the entirety of the situation.

Disney can move but cannot take their land in Florida with them.
What the same piece of land produces is not simply limited to what Disney produces now.
If Disney moves, a good-sized portion of the employees and support services will go with them.
Whatever replaces Disney, should that be the case, is not limited by low expectations.

I am not suggesting that there is an equal balance to everything ...
Just that the complicated network of what exists, can exist, and opportunities yet to be recognized
cannot simply be discounted in attempts to make a rather disingenuous point ... Because you would like to support Disney in the matter.

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The US govt and military invaded Iraq. Correct and if the voters didn’t approve that invasion they would have voted out the party that led it. Pretty simple. So in Florida the people elect officials to do their bidding? Right? Those officials enact laws and rules. If people don’t like them they vote them out as we saw in VA. So how is the “state” punishing anyone?

You are making a distinction without a difference, and one you have never made before. In thrads that talked about the US trade deals you never once pointed out that the US is just land and that land cannot make trade deals.

In threads about Iraq and Afghanistan you never once pointed out that the US is just the land and that land cannot invade a country.

But lets try this, do you think it is wrong for a government to punish an entity for merely disagreeing with a law that was passed?
Nobody's freedom of speech is in danger, Dipshit. You just need to realize your woke bullshit Cult is getting pushback now, finally.

The whole point of this law is to punish the Disney Corp for its members speaking out against the law. If the government of Illinois did this to a company for speaking out against a law you did not agree with you would be calling foul in a second.
You are making a distinction without a difference, and one you have never made before. In thrads that talked about the US trade deals you never once pointed out that the US is just land and that land cannot make trade deals.

In threads about Iraq and Afghanistan you never once pointed out that the US is just the land and that land cannot invade a country.

But lets try this, do you think it is wrong for a government to punish an entity for merely disagreeing with a law that was passed?
Huh? I have? There is a big difference between the US led by Trump and US led by Biden.

Your question is too broad. I ll give you my answer from a personal perspective. The Town of Brookline in my opinion went too far left. The town means the elected officials of the town who decided these policies. My wife and I hated them and our oldest starts HS next year. So we moved.

In terms of Florida and Disney. It’s between its C Level team and the BOD and the state legislature. I frankly only know the big picture. My question is does the C Level team speak for the majority of their shareholders? If yes then what the legislature is doing would not sit well with me if no then it’s fine. But I need more details to opine genuinely.

Do you understand or do I need to dumb this down for you?
Why should Disney gat all that special treatment?

They never should have had that kind of power to begin with.

Tell me how many small businesses get to write their own building codes?
Dimwingers all the sudden love their mega-corporations.
The whole point of this law is to punish the Disney Corp for its members speaking out against the law. If the government of Illinois did this to a company for speaking out against a law you did not agree with you would be calling foul in a second.
“Punishment” is on the shareholders not the corp. This will reduce shareholder value and the shareholders will need to decide if they are OK with this or if their BOD and C Level team is not doing right by them.
Disney is not the only one to get this, there are 5 or 6 other special tax zones in the state. There are hundreds, if not thousands of them across the country.

They got it because it was mutually beneficial to both the state and the company.

How many small businesses account for 75 billion in revenue as well as 400,000 jobs?

How many small businesses account for 75 billion in revenue as well as 400,000 jobs?

It's funny you don't know how stupid that post is.

But small businesses employ far more people in the US than huge corporations.
Do you think that Fla has another way to make up the 75 billion dollars that is connected to Disney being there?

Do they have a way to replace the 400,000 jobs that are connected to Disney being there?
Link us up to Disney announcing they are leaving.
Huh? I have? There is a big difference between the US led by Trump and US led by Biden.

Not according to you. The US is just the land. The land has not changed. You cannot have it both ways.

If the state is only the land and not the people on it or the people elected then the US cannot be anything but the land and not the people on it and not the people elected.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Authoritarian DeSantis's vendetta against private capitalism in defense of his discriminatory gag order is self-promotional grandstanding.

Whether it is merely vapid bluster or he actually will transfer billions in liability to the Florida taxpayer is yet to be determined.
The whole point of this law is to punish the Disney Corp for its members speaking out against the law. If the government of Illinois did this to a company for speaking out against a law you did not agree with you would be calling foul in a second.
Florida is putting Disney in the same boat as all other companies in Florida. Glad to know you support subsidies for multi-billion dollar mega-corporations.
Not according to you. The US is just the land. The land has not changed. You cannot have it both ways.

If the state is only the land and not the people on it or the people elected then the US cannot be anything but the land and not the people on it and not the people elected.
100% that is not what I said. I have always said that officials don’t elect themselves? Not happy with the US policies then elect different officials. I frequently state that GW was the worst president ever.

AOC scared away Amazon and she got re-elected. So the people in her voter base didn’t care. Same in Fla. My guess is the legislators are doing the bidding of their people. This is why so many businesses have fled Cali.
Authoritarian DeSantis's vendetta against private capitalism in defense of his discriminatory gag order is self-promotional grandstanding.

Whether it is merely vapid bluster or he actually will transfer billions in liability to the Florida taxpayer is yet to be determined.
DeSantis was elected so how is he an authoritarian? You leftists have zero common sense.
So now you are promoting goverment subsidies for oil companies.

The worm has turned.
There is no worm.

Which is to say, in the two-party death spiral, no one has an principles or convictions. It's all a game of fucking over the "other side" whenever you get the chance.

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