Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

An accommodation that has been a win-win for free market capitalism and for he Florida taxpayer for half a century is under assault by an authoritarian's vendetta over opposition to his discriminatory gag order in education, nothing more, nothing less.
The fucking irony...lol. You folks on the Left usually love it when the government fucks over private industry, even when there's a negative effect on the citizenry. Too bad y'all aren't all up in arms like this about Biden fucking over the fossil fuel industry.
An accommodation that has been a win-win for free market capitalism and for he Florida taxpayer for half a century is under assault by an authoritarian's vendetta over opposition to his discriminatory gag order in education, nothing more, nothing less.
Disney can make one movie glorifying adult sex with children and make back all the money they lose in Florida
If the Florida bill had something to do with broadcast entertainment rights, I get Disney getting involved.

The bill has nothing to do with Disney. By sticking their nose into this bill, they fucked over their shareholders.

What would you lefties say if Tesia started pushing for the Catholic religion to be taught in school as part of the cirriculum?
Really? You don't complain about laws that are obviously wrong? Why not? You realize we can change laws, right?

We can correct our mistakes. If calling for that is "whining", so be it.

After you have complained about something for a couple decades you just move on.

The tax code will not change because the number of people that would be onboard with losing tax credits for having kids or owning a house could be counted on on hand.
If the Florida bill had something to do with broadcast entertainment rights, I get Disney getting involved.

The bill has nothing to do with Disney. By sticking their nose into this bill, they fucked over their shareholders.

What would you lefties say if Tesia started pushing for the Catholic religion to be taught in school as part of the cirriculum?

I would say that is their right to do and I would be against the Govt punishing them for doing so.
He was elected, and according to your fellow tribe member that means he cannot be an authoritarian.

Personally, I disagree.
I said nothing about being an authoritarian. Your Vegetable Messiah ignored the Constitution and his oath of office.

Please try to keep up.
I said nothing about being an authoritarian. Your Vegetable Messiah ignored the Constitution and his oath of office.

Please try to keep up.

Which makes him an authoritarian. Why must I always explain the obvious to you?
LOL - didn't like the point I made, eh?

I watch people here flip and flop with the wind. Their so-call principles and convictions turn on a dime in service of the culture-war nonsense. Partisans might not see it, but when you take a couple of steps back, the facade crumbles.
How do I flip flop?
You did not say this....States and counties are pieces of land.
They are. And?

Do you agree or disagree that persons making these decisions are elected officials? The mayor of Chicago is a loon. But she didn't elect herself so when people whine about her I just laugh.
Authoritarian DeSantis's vendetta against private capitalism in defense of his discriminatory gag order is self-promotional grandstanding.

Whether it is merely vapid bluster or he actually will transfer billions in liability to the Florida taxpayer is yet to be determined.
The legislature passed this bill. Are you saying that a legislature can be authoritarian just as much as a single person?
Statist intrusion into the capitalistic free market, education, and public health matters to impose an ideological agenda is precisely that.
Again, he was elected so the people presumably that elected him support him doing so. Yes or no? Sound like he is doing what his voters want him to do?

After you have complained about something for a couple decades you just move on.
No, I don't. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Even after a couple of decades.
The tax code will not change because the number of people that would be onboard with losing tax credits for having kids or owning a house could be counted on on hand.
If Trump has taught me anything it's that things actually can change.

Why are you opposed to trying?

I guess just don't get the "it's always been that way" excuse.
So, being elected removes the ability to be an authoritarian?

So, it was not authoritarian of Biden to force mask mandates and vaccine mandates?
No. He was elected to do so and hence his approval rating sucks and his party will get creamed in Nov. Desantis remains popular so his voter base likes what he is doing presumably. Again, Biden was elected. He didn't take the country by force. Elections have consequences.

Disney was expressing an opinion…as it had every right to. That did not used to get political retaliation. Boycotts? Sure. That is the American way. But legislative vengeance or punishment…don’t you think that is a dangerous precedent?

…in terms of biting the hand that feeds you…Disney is Florida’s biggest employer and provided 5 billion in tax revenue to Florida. It is the biggest driver of tourism in that state. Who is feeding whom?

Is this just another form of cancel culture that righty hates so much...until they don't!

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